Pirates: Copy talents from Elbaf

Chapter 109 109. Self-strategy is the deadliest

Chapter 109 109. Self-strategy is the deadliest

Chambord Islands, tree area 66.

Naval base.

A large number of navies were dispatched collectively and quickly moved towards various places on the island. They began to patrol frantically according to the requirements of their superiors.

At the same time, at the Marin Vanduo Navy Headquarters, one after another naval warship was dispatched from the port, and quickly sailed to the waters near the Red Earth Continent Marie Gioia. A large number of navies, receiving orders from their superiors, began to arrest a large number of people who had fled Marie Gioia. slave.

At the same time, the world government is like a hornet's nest being stabbed.

In the first half of the great route, and in the second half of the new world, the Navy G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5 and many other naval branches of the great route dispatched warships one after another. Surrounded by the nearby seas on both sides of the mainland.

The mysterious man burned Maryjoa, killed many Celestial Dragons, and let go of all the slaves on Maryjoia. This disaster is too great!
In fact, many years later, Fisher Tiger went to Mary Joa to make a big fuss, which was also the result.

Roy arguably pre-empted Tiger's feat, yet to show up.
The people of Tianlong were all mad. A place like Mary Joya had caused a scene of riots, and the culprit had even escaped. The key point was that they didn't know who to arrest! ! !

However, as for those slaves, how much they can escape is irrelevant to Roy's affairs.

After all, Tiger didn't care about these back then, and those who wanted to survive would naturally run away crazily.

Escape to both sides of the Red Earth Continent, or escape to the New World, or Paradise.
Roy let them go, and the rest depends on their fate. After all, in this era, if you want to live, you have to rely on yourself in the end!

At best the Navy turned a blind eye to some of the slaves swimming past.

This is Roy, as well as some "pretending to be confused" navies, who "mostly" help.

Chambord Islands, tree area 13.

Xia Qi's rip-off BAR!

The beautiful and sexy shopkeeper is sitting at the bar at this time, holding a lady's cigarette between her fingers, and resting her arms and elbows on the bar table. She is sitting leaning forward, smiling at the children in front of her, and those female slave.


Xia Qi puffed out the smoke lightly, her beautiful eyes looked at Lei Li helplessly, as if she was blaming her.

Rayleigh looked at her, smiled thickly, picked up the glass and poured the wine and drank it.

It seemed that he didn't bring those troubles back, which really gave Xia Qi a headache.

Now the navy is arresting slaves everywhere, looking for the real culprit who set Marie Gioia on fire. Although they still don't know the truth of the matter, they can see the seriousness of the matter.

After all, Marin Fando, those amazing guys, are all dispatched.

"." Roy looked at Xia Qi in surprise. On the way to escape, he roughly calculated in his mind the current time.

From Hancock's mouth, I learned that she is only 12 years old this year, so this year is 1505 in the lunar calendar.

It was the year when the empress was just sold to the Tianlong people when she was young.

Well, Xia Qi is now 45 years old, she is much younger than when she appeared on the stage, she looks like a pretty girl in her 20s!
Lucky Riley.

But why did Raleigh abduct himself and Hancock and the others into Xia Qi's shop.

Roy was very curious, and also curious about why they saved Hancock and others in the original book.

"Kids, did you escape from 'there'?" Xia Qi said vaguely, referring to Mary Gioia.

But she still took care of the slave's mood very gently.

That's right, the pirates in this world are not purely evil.

Roy understood what Xia Qi meant, nodded, took the drink Xia Qi handed over, and pushed it to Hancock: "Well, thank you pretty sister for taking me in, thank you for taking me in."

After thanking Xiaqi Xie Leili, it’s always right to have a sweeter mouth~
Lei Li looked at him strangely, why didn't he call him brother like Xia Qi?Well
That's right, he's 59, it's not good to call him brother, but he and Xia Qi are a couple when called uncle.

The clever little ghost definitely saw this, and felt that it was wrong to shout.

Old Rayleigh smiled politely, lowered his head and continued to drink his own wine, and decided to cool down this annoying brat for a while.

The sweet mouth is directed at his wife.
"So, what are your plans?" Xia Qi handed another glass of drink, Roy took it, and quickly handed it to his sisters-in-law.

Hey ~
He will attack Hancock sooner or later.

marry her.

Sandersonia and Marigold, aren't they just his sister-in-law~
Cough cough, sooner or later.
Xia Qi couldn't help laughing, and then turned away from Lei Li, feeling that this brat looked a bit like Lei Li lied to her back then.

It's just that this kid is too young!
You will cheat on girls at such a young age, and you will have to pay for it in the future! ?

"?" Lei Li was frightened by Xia Qi's look, and thought to himself, what do you see me doing?

"where are we going?"

Hancock lowered his head and asked Roy, she also wanted to ask this question, what was her plan.

The two younger sisters looked at their older sister in bewilderment, what's going on, shouldn't they go back to the Amazon Kingdom?

What's the matter with my sister, she suffered a loss and dared to run around?
Although Brother Roy is handsome, has a nice voice, is powerful, and possesses a gentle charm
But where did my proud sister go? ?
Roy was also confused by the question. Although he saved Hancock, this is really the proud, narcissistic, and powerful Hancock! ?

Don't be surprised, the human Han Cook was really this character when he was young.

The experience of human traffickers only added to her a deep hatred of Tianlong people and some shadow changes in her heart.

At most, that incident exaggerated and magnified the arrogance in her heart.

Only then did she become the empress who is extremely arrogant, self-willed, and extremely contemptuous of others.

In fact, in that situation, [-]% of the disguise is [-]% of the reason for the drastic change in personality.

But pride will never change, can .
Hancock, your character design is broken, you know?

[Intimacy with Boa Hancock +20! 】

Hancock looked up, pursed his lips, and secretly looked at Roy.

"Is this the strongest player in the self-guided strategy?" Roy combined the reminder sound and Hancock's small movements, and instantly understood.

It turned out that it wasn't a collapsed person, but she already had a great crush on Roy! ?

Giving charcoal in times of need is never as good as saving people in need.

Roy fell from the sky at the darkest moment of her life. This effect is much stronger than Luffy helping her block the mark!
Roy sipped the drink Xia Qi handed over, what should I do, I'm waiting online, I'm in a hurry.

For the first time in his life, he was chased backwards by the young girl Crane.

But he didn't choose the other party.

For the second time in my life, I turned out to be the young empress——Boa Hancock! ?
Yes. A little flustered.

Well, actually excited.
"Where I can go." Roy bowed his head and shook his head in distress.

This is not an act, Ah Shi is still traveling through time and space, he hasn't grown up now, so he doesn't dare to sway in front of his god-sister Lingling easily.

Save her from being tough.
Then he really has nowhere to go now.

Is it going to Elbaf?
There was no girl he wanted there.
"Brother Roy, don't you have a home to return to?" Hancock felt that he was a smart group, why not invite Brother Roy to her hometown, she would be able to coax the emperor of Amazon with her temper and coquettishness, right?
See, Hancock has a crush on someone.

The sign is wisdom.
"It's a very familiar name." Raleigh was still thinking about something.

Roy, Roy.
I seem to have heard this name somewhere, but I'm not familiar with it, so I can't remember it for a while
[Popular ten thousand words on the shelves!Check out the other chapters, coming soon! 】

(End of this chapter)

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