Chapter 120 Endless
"Tell me what needs to be done, and I'll do it," he said dryly. "I have time now... How am I going to get home without my son?"

Su Mengfan nodded nervously, and walked away from this worried man.

He didn't know how to comfort a man who was suffering from the loss of a child. He must not be able to explain to his wife after returning home.

At this moment, Su Mengfan could imagine what would happen at that time. If he was the only one who had an accident after the car accident, his parents would be like Anton in front of him.

He felt that it was unreasonable to seek help from a man who had just lost a child... The fault of him and Su Mengfan deprived him of...

He caught up with Olmedo again.

Olmedo was clearly in a good mood, humming as the line marched behind him.

Seeing Su Mengfan, he smiled at him.

Listening to the tunes Olmedo picked up, Su Mengfan recognized them as songs about sacred battles they had sung on top of the train.

"You know, at first I thought the song was about us fighting the darkness," he said.

"Later, I realized it was about the Fourth Reich. Who did it? Someone from the Red Zone?"

"This song is about 150 years old, if not 100 years old." Olmedo shook his head and said,
"They made it for one war and then used it for another war.

It's not bad for any war.

In war, it can bring courage to people, inspire soldiers' ambition, and prepare them for a better fighting state.

Throughout human history, he will always see himself as the light side of the world and his enemies as the dark side.

And, they will think so, on every side ahead. "

Su Mengfan added himself, "Whatever it means." His thoughts flicked to the dark side.

"Perhaps it means that people, say the residents of VDNKh station, are evil and dark to them?"

Su Mengfan reconsidered. He did not allow himself to regard darkness as an ordinary enemy.

Because as long as someone opens half the door for them, nothing can stop them.

"You mean the song is eternal," Olmedo said unexpectedly.
"I also think that in our country, all eras are the same. Take can't change them no matter what, they are as stubborn as mules.

So, it seems like the end of the world is not far away, and you can’t get out without radiation-proof clothing.

The garbage you originally saw in the theater has doubled... No!
You have no idea about them!
They haven't changed.

Sometimes it seems to me that nothing has changed.

Like today I got to the Kremlin. "He smiled bitterly.

"I'm thinking, there's nothing new there. I can't pinpoint when they attacked us with this waste, 30 years ago or 300 years ago."

"Did such weapons really exist there 300 years ago?" Su Mengfan was a little skeptical, but Olmedo did not answer.

On the floor of the Bug they had seen two or three descriptions, but no symbols of savages.

The first image expresses the warriors defending themselves and reorganizing themselves so that they can protect themselves.

But when they saw the third image, they let go of their tension.

Ullman said lightly: "They are not talking nonsense. Today is a holy day. They stayed in the station and did not enter the tunnel."

What was Olmedo thinking? According to his calculations, the missile device was not far away.

It should be around here, not that far away from here.

From time to time he checked the hand-drawn map and repeated absently:

"Somewhere here... isn't it? No, it's not that corner. Where is the pressurized door? We should be approaching it..."

Finally, they came to a fork in the road, and to the left was a fenced-in cul-de-sac that ended in the remains of a pressurized gate.

Within the reach of the flashlight beam, to the right is a straight tunnel.

"That's it!" Olmedo decided,
"Here we are, marked on the map, where, like Victory Park, the tunnel behind the fence has collapsed. That must be the road to Tregak. So..."

He illuminated the map with a flashlight and said loudly, "This line diverges directly from the fork. This way leads to the Kremlin. We came from there, right."

Then he and Ullman climbed behind the fence and wandered the dead end for about ten minutes, examining the walls and ceiling with flashlights.

"Okay, this time the passage is on the floor, it's a round cover, like a sewer manhole." Olmedo said when he came back, "Everyone is here, let's take a rest."

When everyone took off their backpacks and stretched their bodies on the ground to rest, something strange happened to Su Mengfan.

Despite being in an awkward position, he was able to fall asleep immediately. This was the result of the damage caused by the accumulated exhaustion of 24 hours or the side effects of the toxicity of the paralysis injection.

Su Mengfan saw himself sleeping in the tent at Hayabusa Station again, just like in his previous dream, this tent was dark and abandoned in the station.

Su Mengfan knew what to expect now, he was used to saying hello to the little girl who was playing, but he didn't ask anything and went straight to the track.

The distant cries and pleas did not frighten him.

He knew that, for some reason, he was experiencing unwelcome dreams hidden in the tunnel.

He should reveal the nature of the threat, scout out the situation, and report to the Confederates from the south.

As he walked into the dark tunnel, his confidence, all he knew why he was here and how he was going to proceed, evaporated from his mind.

When he first walked out of the station alone, he was scared.

It wasn't the darkness itself, or the rustling of the tunnel, that frightened him, but the unknown and unforeseen dangers lurking in the next 100 meters.

Recalling vaguely his actions in previous dreams, he decided not to give in this time, but to move forward until he saw someone or something waiting for him hidden in the darkness.

Someone came towards him, not in a hurry like him, but not as timid as him, and although his steps were small, he was confident.

Su Mengfan stopped in his tracks and held his breath.

Another person stopped too.

Su Mengfan promised himself that no matter what happened this time, he would not run away.

Judging by the sound, the distance between them was only three meters.

Su Mengfan's knees were trembling, but he believed that he had the strength to take another step forward.

Su Mengfan couldn't take it anymore when he felt the air gently blowing across his face when someone was approaching.

With a wave of his hand, he pushed the invisible person or object away and began to escape.

This time, instead of tripping, he ran for a long time, an hour or two.

But there was no station near his house, no station at all, nothing, just endless, dark tunnels.

This seemed even more terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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