One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 443 Enel's new goal (3 more please subscribe!)

Chapter 443 Enel's New Goal (Subscribe for the third watch!)

On the way to Apayado, Robin was listening to the story told by Loya, while writing and drawing in his notes, she suddenly asked curiously.

"Master Loya, why do the Sandia people want to protect the historical text?"

The ancestors of Shandora wanted to protect the historical text even at the cost of fighting until the country was subjugated. What is the reason for this?
It was not mentioned in Rolando's story, and Roja never mentioned it, but Robin was keen to discover this problem.

Fighting needs a reason, just like living.Life can be enjoyed, but with the strength of the family and such a huge sacrifice, it can't be to enjoy war, right?
So why did the Sandians fight?

In order to protect Mount Dora and protect the historical text?
Why should we protect the historical text?
"In order to pass on the true history to future generations," Loya replied: "The meaning of the existence of the historical text is the reason why the Sandia people protect it."

This sentence can be understood in another direction. The meaning of the existence of the Sandia is to wait for someone to read the records in the historical text and pass the real history to every corner of the world.

This is the will of the ancestors and their mission.

"That is to say."

Robin propped his chin, smiled and looked at Weber and the others: "Your mission has been completed!"

"You have already, there is no need to continue fighting."


Unlike the others, Weber knows more through the chief than his companions, so he knows exactly how important the "finished" in Robin's mouth is.
That is the weight of countless dead souls condensed for 800 years.
It's suffocating!

"Is that so? Really, that's great."

The next day, the weather was fine and breezy.

The warm sun shines on the sanctuary of Mount Dora in Appallado, just as it did 800 years ago.The breeze blows over everyone's cheeks, bringing the fragrance mixed with soil and trees.

Whether it is the people of Sky Island or the people of Sandia, they are standing here quietly at the moment, feeling the steadiness that can only be felt in Apayado.

Although the differences between the two sides are still clear, it is undoubtedly much better than the battles and hostility in the past. 400 years of feud certainly won't be resolved easily, but Gan Fall and Chief Shandia both believe that, with time, peace will come.

Beside the high platform, Loya was lying on a deck chair, looking at the huge pod in the center of Shandora.In the middle of there, a few small black dots were moving fast, crawling towards the top of the pod.

Regardless of the mission of the Sandia people, the existence of the Golden Bell will always be their belief.Both the people of Sky Island and the people of Sandia actually believed in the ancient prophecy.

When the singing of the Holy Land sounds again, the war will end, and the Kingdom of God will usher in peace again!

The purpose of Webb, Gan Fall and others climbing the tree is to move the golden clock down.Since someone is willing to take the initiative to stand up, Loya naturally expressed his delight.

And he also has the task of watching Enilo to prevent this guy from escaping or causing trouble.Of course it's definitely not because of laziness, laziness or anything like that!

"Golden bell? It sounds like a god." Enilo rubbed his chin and looked up at the clouds in the sky.In his hand, a Hailou stone bracelet was quietly locked on his wrist, so that he could only lie down like Luo Ya.

"Tch, a guy who has never seen the world."

Loya bit the straw and drank the juice, expressing disdain for this.

"A golden clock is enough to qualify as a god? That's how much gold. You should know that the "Golden Emperor" Gilder Tezzolo, the bathtubs he takes a bath in are all made of pure gold!"

"You are a god, isn't he the master of the universe?"

What Loya said is indeed a fact. In terms of the amount of gold, the gold in the ancient city of Shandora is really not as good as that in the Golden City.The former was collected by the ancients, while the latter was "sent" by others on their own initiative. The difficulty level between the two is completely unequal, so there is naturally such a significant difference in data.

It's just that the level of gods is judged by the amount of gold, which undoubtedly makes Enel very angry
"What bastard are you talking about?!"

Anilu suddenly became angry, and he propped himself up from the reclining chair regardless of his strength.

"Oh? I still want to be beaten. Er!"

