Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 1024 A New Supervisor

Chapter 1024 A New Supervisor

The best match is because the woman has a serene demeanor. With a simple and clean white winter suit, it gives people a soft, transparent and solemn feeling, which complements the atmosphere of the church.No one would have thought it inappropriate for her to lead Mass standing at the altar—ignoring what she was carrying on her back.

It was a metal backpack with four metal arms full of futuristic sci-fi style. This ultra-modern element was incompatible with the classical church, making her a contradictory combination of opposites and unity.

However, the woman called Fiore didn't mean to spoil the atmosphere of the church. She picked up the robotic arm because it was more efficient to clean.Under Fiore's control, the four metal arms are more flexible than human hands. One sweeps the floor with a broom, one sweeps the floor with a mop, and two wipe the tables, chairs and benches with a rag. Her hands are not idle either. Dustpan in hand.

She alone took on the workload of three people.Except for the "Self-disciplined Moon Essence Liquid Maid" made by Kenneth, no one can surpass her in this respect.

After a while, she has cleaned up the core parts of the chapel such as the cross, the holy image, and the altar, and it is spotless.After cleaning up the icon and the cross, she did not forget to pray silently to the icon, her solemn expression and solemn attitude made people feel devout from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing this scene, Liz Baifei curled her lips and said with a strange expression: "Is she really not a 'saint' of the church? I have also seen the prayers of the cardinals, and none of them can do her level." .”

"I'm not surprised that you have such an idea, because I often think so too. Even our damn director can't help but put down his murderous look in front of her. Seriously, I've never seen that A killer would have that...innocent smile."

Hearing Xier's revelation, the expression on Liz Baifer's face became even weirder.

"That Narubalek... This is no longer a 'saint' level, it's a 'saint'...I think she looks like Lady Martha, what do you think?"

Xier took a closer look and said, "I think she looks more like Lady Maria."

At this time, Fiore had finished praying, turned around and said to the two official priests.

"I'm not as great as you say. I'm just an ordinary wandering magician. By your standards, I can probably be regarded as a heretic."

"I'm the first to say you're a heretic." Liz Baifei sat up from the chair and shook her head again and again, "If someone like you is a heretic, then what are Xier and I?"

"You are different from me. The 'burial agency' including me is all heresy." Xier corrected with a frown.

"What's the difference? I, the leader of the 'Heteristic Interrogation Knights', say you are not, you are not. Whoever has an opinion, let him come to me! I will persuade him." Liz Baifei is unreasonable He waved his fist, obviously, this method of persuasion is very physical.

She is such a person, with a clear distinction between likes and hates.Think you're not a good person... 2 tons of fists to find out.I think you are a good person, whether you are a vampire or a devil are her friends.Until now, she has kept in touch with Zi Yuan, Qiu Ye and others.

"I probably understand why so many people admire you." Xier said in a voice that only he could hear, "This frankness is really enviable."

"Heyer." Fiore walked up to the forever 16-year-old girl and held her hand sincerely, "The so-called 'saint' and 'heretic' are not determined by your origin, but by your Mind. I can assure you that you, Karen, and your chief are not heretics—ah, though that's a bit out of place for me, a magician."

At the end, Fiore lowered her head in embarrassment, which made Liz Baifei complain again.

"Also said that he is not a saint, this is obviously something that a saint would do."


Fiore was about to correct her when she suddenly turned her head to look at the side door on the side of the chapel.Sierra and Liz Baifer beside her did the same thing.

The next second, the side door was pushed open, and a petite girl who was also wearing a black monk uniform walked into the chapel.

"Why did you come out?" Xier waved at the girl, "Is there something wrong with the 'Spiritual Artifact Disk'?"

"No, there is nothing wrong with the 'spiritual device disk' itself." The girl shook her head, "I have successfully established a connection with the spiritual vein and successfully reflected the basic information of the servants, but there is a problem with the number of servants displayed."

"What's the problem?"

"The spirit device disk shows that there are currently sixteen servants in Fuyuki City."

"What? Sixteen riders!" Fiore, who had always given the impression of being calm and stable, exclaimed.

Xier hurriedly asked: "Are you sure? Kallen?"

"Yes. And there is no such thing as the red and black camps that Miss Fiore said."

Hearing this answer, Xier's face turned dark: "It seems that this is the change in the rules that Roa said. Although he doesn't want to admit it, that bastard is really good at finding loopholes in the rules."

At this time, Fiore also regained her composure: "Sixteen cavalry servants... Tell me about the specific job composition."

"Master Fiore said that there are seven regular jobs, each with two riders, and the extra two riders are Faker."


Fiore repeated the additional job description in a low voice, her eyes fluctuating.

"Did you find anything?" Xier looked expectant.

"No, there is no new job agency I've heard of before." Fiore exhaled, a look of apology appeared on her white and clean cheeks, "It seems that my information is no longer suitable for the current situation of Fuyuki City, I have let you down, I'm sorry .”

Xier quickly waved her hand: "No need to apologize, Miss Fiore, you have already given us enough help."

"You've been helping us all the time," Kallen added.

"Besides, the more servants participating in the battle, the more beneficial it is to us." Liz Baifei said as she clenched her fists vigorously, "There are so many heroes, there must be some who don't like monsters, when the time comes... hehe! "

"You look like this, don't you want to challenge those heroes?"

"Ah, you saw it."

Xier was originally joking, but Liz Baifei did not expect Liz Baifei to admit it, and immediately attracted a strange look, especially Kallen, who was expressionless, unblinking but with inexplicable contempt. "Holy Shield Knight" felt tremendous pressure.

"Don't look at me like that, I promise I won't mess around, I will ask for your opinions before taking action, and I promise I won't cause trouble to the supervisor."

Hearing this answer, Karen gave a faint "hmm", and the corners of her mouth curled up in a pleasant little arc, but no one noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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