One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 436 Fighting in the ruins! (5th update, please subscribe!)

Chapter 436 Fighting in the ruins! (Fifth update, please subscribe!)

"Congratulations, you answered correctly."


The wide ice wings cut down, and in a blink of an eye, the large island cloud was thrown out by Loya.Then, accompanied by the freezing sound of crackling, a staircase of ice snaked down the hole, standing between the ground and the sky.

"Let's go."

After Loya finished speaking, he took the lead and walked down.

Following the stairs, the two soon came to the ground.Seeing the dilapidated but still majestic giant buildings in front of him, Robin unconsciously let go of his hand and let the backpack behind him fall to the ground.

"This is the land of gold, Shandora!"

Shandora existed more than 1100 years ago. In the world at that time, this country was the treasure of the whole world, and it was very prosperous for a while!
The name Shandora means "brilliant city".

And now, this glorious city that existed in the long river of history finally surfaced and appeared in front of Robin.Even she, who is already familiar with history and has seen various relics, can't help but be shocked by the sight of Mount Dora.

What a magnificent and prosperous city this is!
Even if the weeds are overgrown in the dry river, it can't hide its former glory.The high platform towering over the center of the city, from a distance, looks like a giant, suffocating.

With wide streets and dense alleys, Robin seems to have traveled through time and heard the once prosperous voice of Shandora.More than 1000 years ago, it was on these streets that people rubbed shoulders, traded, talked and laughed, and sang happily, creating a great country!

"A legacy of history?"

Robin seems to have some understanding of what Loya said. Unlike China, which has a 5000-year civilization heritage, people in this world are far from realizing what real history is, even Nicole Robin No way!
But it's not too late. The appearance of Shandora made Robin more aware of the mission of archaeologists while focusing on finding the historical truth.

"Master Loya, did you hear anything?"

Robin looked over, and from behind the somewhat damaged ruins, it seemed that the screams of fighting and mourning were constantly ringing out.This made her face a little cold, fighting in this great ruins, this is a kind of blasphemy!
"Is Anilo playing games too? What a coincidence!"

Loya listened attentively, and soon understood what happened.However, he immediately saw Robin's sullen eyes, and he simply expressed his surrender.

"Yes, yes. The precious relics cannot be destroyed. I understand this, and I will stop them."

Enel's power is invincible, because he is the thunder and lightning that human beings regard as a natural disaster, and he is a god.

The members of the God team all understand this, but if it is just this reason, it is not enough to make them kill each other.So Enilo added fire and told them that the last 50 people who survived could go back to Angel Island to reunite with their families.

At the beginning, of course, everyone made concerted efforts to attack Enilu, and wanted to kill him and everyone went back together.

It's just a dissection of people's hearts, not to mention betrayal, but it happened naturally
The thunderclouds have already started to form, and Enilu sits on the top of the central high platform in Shandora, watching the black clouds slowly rise into the sky.

"That's it. Keep fighting and only the last 50 people can go home. This is God's promise!"

On the flat ground below him, the members of the God Team who have been loving and helping each other and working together for five years are fighting each other, and the battle is fierce.

Whether he can't bear to attack his companions, whether he closes his eyes and waits for death to achieve others, or fights to seize life, it has nothing to do with Enilo.

Just like he ruled Angel Island with a sense of guilt, he wants to use a stronger sense of guilt to completely defeat the will of the God team.He wants to declare to everyone in this way that only he is God!Only God can control the fate of others!

Not Gan Fall!
The Sandians can't!

Not even Loya!
Anilu is such an evil existence.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hobby, Enilu." Suddenly, a figure came to the platform where he was sitting, only less than one meter away from him.

"Obviously. You were still there just now!"

Enilu's expression was still for a second, then he turned his head stiffly, looking at Luo Ya who suddenly came to him across a distance of thousands of meters.This kind of speed, even compared with myself is not much better!

But now is not the time to show timidity, he took a breath, and his expression suddenly became lively: "Oh, you are here, Qinghai people who call themselves gods!"

"No, no, no." Loya shook his head, and then sat next to Enilu indifferently: "The people of Sky Island are ignorant, are you also stupid? Things like gods are beyond the reach of you and me."

"All we have is power"

"No, I'm different from you."

Facing Loya's remarks, Enilo was rarely angry.Just like what Loya said, it's just power. This is the only enemy he has ever seen that he can't figure out, which means that the other party also controls the source of what he claims to be a god-power!

So he thinks that the other party is qualified to sit and talk with him, just.
"No matter who you are or how strong you are, you are different from me because thunder and lightning cannot be defeated"

Boom! Boom!
Shaking his hands, Loya turned his dead fish eyes and calmly looked at Enilu whose head was pierced into the relic stone: "I said, the people of Sky Island are ignorant. Have you forgotten that you are also from Sky Island?"

On his hand, an inexplicable aura lingered on it. Although there was nothing there, it gave off an indescribably dangerous feeling.

Armed color domineering, winding!

"Go to hell, bastard!"

On the battlefield in the forest, the war continues.

With the loss of Daiwu Mori and the defeat of a sky knight, the power of the priest is only second.This is a rare opportunity. Wei Bo tried his best to stand up, feeling as if his body was about to shatter in the next second, and the pain was extremely painful.

Although the price paid was a bit high, the third priest, Gaidaz, the commander of the sky guard, was finally defeated.
Although the blast shell can eject a hurricane that is several times stronger than the ordinary wind shell, it is still much weaker than the blow shell.

Instead of taking off the Weiba on the opponent's feet and defeating Gaidaz like Chopper did in the original book, Weber chose the most difficult way, using a volley against the jet iron fist, and forcibly smashed Gaidaz's arm.

"Oh? There is such an extinct shell as the platoon shell. No wonder you are so confident."

Ohm stood up slowly, the big white dog beside him grinned holyly, let out low growls, and stared at Wei Bo in front of him.

Even though there is a lot of friction between the four priests, Ohm is still very clear about each other's strength.Aside from Xinwang's ability to predict the enemy's movements, the proficiency in sky warfare alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The war ghost Webber, who obviously doesn't know how to entangle himself, was able to drag two priests into the water with the spirit of not fearing death. This record is enough for Ohm to face up to.

But that's all.
Because the next thing they have to face is the master who is in charge of the Iron Trial with a survival rate of zero, the "Empty Animal Farmer", Ohm!

"Come on holy! Give mercy to every fool in Sandia!"

"Wang Wang!"

After receiving the order, Sheng Jie roared, stood up and raised his front paws, and punched Wei Bo fiercely.

Before being knocked into the air, what Weber thought was not that the body was unable to move because of the side effects of the knockout, but that he was surprised to find that this dog could actually box!
 The fifth watch, the fifth watch that emptied the house, the two watches I saved in my spare time before are gone, today I am also coding besides eating, so tired!If there are any mistakes, please bear with me, after all, there are more than 1 words in the fifth update. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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