Chapter 326
Very tired today.

After Zhao Chumian went back, he went to the bedroom.

"Xiao Zhao..." Lu Jin looked at her worriedly, "Are you sick?"

On the stairs, Lu Jin stepped forward, stopped in front of her, and reached out to touch her forehead.

The temperature seems to be on the high side.

But the body temperature of pregnant women is a little higher than normal.

Zhao Chumian raised her head, "The doctor said that I should be fit to be a lazy pig now."

Lu Jin smiled, "You are."

"You're a pig."

"Yes, I am a pig too."

Pigs and pigs are paired.

Zhao Chumian slipped down from his supporting arm and went upstairs, "I'm sleeping, don't bother me..."

"it is good."

Just say it, and it's not like he won't take back his hand.

But her actions just now are so cute!
so cute……

Lu Jin's heart fluttered.

If it weren't for the fact that the following TV series couldn't be pushed, he just wanted to stay at home with her and raise the baby.

He will be filming for three months...

Still under normal progress.

I'm so sorry.

Lu Jin went back to the room next to her and lay down for a while.

Guess she should be asleep.

Get up like a thief and get into her room.

I took a few photos secretly, and looked forward to plum blossoms to quench my thirst when filming.

Classmate Xiao Zhao slept soundly, lying on the bed smoothly and meticulously, with his hands on his lower abdomen and his long hair falling by his ears.

Just looking at her so quietly, he couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart.

I really want to...

kiss her.

Lu Jin took a few photos of her face, and left the room as if fleeing.

Don't forget to close the door carefully when you leave.

Can't sleep at all now.

Lu Jin took his script book and went downstairs to recite his lines.

After an unknown amount of time, her screams were heard upstairs.

With a flick of the script in his hand, he rushed upstairs.

"Zhao Chumian!"

"what happened to you?"

Don't scare him.

He pushed open the door nervously, and saw her, Zhao Chumian, excitedly holding her mobile phone, her eyes sparkling.

Then he ran over happily, "My brother contacted me! My brother pulled me out of the blacklist!"

"Listen, the voice he sent me."

Zhao Chumian clicked on the voice playback happily, and Zhao Suoxuan's deep and calm voice came from the phone: "Brother is coming back from the Chinese New Year, and I'm going to take care of him then."

"Ah..." She jumped up happily, "Brother is not angry with me, I want to come back and clean up Sheng Xifang!"

"En." Lu Jin's eyes were gentle, and he pressed her slender shoulders, "Don't jump."

Although he had an evil thought for a moment, her body was important.

He didn't want her to get hurt.

She didn't care how she treated Sheng Xifang, after pulling her out of the blacklist, she still felt sorry for her brother.

Although my brother is angry, he is his own after all.

After Zhao Chumian was happy, he suddenly remembered that Sheng Xifang said today that he would find a way to contact his brother.

Brother didn't contact her because of Sheng Xifang, did he?

Just thinking about it, Zhao Suoxuan sent another message.

He said: "Be happy, brother will give you whatever you want."

I want my brother to forgive her for her waywardness and stubbornness.

Will my brother forgive me?

"Brother Zhao should be in the early morning, let him go to bed early." Lu Jin lowered his head, "We'll talk later."

It has been released, and the siblings have plenty of time to chat.

just now……

Zhao Chumian should be calm and calm.

She was so excited, her face was flushed, and her hair was messy. While replying to Zhao Suoxuan's message, she couldn't help shaking her body.


Sure enough, after sending a few messages to my brother, there was no news from there.

If it wasn't for the red exclamation mark on the screen, I would have thought she had been blocked again.

"Lu Jin, I'm so happy today!" Zhao Chumian looked up at him, "Sister treats you to a big meal."

"it is good."

Lu Jin dressed up carefully, and she also changed into a beautiful dress, but when she got there, she realized that there were more than the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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