From a barbecue stand to a global gourmet tycoon

Chapter 105 More than friendship, less than lover?

Chapter 105 More than friendship, less than lover?
Lu Chenyu did come here after drinking, although he was not drunk, but he enjoyed the feeling of being slightly drunk.

In addition, eating supper with Chu Hao again, while being happy, he also relaxed.

In fact, she was also quite puzzled. Obviously, her previous self had not had such a personality, but as she got older, she might also be anxious. Besides, the man in front of her was handsome, strong and tall. It's the sense of security that makes her very useful.

Seeing Chu Hao rubbing his cold hands with his big warm hands, Lu Chenyu couldn't help thinking wildly.

"Chu Hao, I told them that next time I want you to treat them to dinner."

"Huh? Who did you tell?"

"It's Teacher Duan and my girlfriends."

"Oh." Chu Hao focused on rubbing her hands, so he replied casually, "Then please, don't forget to introduce me then."

Lu Chenyu blushed, "Chu Hao, are you really willing to treat me? Do you know what it means?"

"Ah? What... what do you mean? Isn't it for playing with me?" Chu Hao raised his head, staring intently and seriously into her eyes.

For boys, there is a friend who introduces you to new friends just to bring him into the circle and play together.

In Chu Hao's view, Lu Chenyu pulled herself into her circle just for the sake of excitement, and there was no more meaning in it.

Facing Chu Hao's sincere eyes, Lu Chenyu couldn't bear it, she turned her face away slightly, looked to the side, and said cautiously: "Let me invite you."

"No, please. Didn't you make an agreement with them?" Chu Hao put on an expression of loyalty first, but at the same time he was still rubbing his hands for her.

The cold little hands became warm.

Lu Chenyu clenched his fists, pulled out his hand, and punched him with a milky taste, as if he hated iron but not steel.

Yes, Chu Hao is good everywhere, but he is too stupid.

It may be because he has never been in a relationship before, and he really doesn't understand some things.

But Lu Chenyu was thinking again, although the relationship with Chu Hao was mostly fake, but the relationship between friends was serious, but there was also a feeling of "more than friendship but not enough lovers".

No matter what Lu Chenyu said, he was half responsible for making the relationship like this.

Her own thoughts can be put aside first, but she is very curious about Chu Hao's thoughts.

Because Lu Chenyu understands that some people feel that this kind of relationship is actually a precious dilemma, because once losing this friend, it may be more painful than losing love.

It belongs to yes, I don't want to be a lover, but I also want to be greedy to be friends for a lifetime.

As a result, two people will become cautious when getting along and always have a sense of scale.

What about Chu Hao?

Lu Chenyu looked at the man beside him.

Would he just want to be friends with himself, not a lover?
If so, wouldn't he become his boyfriend?
Immediately, Lu Chenyu's thoughts diverged and he thought, is there really a pure friendship between a man and a woman?

Chu Hao on the side didn't think much about it. When he saw Lu Chenyu sitting in a daze, he asked, "Are all your best friends teachers at Shandong University?"

Lu Chenyu shook his head: "No, it's friends who were in college before, and now they all work in various industries."

"Then do you usually drink?"

"How come!" Lu Chenyu smiled angrily, "The main reason is that there is no time, and drinking in a group game is the cheapest and most convenient way to reunite. We also agreed before that when we have money, everyone will bring it with us. My boyfriend, go out and drive together, that will be lively! But unfortunately, the agreement has never been fulfilled."

Chu Hao nodded, "I also yearn for this kind of life."

Lu Chenyu smiled, "Do you want to take the girls out for a self-drive too?"


Chu Hao was so shy that he didn't dare to look at her.

Lu Chenyu was also a little shy, so the two fell into silence.

Fortunately, at this time, the grilled fish was brought up. It was served on a large, fragrant plate on a rectangular clean iron plate. The surface was covered with scattered oily chili peppers, sprinkled with green onions, and the bright red was slightly green. The hot aroma hit the face Come.

Chu Hao handed Lu Chenyu a pair of chopsticks, "Try it quickly, it's really delicious!"

Lu Chenyu looked curious, she said she was hungry, it was true, she didn't eat much in the afternoon, so now seeing this plate of mou'eryu, she immediately whetted her appetite and twitched her fingers.

She first put a piece of fish into her mouth, chewed it carefully, the skin was crispy and delicious, the fish was thick and moist, the cannabis was spicy, and the taste was thick and fragrant!
"Yeah! Delicious!" Lu Chenyu's eyes sparkled.

Chu Hao also nodded, took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

This shop has always had a good business in fish. In addition to the moisture of the fish itself, the spicy oil is also a must.

First use dried chili and rapeseed oil, stir-fry quickly on a low heat without frying, to force out the aroma of the chili, then mash the chili by hand to release the flavor to the greatest extent, and finally use room temperature raw oil and stir-fried chili to make Oil chili.

The mouse fish is also carefully selected. This kind of fish has more flesh and less thorns. It belongs to deep-sea fish and dies when it comes out of the water.

Of course, it is usually frozen and transported directly after being salvaged, so the freshness can be guaranteed.

The mouse fish is also a wonderful dish with hot pot, but barbecue is a must. Chu Hao prefers the latter. Brush oil on the stove, bake it slowly over medium heat until the skin is browned, and beat the whole fish in the oil and pepper while it is hot. A roll, sprinkle with enough peppercorns at the end, spicy and spicy, wonderful.

Generally speaking, most of the fish in Shancheng use dried chili noodles, but Lao Liu's craft uses fried chili peppers. In terms of taste, it belongs to the ceiling level.

Of course, we can't just eat fish, Chu Hao also ordered a lot of vegetables.

I roasted two servings of leeks and three servings of bean curd. The taste is also very good, but it is still relatively ordinary. It can only be used as a matching mouth. There are still many shortcomings in single selection.

From Chu Hao's point of view, the roasted leeks are a bit dry, without moisture, and very few of them are even burnt. This must not be roasted by the master, but by the apprentice.

The tofu skin does not seem to be made by hand, but pressed out by a machine. Although it is very spicy, the taste is too monotonous.

The secret to baked tofu skin is all kinds of sauces, and it also has to be paired with handmade tofu skin to make it delicious.

However, with grilled fish on the table, it doesn't matter if the other side dishes are good or not.

Lu Chenyu ate very comfortably. From time to time, he held a pair of chopsticks in his palm and fed them to Chu Hao, looking like a virtuous little wife.

Naturally, Chu Hao would not refuse anyone who came, and also endured his shyness, accepting Lu Chenyu's careful feeding.

When he finished eating in one bite, Lu Chenyu looked at Chu Hao with a smile, and at the same time put the chopsticks he had eaten into her mouth and sipped it twice.

Cough cough cough...

I don't know if she did it on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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