One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 460 Bellamy's Heartbreak

Chapter 460 Bellamy's Heartbreak
"Run, the pirates are coming in!"

"Monster monster!"

Walking on the "noisy" Avenue of Dressrosa Lovers, Drake suddenly stopped and said to Crocodile in front of him: "Then let's part here, my direction is this way."

"Oh? I thought you forgot all about the mission." Crocodile sneered, "Remember to keep the body intact before you die, so that it will be less troublesome to resurrect."

"Haha, that really honors your good words."

Facing Crocodile's parting message full of "friendship", Drake carried his four-bladed ax with his backhand, waved his hand and led the team to the depths of Dressrosa.

In that direction, there is the legendary SMILE factory that can produce artificial devil fruits, and it is also the home of all toys after dark, the toy house.

Presumably this gift should be enough to satisfy Luo Ya, right? It's one thing to be strong or not, but how much contribution you can make is the real meaning!
Drake is convinced of this.
The undead army marched all the way, and anyone who dared to block the army's progress on the road was chopped into pieces.Over time, the ordinary civilians in Dressrosa also discovered that the other party would not take the initiative to attack themselves and others.

Although pretending not to know, I am sorry for their beloved king, Don Quixote Doflamingo, but the opponent is an undead!I believe His Majesty the King will also understand their embarrassment
Without the obstruction of those troops that got in the way, Crocodile quickly passed the high wall to the King's Heights.

At this moment, the royal palace on the high ground is already full of noise, and the din can be heard from a long distance away.Some people are directing troops to deal with the enemy, while others are arranging personnel to put out the fire quickly, while others are preparing to deploy a search net to ensure that the enemy is wiped out.

In all fairness, the overall strength of the Don Quixote Pirates is really good, and the victories made the soldiers full of confidence!
So in their view, any enemy invasion is a paper tiger.Temporary chaos is nothing at all, as long as the cadres make a move, the enemy can be wiped out quickly.

What they have to do is to minimize losses and prevent the young master from getting angry when he comes back.

However, full of confidence, they didn't realize that the cadres they trusted had lost their news for a long time.In contrast, the group of "paper tiger" intruders have boarded the high ground of the king and are marching unswervingly towards the palace.

Every time you take a step, the grass under your feet will wither, and wherever the legion goes, everything will turn into nothingness.
In the brightly lit palace, the remaining cadres of the Don Quixote family gathered together, frowning and listening to the noise outside.

After Pika was killed by Tony, Gladius, who had ascended to the top cadre of the Spades Army, was sitting on a chair at the moment, tapping his fingers on the table, making rhythmic thumping sounds.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at the fat figure holding the phone bug not far away: "Is the phone still unavailable? Jorah."

Hearing the question, Jorah remained silent, and put down the phone bug that had been unable to get through.

There was no answer, but Gladius already understood what the other party wanted to express, and he couldn't help but clasped his fingers tapping on the table together: "It's been 10 minutes, it seems... all gone?!"

Although this answer is hard to believe, all the information now is pointing the answer to that direction that no one can imagine.

Diamanti, one of the oldest cadres of the Don Quixote family, and the cube army he said to lead, have all been wiped out by those unknown enemies.

Looking at the information that was quickly delivered on the desktop, Gladius gritted his teeth viciously: "Undead? Dead people? What kind of joke are these idiots playing!"

"How can the dead get up and fight? Could it be that someone obtained Moria's shadow fruit?"

As a member of the Don Quixote family, Gladius naturally knew the power of Moria's shadow fruit.After all, that guy has come to the new world for a while, so his abilities will naturally be spied on by those who want to.

Anyway, Gladius didn't believe in the "undead" mentioned in the intelligence. But excluding this point, the former Shichibukai named Crocodile was indeed not easy to deal with.

Gladius frowned and thought, trying to come up with a perfect solution.During the period when Torrebol and others followed the young master to leave Dressrosa, he and Diamanti were the supreme commanders of the entire Dressrosa. Now that Diamanti has been killed, all the burdens It was all on him alone.

At this moment, a soldier hurriedly opened the door, and before he could even say a word of report, he shouted loudly: "Emergency! The other side has invaded the King's Highland and is now fighting with the soldiers!"

"What did you say?!"

Gladius stood up abruptly, looking at the sword light and flames constantly flashing outside the window.Only then did he realize that the battle was not far away from him.

"Immediately ask where that guy Virgo has gone, Jo Lasan, get ready to fight!"

While giving the order, Gladius quickly walked out of the house.

"It seems that Doflamingo is really not here, so it's troublesome!"

Crocodile looked at the miscellaneous soldiers swarming in front of him, and sighed impatiently: "What's the use of killing more miscellaneous fish, without Doflamingo's body, I won't be able to do the job when I go back "

Before the words fell, a low muffled sound suddenly came from Crocodile's body.Circle after circle of plague spread out rapidly, and all soldiers who touched it, no matter how strong or not, collapsed to the ground instantly.

Those with vigorous vitality could still struggle for a while before dying, while those who were close to it stopped breathing when they fell to the ground.Large patches of evil spots emerged on their skins, feeding on flesh and blood, expanding and spreading continuously.

With so many enemies, of course the boss can't do it all himself.As early as when Crocodile made his move, the group of undead soldiers behind him rushed up.

Among them, there happened to be Bellamy who admired Doflamingo. He had become a member of the Legion, so he had to raise the butcher's knife in his hand facing the extremely familiar symbol.

Cutting down a soldier here, Bellamy looked up and noticed the figures appearing in front of the palace.

"That's the officers of the Don Quixote Pirates, Jorah and Gladius!"

"Great, if it's them, they should be able to help me out!" Thinking so, Bellamy rushed over decisively holding the weapon.

While running, he shouted: "Please, please kill me!"

Having never experienced the painful experience in the original book, Bellamy still trusts Doflamingo so much now.He also does have the courage to be a pirate of the new era in his mouth, and would rather seek death than continue to accept the control of the legion.

"Well, who is he? Do you know Jorah?"

Looking at the yellow hair on Bellamy's head and the conspicuous tattoo of the Don Quixote Pirates on his chest, Jorah thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "It should be the guy named Bellamy, I I heard from the young master that he met him in Moku Town."

"Yes, that's me! Please kill."

Hearing this sentence, Bellamy wept with joy, although the undead did not have this complicated function.

Sure enough, Master Doflamingo still remembers himself. Although I am very sorry for killing so many of you, please let me make amends now!

But at this moment, Jorah's next words shattered Bellamy's heart.

"Sure enough, as the young master said, no matter how hard a gangster works, he is still a gangster, even with the family logo. What do you think he is doing now?"

"That's why I can't figure out why the young master stopped me from killing this guy, and also said to play some games. But it doesn't matter, since he dares to be our enemy now, let's just eliminate him directly."

 I love Bellamy as much as Blackbeard.Excluding their behavior and looking at their behavior alone, they are indeed existences that ordinary people need to look up to.After being given up by the flamingo, Bellamy would rather do something to Luffy than live with the infamy on his back, even though he already agreed with Luffy, thanked and admired him.In the end, Bellamy aroused Luffy's fighting spirit with his own serious injury, knowing that he was evil, but also sticking to the belief in his heart.For such a character, Dashu also gave him a little more role.

(End of this chapter)

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