One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 440 Robin: "It's not bad to be a good person once in a while."

Chapter 440 Robin: "It's not bad to be a good person once in a while."

The fist-thin black lightning collided with the bowl-sized porcelain white storm, and everything in the world seemed to stand still.Then... there was an earth-shattering explosion that swept across the entire Apayado.

Rumble ---
The dazzling light covered the sight, and no one could see clearly what happened in the center of the explosion, but the shock wave that followed the explosion easily overturned everyone and sent them flying backwards.

The aftermath of the confrontation between the two continued unabated, and the terrifying fluctuations spread out circle after circle.Those ancient trees in the sky that required several people to embrace in a circle, were uprooted like light goose feathers in this terrifying fluctuation, and rolled out of the forest with the impact.

In just a second, the wave rushed out of Apayado and came to the Baibai Sea.Countless empty island fishes were knocked unconscious by the huge waves that overwhelmed the river and sea, and their white bellies rose and fell with the waves.

Even on Angel Island, which is far away, a gust of wind blew up, destroying houses and crushing shops!

The aftermath of the confrontation between the two has spread to the entire Kingdom of Gods!

"Can't win, can't win."

Feeling the vibration from above the cave, Aisha curled up in the chief's arms, sobbing softly.In previous battles, she has found that many of her compatriots have lost their voices, and she is distressed by this.

But just now, more than half of the voices of the entire kingdom of gods disappeared!This kind of strong sense of error is not something a little girl can bear. Aisha can still stay awake, which is already a very strong performance.

Just like people, animals have their own voices.But in the aftermath of the fight between the two, all the creatures on Apayado perished, and it has become an absolute death ground.

"What happened?"

"W-what's wrong? Why is the vibration so strong?"

"...Are those two guys really that strong!"

Looking at the chaos in the Sandia camp, Gan Fall remained silent.He didn't know what happened, but judging from the movement, he still underestimated the levels of the two of them.

"I can't stay here any longer!"

He stood up suddenly, but almost fell again due to the shock.After finally gaining a foothold, Gan Fowle shouted loudly to Chief Shandia: "No matter who wins or loses, we don't have the power to resist those two. Just staying here may be killed by the aftermath. So run away now!"

Hearing Gan Fore's words, the chief raised his head and nodded seriously after a while: "Understood."

"Everyone, get out of here quickly and go to Baihai, where you should be able to avoid the two of them!"

Gan Fore shouted loudly, then turned around decisively, picked up the knight's spear, and led Pierre out: "Go ahead, this old man will inform the residents of Angel Island. McKinley! Contact the Baibele troops Members, help evacuate civilians! Move fast!"

"Yes! Lord Sky Rider!"

Regardless of the outcome of the Kingdom of God, as long as people are alive, there is hope.

The strong wind generated by the explosion did not calm down until several minutes later. Robin woke up from behind the wall where he was hiding, and the first thing he did was to run out to see what was going on with the ruins.

The collision just now, not to mention Shandora, the whole of Apayado was screaming, so Robin was very worried that the ruins would be destroyed, and then he would not be able to find the historical text.

"What's happening here?!"

Looking at the scene outside, Robin covered his mouth in surprise.Although Loya in Alabasta had shocked her a lot, it also made her understand what the so-called strength is.But compared with everything in front of her, she only felt that what she knew before was still too shallow.

Looking around, all the land and island clouds under Shandora disappeared, and she could clearly see the endless blue sea below!

With the Shandora ruins as the center, the entire Apayado was suddenly opened up with a huge hole with a diameter of an unknown number of meters!It is riddled with holes and is in danger!It seems that it will fall into Qinghai at any time!
But even so, the ruins of Shandora were unscathed!
A huge bean pod standing under the entire ruins supports Shandora, together with a large block of soil, holding it in the air.Around the hollow, there are hundreds of meters away from the nearest edge of the ruins. Looking at it from above, there is a large circle surrounded by a small circle, as if the entire island is floating in the air.

