Douluo mainland Yandi rebirth

Chapter 42: Heavenly Dao Wheel Chapter

Chapter 42 Heaven's Path Reincarnation

"After all, I'm still a child, to be so excited," Bibi Dong's voice revealed a trace of laziness, and gently hugged Xiao Yan from behind, but this feeling's lethality to Xiao Yan was not ordinary. big.

"I'm sorry," Xiao Yan gently held Bibi Dong's arm, but found a blue mark on his wrist, which seemed to be blood stasis.

"I'm sorry, I should thank you," Bibi Dong said seemingly casually, "You probably don't know, I have a daughter..."

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, he only felt a thunder blast in his ear, Bibi Dong had never mentioned this matter, so no one knew about it, including the current Hu Liena.

"You must feel very disappointed," Bibi Dong said with some self-mockery.

Xiao Yan shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, there is no need to tell me these things. All of this is caused by me alone. Xiao Yan will not shirk all responsibility, and let the teacher handle it!"

"You..." Bibi Dong sighed, "Then listen to my story first."

Xiao Yan nodded, he also didn't know what happened to Bibi Dong, if he could understand her, he would know what to do in the future so as not to hurt her, and at the same time make himself happy.

"When I was young, I once fell in love with a man. He fascinated me so much. His every move attracted me deeply. I loved him and he loved me. At that time, I thought, This is a lifetime.

But as a saint of Wuhun Temple, her life will not be too short, and as it should be, it will not be smooth.My teacher doesn't agree with us being together, because the person I love is not strong, he only has more than 20 levels of soul power and may stay here forever, he has no talent, just because of this, my teacher forcibly broke up We, and his method is..." At this point, Bibi Dong's voice paused, Xiao Yan could feel Bibi Dong's body trembling at this moment, as if recalling an unbearable past event.

Xiao Yan stretched out his hand and gently patted Bibi Dong who was hugging him behind his back, and said softly: "Teacher, no matter what it is, it's over."

"Yeah, it's over," Bibi Dong sighed, "but before that, I was still shrouded in his shadow. That person... Chihiro Ji! After that incident, I gave birth to his daughter, But I don't want to admit...that child is not my daughter, but a ridiculous product born of the Pope of Wuhundian, a wrong existence!"

Hearing Bibi Dong's voice as if telling an enemy, Xiao Yan felt very uncomfortable. He is not a woman, so he can't understand this feeling, but he can understand that the relationship between the mother and daughter does not make them happy.

At this time, Bibi Dong said again: "After that, I always thought that the man who loved me so much ran away. Because the one who opposed him was the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, the level 95 titled Douluo Qianxun Ji! He was scared , I can understand him. But I can't accept the way he looks at me, that look... is pity!"

"What's even more absurd is that I can't forget him all the time. He's still that level 29 great soul master. It's ridiculous to think about it now. Feelings really don't make sense," Bibidong said shaking her head.

Xiao Yan sighed and said: "This Heavenly Way reincarnates all things in the world. It seems that there is an irresistible force affecting everything. Everyone's fate has been programmed and written into this Book of Heavenly Way from the very beginning. The people who are in love only care about their own happiness, how can we control us..."

"If I'm strong enough, I can become the person who wrote the book you said," Bibi Dong said coldly, "But good and evil will be rewarded. Qian Xunji was killed by me in the end. Speaking of which, I would like to thank that The abandoned son of the Clear Sky School, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have the chance to kill Qian Xunji and take control of the Spirit Hall!"

Xiao Yan bowed his head in silence, Bibi Dong asked him: "Do you think I'm a cruel person?"

Xiao Yan nodded and said, "It should be, but not for us."

When Bibi Dong heard this, she smiled nonchalantly, and said softly: "I should also thank you, for letting me finally get rid of their shadows. This absurd relationship came from more than where, and thinking about it now makes me feel sick!" Bibi Dong recalled The extremely lingering lingering with Xiao Yan in the fire, the scorching body full of vitality and strength fascinated her in every way, and it was no different from the Xiao Yan she saw in the spiritual world. At that time, he was Xiao Yan, but he was not Another student.

Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth twitched. Although she didn't know what kind of soul skill caused her to be overwhelmed by desire, but the current result doesn't seem to be a bad thing. The heart settlement of these years has been opened.

"Xiao Yan, promise me, after you leave here, what happened last night will be treated as a dream, it never happened," Bibi Dong whispered in Xiao Yan's ear, "At least not yet..."

"Can't what?" Xiao Yan felt a little empty after hearing these words for some reason.

"It's nothing, just remember, your soul power is already much stronger than before, but it's not enough." Bibi Dong's embrace slowly loosened, "If it's not strong enough, you won't be able to protect the people you care about of."

Xiao Yan nodded and said: "I understand, I won't stop here, it's just last night..."

"Don't bring it up again!" Bibi Dong let go of Xiao Yan and pretended to be angry, "This matter can be big or small, if you get too entangled, it will only increase the trouble."

Xiao Yan was puzzled, why did Bibi Dong react in such a way, shouldn't such things be taken seriously?

Bibi Dong stood up, the soul power in her body rushed out, washed away the sweat stains on her body, and made her skin dry again.

"Xiao Yan, I know what you're thinking, and I know what I'm thinking too, but you can't do it capriciously." Seeing Xiao Yan's silence, Bibidong sighed helplessly: "I'm no longer perfect, How can I miss your life. Although we are called master and apprentice, we are not related by blood, so let's just treat it as a dream at this time."

Xiao Yan shook his head, stood up and said, "Teacher, although I don't know what to say, I am not satisfied with this result... Are you satisfied?"

Bibi Dong smiled self-deprecatingly: "What if you are not satisfied, these can talk to me after you reach Title Douluo."

"Title Douluo?" Xiao Yan looked at the dry magma lake below and whispered, "Sooner or later."

Bibi Dong naturally knew that it was not appropriate to deal with it like this, but Xiao Yan is not a thing in the pool, it is only a matter of time for him to reach the title of Douluo, and she just wants to use this time to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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