One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 31 Elite Recruits

Chapter 31 Elite Recruits
Thank you book friends ~ in love with the gods ~ for the reward, thank you.

By the way, what's the point of reading?I'm really old, and I can't read my books clearly or say anything, and I don't even know anything about the rewards.

I must be a fake author.
"The above are the results of all the staff in this assessment!"

The voice of the major general's instructor echoed on the coast: "I will announce the candidates who have passed the elite assessment at this moment."

The recruits were refreshed and waited with breathless concentration.Even if this matter is not their turn, everyone loves to gossip and wonder how many people will enter the elite camp this year.

According to rumors, some good people even opened the market, and after training every day, they hid in the toilet like a thief to bet.Those who do not know will be put on sacks and knocked unconscious as soon as they enter.

Loya said: I said it wasn't me, do you believe it?

"No.1, Tony Mill, come out!"


The crowd quickly quieted down after a while of uproar. As No.1 and with a high score of 1795, it's strange that they couldn't get into the elite camp.

Tony is a young man who looks very mature, probably because of the tragedy of his family's destruction, his eyes will always have an indelible bleak and sadness.There is a knife scar from his forehead to his left face, which is the scar left by the pirates when he was protecting the town.

Tony, who stood up from the team, looked straight at Loya, the sword in his hand was tightly clenched.

"No.1? It's because that guy didn't participate."

Loya felt his gaze, turned around in surprise, and then showed a sunny smile.It was not until he saw the latter twisting his head that Loya sighed in relief.

As a member of the elite battalion, you will not be restricted by so many rules and regulations of the recruit battalion, and you can challenge anytime, anywhere.Tony's character is very good and strong, and the daily life after entering the elite camp can be imagined. For this kind of guy who likes to find someone to challenge him when he has nothing to do, let him not say it first.

The most important point is that, even if you win against him, Loya can't even increase his energy value by 10. It's a complete waste of time!
The major general instructor ignored the interaction between the two and continued to read.

"No.2, Laurent Minnie, come out!"

The team was really lively.

"Minnie! Isn't she just over 800 points?"

"Yeah, why is the limit so low!"

"What a joke! Shady!"

The recruits talked a lot and looked at Laurent Minnie with different expressions.

The addition of Tony can still convince the crowd, but Minnie also joined the elite camp, which makes everyone puzzled that the difference of nearly double the points can also qualify for the elite camp?
A blond Yangma walked out from the seventh team where Loya was, which made Loya feel a little bit of surprise.

Laurent Minnie, a native of the North Sea, is good at kicking and performs well in training.It stands to reason that this kind of assessment of killing targets to earn points should not be so good at it.

But she not only won No.2, but also successfully joined the elite battalion.

At this moment, Loya and the rest of the recruits have the same idea: why is this?

However, when he saw the shoes under Minnie's feet, he knew why.

The pair of sturdy sea animal leather shoes was now stained with blood, and it was tattered everywhere. The rough edges were turned upside down, and even the toes were exposed.

This is a special sea animal leather shoe, designed for those who are good at kicking skills, with a hundred-year-old shop quality three packs.The blood and sweat behind this pair of sturdy leather shoes is self-evident.

"A hardworking genius~"

Loya commented in the words describing a certain watermelon head.

The instructors still ignored the discussion of the recruits. These quotas were proposed by Zefa and were decided by all the instructors through voting, and they would not be mixed with any water.

Being able to get the approval of more than half of the instructors is enough to prove Minnie's strength.

But it's not over yet, the instructor continued to speak under everyone's puzzled expressions.

"No.3, Simon Dennis Westin, come out!"

Simon is a well-known military N generation in the boot camp. Since his grandfather's generation, his family has been in the navy for generations.He has been obsessed with it since he was a child, and he yearns to be the pride of his family. Although he has worked hard to practice swordsmanship and physical skills since he was a child, he doesn't care about his congenital illness.

The only thing worth mentioning is that he is a devil fruit power user.

Hearing Simon's name, everyone stopped talking.

It's not that he is afraid of the prestige of the prince's family of the N-generation army. Anyway, his family doesn't have much prestige, but because Simon is a devil fruit person.

No matter which session, as long as the fruit ability is not too bad, they can successfully join the elite camp.

After all, no one can determine the upper limit of a capable person.

