One Piece's Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 49 Zefa's Guidance

Chapter 49 Zefa's Guidance

Thanks for the 100 reward of the book friends ~The Rune~!

Hey, the mobile phone assistant sucks, your reward has never been displayed, I didn't see it until I flipped through the fan list today, sorry.
Loya had long wanted to get the six naval and domineering training methods, but because of the unequal rank and status, neither Zefa nor Kuzan had an excuse to teach him these things.

Now, the most important moment has finally come.

Zefa walked into the attic, did not stop, and went straight to the place where the bookshelf was placed in the attic.He grabbed the middle partition and pulled it left and right, the bookshelf slowly retreated to the left and right, and a bright room appeared in front of Loya.

"Come in, remember to close the door."

Zefa gave an order and walked in.

"It's the same as the villain's secret base."

Loya was amazed, followed Zefa in, turned and closed the door.

Before he could take a closer look, a strong wind hit his head.


Zefa's attack is still the familiar formula, the familiar taste, and it is not something that Loya can't stop.And it was still a sneak attack, taking the first-mover advantage, so Loya's fist was real, and he slammed it directly against the wall.

Pulling himself down hard, touching the big bag on his head, Loya roared with sharp teeth: "Bastard! Why beat me! Even if you are a teacher, you can't do this!"

"Ha? How dare you scold me!" Zefa's face turned black, his arms were wrapped around his arms, his prosthetic limbs were entangled, and his fists were hardened.

The next second, one left and one right, the overwhelming fist fell on Loya.

"Asshole right!"

"Even so!"

"Why did I hit you!"

"You dare to say that those little bastards were not driven away by you! With Tony's half-bucket of water strength, they can hurt Mingde and Keelung? You're so stupid to think of me!"

Hearing this, Loya, who was about to fight back, blinked and smiled embarrassedly: "Well, it's a bit harder, I'll pay attention next time, pay attention."

"Next time" Zefa's fist stopped suddenly, suddenly a little frustrated.The disciple I taught so hard was so easily beaten to the ground by Luo Ya, a wild man. What do you think he is trying to do?
"You bastard!"

Taking back his arrogance, Ze Fasheng waved his hand reluctantly, took out the cigar and put it in his mouth.Loya took it out in his pocket and threw it out. He used the dragon game that he had learned because of his dream of going to a bar to pick up girls. He drew a fancy arc in the air, lit the lighter, and brought it to Zefa's mouth.

Zefa was stunned for a moment, then an unknown anger surged into his heart, and he scolded his head and face: "I have this spare time to strengthen my training! Can a lighter play so smoothly as a meal?"

This small training room is made of high-quality fine iron. Except for the door disguised as a bookshelf, there is only an emergency exit on the opposite wall.

Zefa stood in the field and kept demonstrating, while Loya sucked his nosebleed and kept an eye on Zefa's movements.

"What I said above is the basic knowledge of the Sixth Form of the Navy. It is a physical technique that exceeds the limits of the human body. With your current physique, it is not a problem to master it. Among them, iron blocks, shaving, and paper painting are the three most important. Skill."

"Iron block and paper painting are the easiest and the most difficult. Learning them is very beneficial for you to master your own body, but it needs to be explored by yourself. I won't repeat it here. If you shave, I will slow down the speed, and you will be careful. Look good."

Zefa, who was standing in front of Loya, spoke again and again, and with a kick, he moved nearly ten meters away in an instant.

"Oh~~~ that's what it is!"

Loya clapped his hands and said as if he was enlightened.

As a traverser, he naturally knows the basic principles of shaving, but he has tried, no matter what, he can't step on the ground more than ten times in 0.36 seconds (the encyclopedia says) to achieve the effect of explosive movement.

Now he understands that this technique is not a simple force technique, but more importantly, the coordination of the body.

When Zefa uses shaving, he can feel that his force is not strong, but the shaking of the leg muscles at that moment looks so pleasing to the eye and full of rhythm.