"A miracle? It shouldn't be Lord Loya who did something."

Robin thought so.

"This is the power of Bass!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, and Robin looked in the direction of the voice, and saw the equally astonishing Sandia.

"A completely different existence from the island cloud of Sky Island, this is the power of the huge Bass, Apayado!"

"Even if it is destroyed like this, I will never admit defeat, shocking Bass!"

"Bass, oh yes, this is what people in Sky Island call soil." Robin tilted his head, remembering the statue he saw on Angel Island.In this world without soil, Apayado, which can breed life, is the most precious wealth of all Sky Islanders.Even if it was later taken over by Enilo, it still cannot change its sacred status in the hearts of Sky Islanders.

Because of ignorance, so reverence, mythology, and belief.

Funny, but respectable thing to do.

"You are from Sandia, right?" Looking at Weber and the others, Robin suddenly said softly.

"Are you from Qinghai?!" Weber turned his head and looked at Robin in surprise, then quickly picked up the bazooka, ready to pull the trigger on Robin.

Shandora is the land of the Sandia people, and Weber absolutely does not allow anyone to defile this land.

"Do you know why Lord Loya came here?"

Robin smiled and didn't stop Weber from moving.

"What else can it be, for gold, just like the hateful Enel!"

"No, you are wrong." Robin shook his head slowly, and took out a notebook full of notes from his pocket: "He is here to save you, gold is just a matter of convenience."

"What did you say?"

Listening to Robin's explanation, Weber's finger on the trigger stopped moving.He really wanted to use cannonballs to wipe out the strange Qinghai people in front of him, but he couldn't deceive his heart.

He's a fighter, but he's not a handy jerk either.

Everything that happened today is beyond his cognition, what is the real purpose of Loya's coming here?If he still believed in the golden rhetoric before, then after seeing such power, even ignorance must have a limit.

For such a strong person, is there a lot of gold in Shandora?

And what secrets are hidden in Shandora, worthy of such an existence?Weber wanted to know the truth very much at this moment.

It's good to be a good person once in a while, Lord Loya.
Robin opened the notebook and said slowly, "Don't worry, I'll explain to you slowly."

The smoke cleared and the dust settled.

When Anilu could see things clearly again, it was already dusk at sunset.With the last ray of warm sunset sprinkled on the body, it makes people painful!

There were unbearable pains all over his body, opening his eyes exhausted Enel's whole body strength.He looked at the sky, gasped for breath, and avoided pulling the wound.

"Did you die? Of course! I am a god, how could a god fail!" Thinking of this, Enilu took a long breath and closed his eyes.

"Yo, are you awake? Do you want to get up and eat?"

A voice that made Anilu disgusted suddenly sounded, and at the same time, accompanied by a trace of heat, something stuck to his cheek.

"You! You you!!! Why are you still alive?!"

Looking at the rice bowl filled with fresh and fragrant soup in front of him, Enilu looked up along his arms, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Three hundred million volts of the gods' verdict, this is the strongest attack he can issue!The point attack power is still higher than Lei Ying!But why did such an attack not kill him? !

Loya grabbed a whole empty shark with one hand and gnawed it. He tilted his head strangely after hearing this: "What are you daydreaming about? Am I not even healed from my injuries?!"

"Impossible! How could this be the result!!"

Looking at Luo Ya who was sitting next to the barbecue grill without any trace of dust in his clothes, Enilu stared at him and felt a surge of blood in his chest, then he turned his head and fell into a coma again.

"Passed out."

"Yeah, passed out"

Loya handed the rice bowl to Robin: "Then do you want to eat more, don't waste the last bite."

Robin propped his chin with his hand, pointed to the Sandiya man sitting cross-legged on the ground over there, and said with a smile: "Let's ask them, they haven't had a sip of water since noon."

"Oh, whatever."

 There is nothing to fight, I wrote seven or eight chapters of the three-chapter detailed outline, if you continue, you will be scolded =, =.There are still two changes today, and three changes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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