Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 1036 You Sing, I Come On

Chapter 1036 You Sing, I Come On

Iskandar and Darius III have an odd relationship.

The two are undoubtedly enemies, and they are mortal enemies. Under normal circumstances, as long as they meet, it will be an endless decisive battle.

But while fighting to the death, the two kings cherished such a good opponent.If someone kills one of them first, the remaining party will definitely challenge this person.

What's more, Nero Kaos not only killed Darius III, but also evaluated him with such a contemptuous attitude.In the eyes of Iskandar, this is not only an insult to Darius III, but also an insult to himself.

This made King Conqueror feel a heartfelt man.This bold man seldom gets angry, but when he gets angry, it will be a thunderous fury, and he will use the life of the enemy to appease him.

"Wei Bo, I'm sorry, I will increase your burden next."

In the faint tone, it contains the unshakable will of the Tyrant.

Weber clenched his fist and lightly hammered his chest.

"You are my king, your will is my mission!"

Once upon a time, he was still an immature boy, and every time he got on the chariot, he would tremble with trepidation, wishing to get off immediately, and never stay with this disobedient guy again.

However, after the man left, he especially missed the thrilling and even frightening feeling.If possible, he would still like to ride in the same chariot with his king, and gallop together, even if the two battles again and again, his face is ashen.

Now this wish has finally come true. Although his fragile body still trembles unavoidably, his introspection is extremely exciting and joyful, as if he has returned to his youth again.

Iskandar was obviously very satisfied with Weber's attitude, he pulled the rein vigorously, raised his sword and shouted.

"Let's go then, AAAAALaLaLaLaLaie!!"

Waver also opened his throat, shouting as much as he could.


That was the war cry that belonged exclusively to Macedonia and the army of the King of Conquerors. As long as they followed the king, everyone would involuntarily shout to their heart's content.

In this regard, Nero Kaos just said lightly: "boring".

In the next second, boom, boom, boom, the three beasts rushed towards Iskandar like bullets,

Not the dogs used in the raid just now, but the leopards, each of which is bigger than Nero itself, flying around like a devil with flashing silhouettes.

"Crush 'em, bull!"


Hearing the master's order, the bull's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared to confront the attacking panther.

Although the number and volume are at a disadvantage, the bull pulling the chariot is the incarnation of Zeus, the god of heaven, a divine beast that surpasses ordinary phantom beasts!

As a result of the confrontation, there was no suspense. The three cheetahs were first stabbed in the throat by the horn of the bull, then trampled by the hooves of the bull, and finally crushed by the chariot.The sacred cow faithfully carried out the master's order - said to crush, it was crushed.

The first battle was won, but—the face of Wei Bo in the car suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: "No, leave!"

Before Iskandar could react, Nero Kaos, who seemed to be at a disadvantage, had already said, "It's too late."

Under the chariot, the three black panthers that had been torn apart suddenly dissolved, and turned into countless snakes in the next instant, firmly binding the wheels of the chariot.If the wheels couldn't move, the mobility and impact of the chariot would naturally be greatly weakened. All of this was intentional by Nero Kaos, in order to abolish Iskandar's certification as a Rider.

The King of Conquerors who fell into the trap looked as usual, and he snorted lightly.

"Don't underestimate this king's chariot!"

Immediately afterwards, the space around the chariot was filled with blue thunder, and the raging snakes were instantly torn apart by the more violent thunder, together with the nearby ground.

"Oh? How about this?"

Nero Kaos was still expressionless, and a huge, abyss-like mouth had been waiting for a long time in the depths of the blasted ground.The moment the ground broke open, the big mouth closed at an astonishingly high speed, intending to swallow people and cars in one gulp.

At the very moment, there was a thunderclap in the sky, and it went straight through Iskandar's chariot, but did not cause any harm to the people in the chariot. In the giant mouth, the latter was scorched black and could no longer be closed.

It wasn't until this moment that the two people on the chariot saw the true face of the giant mouth. It was a ground-burrowing monster that didn't belong to modern times, like a fish or a lizard.

The Shadow Warrior in the sky calmly withdrew his hands, looked down at the master of the herd from above, and asked provocatively:
"not so good."

She is the last shield of the conquering king, she has been watching her king, she will not give the enemy any chance to hurt the king.

"How about that?"

Nero Kaos asked the question for the second time.

No, not Nero, although the voice is the same, the tone is completely different.The direction of transmission is also different.

Nero Chaos was on the ground, but this voice was in the sky, just behind the Shadow Warrior, attacking the back of the slightly relaxed woman together with the fatal crisis.

It was too late when he realized something was wrong, he was punched heavily in the back of his heart, vomited blood, and fell from the air.

Faker is perfect as a shadow warrior, no one can doubt that.But just because she is too perfect, she puts all her heart and soul on the king, and puts the king first. Instead, she ignores her own safety and gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Although she was not killed in one blow, she was seriously injured and obviously could no longer resist the herd of beasts that came smelling of blood.


Iskandar pulled the reins of the chariot vigorously to rescue him, but was blocked by Nero Kaos.The King of Conquerors was so angry that his eyes were tearing apart—is he going to watch her die in order to protect himself as before?
"It's okay, I'm not unprepared."

Instead, Wei Bo calmed down, and while comforting him, he pressed his ears and said.He has always been a person who makes plans before acting. He specially reserved a hand before the battle started, just in case, and now it is finally time to use it.

"—Sfin, do it!"


The wild and unrestrained howling of wolves was particularly loud under the night, even if it was mixed with the beast tide, it was still clearly audible and even more clearly visible.

Among the all-black herd, the golden man-wolf stood out. With his excellent agility and strong physique, the man-wolf passed through the herd in twos and threes, picked up Faker who had fallen to the ground, and ran towards the distance outside , The speed is so fast that even the unicorn horse, which is famous for its foot strength, can't catch up.

Seeing that he was about to rush into the forest in the distance and leave the battlefield, a person suddenly flashed by the side of the road. It was the man who had sneaked up on Faker from behind just now.

"I asked you something, so what?"

"Still not good."

Someone answered for Sifin and Faker.

(End of this chapter)

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