Pirates: Copy talents from Elbaf

Chapter 10 10. The arrival of the Winter Solstice Festival (ask for a monthly ticket! ask for a reco

Chapter 10 10. The arrival of the Winter Solstice Festival (ask for a monthly ticket! ask for a recommendation! ask for a reward!)
"Slow down, slow down, no one will grab it," Gelz said to Roy, reaching out and passing a Samura.

Roy reached out to take it and took a bite.

"Who said that?" He pointed to Lingling while eating.

At this moment, Lingling quickly grasped one Samra after another with both hands, and the Samra on the table disappeared visibly with the naked eye.

The two giants saw that Lingling was eating too fast, so they quickly stopped pressing her, but Lingling's teeth clenched together like iron teeth, and the next moment, she pushed the two giants away up.

Lingling, who was excited to eat, didn't care if it was enough for others to share.

She raised her hands to the sky and shouted viciously, "Samra~!"

Then, he reached out and took away the last few samras on the plates of Geerz, Helding and others.

Lingling reached out her hand in front of Roy, froze for a moment, blinked, and spared him.

Fortunately, this is not an outbreak of cravings.
Roy winked at Geltz, look, what am I talking about?

Lingling snatched it, so he left a piece in his hand.

Gelz was stunned. When it comes to combat effectiveness, you two are the fiercest.

"Oh? Don't you want to eat? Do you want to give it to Lingling?" Lingling chewed on the Samla in her mouth, staring at the Samla in Roy's hand obsessively.

Well, after thinking about it for a second, Lingling still felt that the food was better than brother Roy.

Roy handed Samra over, here you are, here you are.

Who let him take Lingling's talent? It's just a snack.

The nun looked at this scene with a smile, and secretly sneered in her heart. Roy's price can go up a lot.

Lingling threw the last piece of samura into her mouth with satisfaction, enjoying the time after the meal with a satisfied face.

Roy left his seat and walked to another table in the distance.

Heh, he didn't go to rub Samra, he just went to see the newly born Prince Rocky and the newly born Rod Goldback.

A beautiful giant woman was holding a newborn baby in her arms, and not far from the woman, a giant man was holding a newborn son in his arms.

Roy came to this table, sat down, took a Samura, and looked into the woman's arms while eating.

Tsk tsk, baby giants are cute.

The man handed the son to the beautiful wife, picked up the wine glass himself, and went to drink with the other giants.

Roy watched the babies while he ate the samra.

"It's cute, hahaha~" The beautiful woman carried her son and smiled at Roy.

For Roy, although he is inconspicuous in size, he is extremely talented, crushing giant cubs, but very sensible little guy.

There is no fighter in Elbaf, or one that women don't like.

"Prince Rocky is really cute." Roy smiled and stretched out his hand, grabbing Rocky's fair and tender face.

In other words, Loki is so fucking beautiful and sexy, why would he fall in love with such a weird-looking Laura in the future?
It is true that happiness is always short-lived.

Roy finished teasing the white and tender baby, and Lingling ate Samura to his full. Tomorrow, the sad winter solstice festival will be ushered in.

The next day.

The first day of the twelfth day of the Winter Solstice Festival.

People in Elbaf believe that the annual winter solstice is to celebrate the "death and resurrection of the sun".

And during these twelve days, according to custom, they need to fast.

The harsher and more difficult the fasting period, the more you know how to cherish the return of the sun.

Heavy snow fluttered outside the window, and the ground and roof were covered with a layer of silver, completely covered in silver.

Inside the house, there was a discussion between Lingling and the nun.

Roy sat by the window, looking at the snow scene outside the window.

Starting today, Master Redding stopped teaching and training him and Haier Ding.

Because of the twelve-day fast, it is necessary to save energy every day.

The flame in the fireplace was beating, and the children were sitting around one by one, playing happily.

Roy tilted his head and glanced at them, um, children, it's normal.

It will be exciting at first, and it will be fun.

After starving him for a few days, everything wilted.

The third day of fasting.

"Nun, I'm starving."

Inside the house, Lingling complained.

Roy sat quietly by the window, and looked back at Lingling, good guy, she has such a dangerous expression on her face.

By the way, on what day did Lingling go berserk after fasting?

The nun comforted Lingling by the fireplace and told her about the tradition of the Elbaf winter solstice.

Lingling is hungry, but tell her traditional stories?
This is like telling employees about their dreams, but never talking about why they changed their ways to cut wages.

If you are in a hurry, maybe some fierce person will explode.

yes. dead~
And Lingling is the fierce person who cut my salary and made you dead.

"Nun, I'm going out to get some air." After Roy said, he put on his padded jacket, put on his shoes, picked up his sword, and went out.

"Okay, but don't go too far, pay attention to safety." The nun turned her head and said with a smile.

"Okay." Roy nodded, pushed open the door, and the cold wind whizzed in instantly, and the wind and snow drifted in.

He hurried out of the house and closed the door.

Lingling looked at it suspiciously, she had been hungry for three days, did Roy hide food outside?

"Nun, I'll go see him." Lingling said listlessly.

Outside the house, the wind and snow were blowing. Roy wrapped his clothes and walked slowly on the snowy road. Hearing the voice behind him, he smiled.

All the way away from the Lamb's House, Roy looked at the distance, the village of Elbaf, and the lovely wooden carvings of sheep on the roof were no longer visible.

Only then did Roy turn around and look at Lingling who followed him all the way, reached out and took out a bag of biscuits from his arms, and handed it over: "Here, don't be hungry."

"Wow!" Lingling lifted her spirits instantly, reached for the biscuit bag, and her saliva flowed out.

Brother Roy is the best!

"But... the nun said, this is Elbaf's tradition, isn't it good for us to be like this?" Lingling said with a distaste for integrity, but opened the bag with a hiss in her hand.

"Eat, eat, remember to wipe your mouth clean when you go back, just don't be found evidence." Roy waved his hand, turned and left.

Heh, it's best to let Lingling break out of eating cravings slowly.

He's trying to figure out how to deal with it.

After all, the people of Elbaf were really kind to him, and Master Redding was even willing to teach him the sword skills of the giants.

He has to do something for the giants to feel better.

Alone, walking in the snow and ice, Roy wandered around Elbaf, and then around the rest of the island.

He is looking for something.

"It's strange, how come she's been hungry for three days, and the intimacy value doesn't increase by giving her food in the snow?" Roy looked back in confusion.

The fourth day of fasting.

In the house, the nuns and everyone sat by the warm fireplace and told stories.

Lingling's spirit was much better than before, and she also listened patiently.

After all, Roy secretly fed her some food again today.

"It's strange, why don't you become more intimate?" Roy looked at Lingling puzzled. He had a guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

 Don't think that the nun doesn't dare to sell the protagonist, she even dares to sell Lingling who is so strong, as long as she is a child of the House of Lambs, she dares to sell.

  She will send the child away on the grounds that "the child met a family willing to adopt him", and then sell it to the Navy, or the CP organization.

  Of course, the nun ended badly, and she was suspected to be eaten by Lingling, who was too selfless to eat~
(End of this chapter)

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