Transformers in comics

Chapter 81 Revolution

Chapter 81 Revolution
I don't know when it started, a large number of weapons flowed into the entire old city.Although these weapons are old and backward in the eyes of knowledgeable people, in the eyes of the precarious people in the old city, it is really earth-shattering to be able to sell them weapons of reasonable price and high quality!
The whole Old Town is buzzing!
The old city is controlled by a large number of gangsters, and it is impossible for such weapons to flow in on weekdays!
The civilians who lived in poverty and were oppressed and exploited by the gangs gritted their teeth and took out the money they had worked so hard to hide, and went out of the house to buy the weapons they used.

The old tramp is still guarding the broken oil barrel. The weather is fine today. During the rainy season, such fine weather is the happiest thing for a tramp whose life is hard. It means that he does not have to be cold and can spend more time going look for food.He is getting old, not to mention that there are no jobs for him in the old town, and the people living here are poor people, and it is a completely different world from the new town.

Until the local gangster came to the door again.

"Old man, it's time to pay this month's allowance!" A member of the Falcon family stopped and said fiercely to the old homeless man.According to the past, this group of untouchables would meekly take out the money and all kinds of rags they had accumulated, and he could hand in some of it and secretly keep some for himself.

resist?Sorry, this group of poor untouchables dare not resist, let alone know how to resist.The whole old town is ruled by Falcon and a bunch of gangsters surviving in the cracks. Firearms are all monopolized. How can the untouchables resist?Branches and sticks?

The old homeless man stared: "I have already handed it over! I handed it over to you a few days ago! I can't even afford to eat now, and I pick up trash to eat every day. All the money and rags are given to you !” He tightened his coat, the last good thing he had left.

"What? Gave it to me? Why don't I know, then you can hand it in again." The little gangster sneered, cursing something ridiculous in his heart.

The old homeless man's face was flushed, and he looked at each other with hatred. He pursed his lips and touched the cold metal with his hand in his pocket, which gave him a little sense of security.

"If Falcone is still alive, at least he doesn't bother to steal money from the poor..."

"What did you say?" The little gangster was a little startled. He dug his ears and drew his gun brazenly. "Are you complaining? You don't want to live anymore?"

A gunshot, like the first shot fired against the brutal rule of the Falcon family, resounded throughout the old city. This shot was also engraved in the history of Gotham City, and was written about by future generations.

The old tramp tightly held the gun he had just bought, his hands were shaking, and he stared at the fallen punk with vicious and fearful eyes.

He kills!Kill Falcon's henchman!

Coincidentally, Anderson, who turned into an arms broker, was not far from the old tramp. He was assigned by Downey to the old city, and a large amount of arms flowed out of him.Hearing the noise, he hurried over and saw the scene where the old tramp shot and killed the other party.

"I... I killed Falken's men..." the old tramp murmured tremblingly.

Anderson looked at this rare and even crazy scene in front of him, and suddenly smiled for some reason.Falcon is the underground king of Gotham, the emperor of the old city, and in Anderson's eyes, he is even more of a colossus, but that was before.

The emperor's subordinates, not long ago, could ride on Anderson's head and domineeringly, but now they are worthless like rubbish on the side of the road.

Anderson stared at the old homeless man, especially the gun in his hand, in a daze.He, Anderson, will officially embark on another path starting today, and there will be no turning back.Otherwise, Falcon would not let him go, and would definitely chop him up and feed him to the dogs.Following Downey's footsteps closely was his only choice.Still, the new direction doesn't look bad, does it?

"The clothes are good!" Anderson praised, shook his coat, and turned away with his two newly recruited men.

The old homeless man was still holding the gun, and stood there in a daze, silent for a long time.His intuition told him that this was just the beginning, the arms dealers who appeared in the old city would not stop selling weapons, and more and more poor people would take up arms to resist.

The revolution begins.


A banquet hosted by Bruce Wayne was underway, and many local celebrities participated, including two-time business and political figures.Even Downey got involved. Many people looked at Downey with weird eyes, but no one said anything after all.

Even Bruce didn't say anything. As a big dog, Bruce held a reception to make fun. Who stipulated that Downey couldn't enter?

"Mr. Downey, I heard that you handed over the affairs of the old town to a gangster named Anderson?" Fox took the initiative to come over to chat with Downey, saving him from the embarrassment of standing stupidly.

Downey's actions couldn't be hidden from the Wayne Group, or Batman. They secretly dumped weapons to the poor in the old city, and even offered installment payment discounts. If there was nothing, they would not believe it.

"Mr. Fox." Downey raised his glass and signaled, "Anderson is a very good guy, smart and cunning enough to handle the affairs over there." He wasn't afraid that Anderson would mess things up, and he wouldn't be able to sell even a few scattered weapons. Being a mouse is too useless.

As for betrayal?Hehehe, as long as Anderson is in the right mind, he won't betray at will, because he knows Downey will definitely kill him...

"Miss Pepper just left yesterday, but I don't know that Mr. Downey stayed here to be in charge of the old city? I heard that people die every day there, including the poor and gangsters." Fox's eyes were sharp.

"If you don't break the haze above your head with your own hands, how can you see the sun? I just give them the opportunity to obtain weapons. The power to buy or not to buy is in their hands, and the power to resist is also in their hands. Of course they can choose to continue. As good citizens, they regularly turn in their belongings in exchange for Falcon's protection, and no one forces them to make a choice." Downey's expression was meaningful, "At least give the people a chance to resist, and the efficiency is far better than Batman alone, no matter what What the hell is Batman doing, this city is still dying of people all the time, why not let the people choose?"

Fox's eyelids twitched, and he stared at Downey, trying to see something in the young man's eyes, but found nothing. Downey's expression didn't change at all, as if what he just said had no potential meaning.

On the other side of the reception, the dark knight Batman and Gotham City's justice knight Harvey finally reached a consensus to completely defeat Falcon and the Joker.

"What are you going to do with Mr. Liu? He has hidden all the money of the Falcon family." Harvey looked at Batman seriously.

"I'll go to Hong Kong and bring him back to Gotham." Batman said hoarsely.

"One more thing... The Stark Group is selling arms in the old city, and there have been sporadic firefights and casualties between civilians and gangsters."

"It's not the Stark Group that's selling arms, it's Downey himself that's selling arms! He armed the old city, he coerced the people, and sent innocent people to the battlefield!" Batman stood in the shadows, his tone stern, but his eyes But he hesitated a little, "After dealing with Mr. Liu's matter, I will go to Downey and send him to prison. He shouldn't do this, and innocent people shouldn't be his soldiers... What Gotham City needs is Stability, not war... Gotham needs you, Harvey, you are the conscience of the city!"

"Harvey, only you can end the evil in this city! Only you!"

(End of this chapter)

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