What's more, Simon is still one of the best snipers in this year's recruits, and he is very capable even if he doesn't rely on fruit.

The recruits were happy and worried about the announced results, and after the disbandment, they boarded the ship and prepared to return to the headquarters.

After arranging the wounded to board the boat, Mole suddenly found that there was still a person on the shore who had not come on board, and he was immediately happy when he took a closer look.

"Yo! Loya, why didn't you get on the boat? The boat will start after a while, do you want to swim back?"

In his eyes, Loya is a devil fruit capable person, and he will be paralyzed as soon as he touches the sea. The maliciousness of saying this is obvious.

For this kind of guy who fell into trouble and took advantage of others, Loya responded with an ice spear attack.He gnawed on the pork chop that was almost burnt, and sighed in his heart: "Hey! I made a mistake, knowing that Simon has a chance of getting in with more than eight floors, but I still adjusted the odds so high, my Bailey~~~"

Is it strange that those who engage in the market will engage in casinos?

Not surprising.

Plus, he wanted to swim back, but he definitely wouldn't.

The reason is not that he is afraid of exposure, he is not afraid that the situation of sea water and Hailoushi will be known one day.

The real reason is because this is the windless belt!
The lair of various sea kings!

At some point, a super-large sea king will come out. If it is swallowed in one bite, it will be fatal.

Without him, Roja tried it, and he could faint and vomit when he was carried on his back, and he was only immune to the items created by his own modeling magic.

But not to mention the question of whether the magic power is sufficient, just those sea kings are enough for him to drink a pot.He's not Kuzan, who dares to ride a bicycle across the sea.

Since even people are considered means of transportation, let alone staying in the belly of a sea king.

The confusion has been digested and cleaned up, and after death, it will be shameful, and it will be listed on the Navy's mental retardation rankings.

Mole easily dodged the attack, moved over with a shaver, and hooked Loya's neck: "Well, well. I'll knock you out after boarding the ship. Anyway, the warship is fast, and it can reach Marine Buddha at night. many."

"Ha ha!"

Loya looked at him with contempt: "Are you sure you can still punch me for a long time now?"

Even if the dragon scales are not exposed, just by activating the blue dragon pattern, Loya's defense and anti-strike ability are already terrifying.Aludo once commented that the defense of Luo Yaguang theory in this state has surpassed that of most elite battalion members, and his body's resistance to blows is only a little weaker than his own.

Seeing Loyana's undisguised contempt, Mole wrinkled a cross on his forehead, ready to teach him a lesson.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared behind the two of them, hitting them on the head twice.

The two people who were in pain quickly separated and put on a defensive posture.But seeing that touch of purple style, he immediately straightened his waist and saluted.

"Teacher Zefa!"

The person who came was Zefa. Although he was defeated by Luffy in the original book, he was already 75 years old at that time, and he even needed to take medicine from time to time to maintain his combat effectiveness.

In addition to missing a hand, the current Zefa is still on the verge of his peak, teaching them both like playing.

"What are you doing! Do you know that the boat will be sailing soon! Now, get out of here immediately!"

Zefa's body exuded black energy, and a pair of tiger eyes were not angry.In the face of the angry Zefa, no one wanted to get in trouble, and the two trot neatly and boarded the warship.


As soon as his feet stepped on the deck, Loya slammed onto the ground with a face, and his stomach was churning for a while.

Zefa took a deep breath, didn't look at him, and ordered, "Sail the boat!"

The leading warship received the order, raised a long siren, and slowly sailed away from the coast. The warships lined up behind turned their bows and followed neatly.

A recruit from the other team ran to Loya's side, poked his hand, and said in surprise: "Hey! It's true. It turns out that Loya is really seasick!"

The eyes of the surrounding recruits lit up, and they asked Zefa: "Chief Instructor Zefa! Can the assessment be conducted on board in a week's time?"

Loya: ". You are dead!"

Zefa: ".Get lost!"

Saying that, Zefa lifted Loya up from the ground and smashed it into the air with a fist.The latter slammed into the cabin with a thud, leaving a clear mark on the hard iron plate, and passed out with a satisfied smile on his face.

The people around felt chills: "Luo Ya must have awakened some strange attributes."
At the end of the chapter, thank you for pausing, because in the assistant code on the mobile phone, I didn't even know where I wrote it.Not surprisingly, the second update is added?

(End of this chapter)

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