Chapter 1076 Loving others is all fake
"You know that rich people have special quirks. They rely on their money and power, so they like to do things wrong, know the law and break the law, even if they are people..."

"You misunderstand rich people very much. Many people I know are not like that." Tang Jie had a cold face and clasped her hands nervously.

She used to be rich too, but her life was full of unfettered happiness.

There is no such thing as cruelty, bloodthirsty, lawlessness, or misconduct.

"He likes to watch other people bleed, fight, and sell his conscience in order to survive."

"He used to send people out on the street to kidnap those people."

"Unfortunately, Fu Jiangli fell in love with him."

Every time he said a word, Tang Jie's heart rose even more, and her nervous fingers sank into the flesh of her palm.

"I still remember when Mr. Ou said that the people of Hua Country are resistant to fighting, they are stubborn in their bones! They won't give in, this guy must be fun..."

Justin stared at her with deep eyes and bit his lip, "So nervous? You didn't go to the scene to watch it. That called a purgatory on earth."

"Aren't you afraid of retribution for doing this?"

Tang Jie's eyes were flushed, and she asked in a voice, "The school has disappeared for some reason, isn't the school looking for it?"


"Do you think the school is a charity? You searched for it symbolically, but later found that you couldn't find it, so let it go. Can you mobilize the power of the whole country for a Fu Jiang ceremony?"

Justin leaned towards her slightly, "Miss Tang, why do you think he is so important?"

Fu Jiang etiquette is not important is relative.

In the eyes of others, maybe Fu Jiangli is nothing.

But in her eyes, Fu Jiangli is more important than herself.

Fu Jiangli is the tip of her heart.

Unless the heart dies, in this life, I don't want to leave him.

"Crying now?" Justin handed her a white handkerchief, "I haven't gotten to the point, so why don't you just cry."

Tang Jie didn't take his handkerchief either, she just blinked and forced back tears.

"Your stubborn look reminds me of him back then." Justin withdrew his handkerchief, "He's just like you, stubborn!"

"I was the one who brought them to Tianyi Island. I brought 100 of them, and only one can survive..."

Tang Jie closed her eyes, Justin's words seemed to have a picture in her mind.

Relying on his wealth, Ou Wei bought a private island. He usually likes to watch those people's bloodthirsty fights on it. It's like moving the ancient Roman arena to modern times.

At first, Fu Jiangli didn't kill anyone, and he kept trying to escape.

Even formed a small group to think of ways to leave the island.

The night they were about to leave, they were betrayed.

The person in the small group ate a lot of food, watched them being thrown into the dungeon where the tiger was kept, and stood behind the monitor like Ou Wei, feeling excited.

Although that person was also thrown down in the end, Fu Jiangli and the others couldn't escape at all.

They were put in chains.

"I still remember how he killed the first person..."

"Don't say it!" Tang Jie snapped, "I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it..."

"Why, are you afraid..." Justin raised his eyebrows, "Are you afraid that his blood-stained hands will carry a sharp sword when he hugs you, stained with other people's blood, and you can no longer accept him?"

"Love is so fragile."

"Besides yourself, loving others is all fake!"

"In this world, selfishness is the most important thing."

Justin never believed in love.

"He has blood on his hands, what about you? What are you? What qualifications do you have to be compared with him?" Tang Jie stared at him angrily, "You are helping the evildoers, you deserve death!"

(End of this chapter)

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