Luo Ya hadn't finished speaking yet, and when he saw Enilu's expression, he immediately felt embarrassed.I saw the other party looking into the distance, his eyes were burning!
"How can it be repaired! It is so luxurious that it is bathed in gold! This is a treatment that even a god has never had!" Obviously, Anilu's focus is different from that of Luo Ya.
"I've always felt that the use of wood in Proverbs is a disgrace. Sure enough, it is more in line with my temperament as a god if it is made of pure gold!"

"Gilder Tezzolo, right?! Wait, my first target in Qinghai is you!"

For this, Luo Ya had nothing to say, shrugged and continued to lie down.Hearing the conversation between the two, Robin raised his hands, thought for a moment and interjected: "Indeed, as the largest entertainment ship on the sea, the Golden City has such amazing wealth that even Shandora would be ashamed! I heard that the gold there is incalculable, Even the toilets in the whole country are made of gold. Except for the walls of high-rise buildings and other places where gold cannot be used, the rest of the place is all gold. If it is used to make a proverb, it can be made of gold even if it is doubled in size.”

"Yosh! I get it!"

A kind of flame called "motivation" suddenly ignited all over Enilo's body, and he finally looked forward to his trip to Qinghai.

In this regard, Luo Ya secretly gave the black-bellied Robin a thumbs up behind his back.

Well done!

Of course, Loya would not tell Enilo how terrifying the weight of the proverb would be if it were all made of gold.The question of whether he can fly at that time, let Enilo find the answer by himself.

Although Enilo succumbed to Loya's iron fist and agreed to go to Qinghai with him, it didn't mean that he gave up his dream of going to the Infinite Continent.It's just that he had a little more goals before going there, and wanted to ensure that he was invincible after arriving.

He's out to rule the Infinity, not to be beaten
The domineering in Loya's mouth, he felt that it is very necessary for him to understand this kind of power that restrains his elementalization.

More than an hour passed while waiting, and suddenly a small black spot broke through the clouds and came straight down.That is the new leader of the Kingdom of God, God Gan Fore.

At this moment, he looked a bit embarrassed. Although there were no obvious injuries, his white hair was messy on his head, soaked in sweat, and he was very tired.


"Get ready for the song of the Holy Land!"

The singing of the Holy Land?

Robin raised his head suddenly, looking up at the huge pod that shot straight into the sky.What she was looking for was there historical texts, and the Golden Bell of Shandora.

Suddenly, a crisp bell rang through the world and echoed in everyone's ears.

No language in the world can describe that majestic and beautiful bell, just like the lights in the dark night, it can guide the direction and light up hope for the fleet sailing in the storm.

The torch of Mount Dora is the bell full of hope.

Above the cloud layer, with tears in his eyes, Wei Bo clenched the chain connecting the pendulum, and swung it vigorously.

The sound of the bell reverberated throughout the kingdom of gods, echoing in the boundless heaven and earth.The Shandora people and Sky Island people were all excited, immersed in the melodious bells.

"Today! The singing of the Holy Land resounds through the heavens and the earth again!"

Gan Fall raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at the sky.

"The war is over!!!"


"It's over! It's over!"

Looking at the boiling crowd in front of him, Robin smiled quietly, and recorded this precious scene with the pen and paper in his hand.Anilu gave a disdainful cut, and continued to lie on the recliner with his head up.

It's just that at this happy time, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

"Very well, then here comes the problem!"

Looking at the exhausted dog in front of him who couldn't move the golden clock down, and finally had to choose Gan Fall who asked Weber to ring the bell in the sky, Loya raised his finger to the sky and smiled: "How do you move it down? ?!"

Gan Fall: "."

The rest: "."

Looks like this is indeed a problem!

 I'm so tired, I'm suddenly busy working overtime these days, and I don't know why.During this time last year, Dashu slept three hours a day at the company, but this year he was so busy that he got up at six in the morning.I know that among the book friends there must be some friends who are still studying, and Dashu would like to say something from the bottom of his heart: Play as much as you can when you are in school, and you really don’t have time after work! ! ! [Funny] But to be honest, there is no reason to ask parents for money after leaving school, and it is also a reality that you have to die if you want to eat enough.Hey, let’s not talk about it, I still have to prepare materials for tomorrow’s meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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