Like playing the piano, gently and gracefully.

Like Roja's previous attempt, it was completely wrong to want to smash the ground.

Zefa had already given him his car key, and Loya could just hit the accelerator for the rest of the journey.

Moving back again, Zefa folded his arms and looked at Loya: "Kuzan told me that your physique is different from ordinary people because of the fruit ability. This is an advantage and a disadvantage."

"The good thing is that you don't have to work hard to break the limits of your body and improve your physique like us, as long as you develop fruits step by step. But the disadvantage is also here, because the strength is too easy to improve, you have a serious lack of awareness of your own strength. , not to mention complete control!"

Hearing Zefa's words, Loya nodded slightly.

The fact is indeed as Zefa said, the increase brought by the dragon's body even his master felt frightened, the sudden huge power, relying on the talent acquired in the dark, Loya can only superficially control.

Not to mention total control.

Loya sometimes even suspects that this system may be selling dog meat at the head of a sheep, the dragon slaying magic is a gift, and the body of the dragon is the dry goods.

Seeing Loya pondering, Zefa didn't interrupt him immediately, and when he gradually came to his senses, he continued: "The Sixth Naval Form is an extreme body technique that the Navy has integrated and completed after a hundred years. It is not a simple move, but a In order to make people more perfect control of their own creation. After you are familiar with shaving, moon steps, languid feet and finger guns, don’t fall into the practice of iron blocks and paper painting.”

Speaking of this, Zefa recalled Loya's ability to move on ice cubes, and warned: "You can create ice cubes in the air to move, which is really surprising, but it doesn't mean that the moon step is right for you. Useless. On the contrary, more refined moon steps, paired with your unique movement patterns, will make you faster."

In the following time, Zefa briefly explained the problems arising from Loya's cultivation.Zefa's guidance pointed directly to the essence, and some of the bottlenecks in cultivation that had been blocked for a long time disappeared in an instant, making Loya addicted to learning.

Although Kuzan also taught Loya before, can he compare with Zefa?
It's not that what Kuzan said is wrong, but Kuzan can always only point out one big goal. As for how to subdivide the plan and how to apply it to Loya, he has never been very clear.

Thinking about Kuzan's character, Loya said that he thought too much.

However, it is precisely because of Kuzanna's comprehensive guidance that Loya has tried everything, laid a good foundation and accumulated a lot of experience.Now, after Zefa's explanation, the past experience has suddenly turned into nourishment for his growth, like a dry sponge, absorbing water as much as possible.

Waiting for Zefa to finish speaking, Luo Ya rubbed his head and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Zefa, can you teach me the way of practicing domineering?"

The Chinese among the travelers all know a saying: greed is not enough to chew.

What Zefa taught him today was enough for him to drill and grind for a long time, but when he thought of being able to come into contact with one of the top abilities in the One Piece world, it was difficult for Loya to contain his anxiety.

In response to this, Zefa didn't have the expected stern rejection, but shook his head helplessly: "You! I knew you would ask this."

In fact, from Zefa's point of view, Loya already has the foundation for practicing domineering.It's just that because of Kuzan's concerns, he never taught Loya.

Although domineering is mysterious, for a powerhouse of their level, it has long lost its freshness.

When you can cultivate, how to cultivate, and how to strengthen, you have a complete set of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Hearing Loya's question, Zefa, who had already had a draft in his heart, briefly introduced the domineering way of practice to Loya.

However, although domineering cultivation has become a system, the teacher's personal guidance is still indispensable. These cannot be understood verbally.Just like Luffy in the original book, even if Luffy has been able to use his arrogance from time to time, Rayleigh still continues to teach him.

But for Loya, this talented disciple, even without Kuzan's request, Zefa doesn't mind spending some time and energy to teach Loya well.

 I admit that today's work is a bit watery, so let me draw an outline. The rhythm seems to be slower than I expected. I should be able to rest this weekend. I will take my time.If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area, and I will read it slowly when I have time.Seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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