Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 1042 Rainbow Light

Chapter 1042 Rainbow Light
The spiritual particles gather, and the spiritual light flickers.

The left hand is black and white, and the right hand is golden.

Black and white is a shield carved with a beautiful human face.

The golden one is a vajra covered with brilliant thunder and lightning.

Shield of Athena!
Indra's Thunder!
First the left hand—

"Athena, the Goddess of War of Olympus, inlaid the Gorgon's head offered by Perseus in the shield, which is called the 'Athena's Shield', and it is a treasure made by Athena for herself as a god. Anyone in front of this shield will be petrified—'Cybele' opens his eyes!"

On the surface of the shield covered by obsidian, a pair of bewitching eyes slowly opened, and in an instant, the world was gray and white.Driven by Nero Khaos, the entire herd of beasts rushing towards Shinji was captured by their eyes, and almost all of them turned into stone statues.

Of course, there are still a few fish that slipped through the net, and all of them are fantasy species with extremely high personalities. Relying on their own strong resistance to magic, they just survived the highest-ranking petrified demon eyes and continued to attack Shen Er.

It's a pity that although it was not petrified, it was still inevitably affected by the magic eye and became slow in action.

This gave Shinji the chance to release the Noble Phantasm of his right hand.

"Indra, the king of the Indian gods, is the first magic weapon, the vajra condensed by the mighty thunderbolt, to perform punishment on behalf of the heavens, and to subdue all demons!"

Thunder is coming!The power of God is like a prison!
The brilliant lightning spread out at a speed second only to the speed of light, interweaving a lightning cage ten meters in length and width in an instant, enveloping the last remaining black fantasy species.

The status of Indra in Buddhism is equivalent to the Archangel Michael in Christianity, and his first magic weapon is equivalent to the holy sword in Michael's hand. One can imagine the lethality of this level of holy objects to the dead .Although the vajra in Shen's second hand does not have the belief bonus of gods, it still has the power to wipe out demons and heretics.

"All you monsters hiding in the shadows of human history can deny are treasures made for humans, not treasures made for gods or demons. You just said that things of this level are hard to find? Unfortunately, I Most of the treasures on my body are like this."

In the process of speaking, the cage of divine thunder has disappeared, but the air in the air has not diminished, but is constantly rising.

In just a few seconds, the dark clouds that disappeared because of Faker's surprise attack enveloped the night sky again. In the dark clouds, thunder roared and lightning entangled. Thor yelled loudly.

Obviously, Shen Er didn't intend to stop here, he wanted to wipe out all the dead disciples around him.

At the moment when Shenlei's power reached its peak, the golden pestle suspended in the palm of his right hand flew out, heading straight for the turbid current where Luoa was hiding.

Then, the sky thunder exploded.

The thunder of gold poured down like a waterfall - pouring from sky to earth, or sublimating from earth to sky.

This force crazily ravages everything touched by the destroyer, just like the punishment imposed by Indra himself, smashing all twisted things, even the "Soil of Creation" cannot resist such pure power, let alone hide Among them, Roa, who was hit hard.

"Didn't I say it? I'm a professional vampire hunter. If you just hide in the dark and linger on your last breath, you may be able to live a few more days. But you just can't think about it, and you can only go to my place to make trouble. It's a dead end...Hey, why are you doing this?"

At the end of the somewhat arrogant declaration, there was a sigh directed at Araya Soren.

"I was resurrected with great difficulty, so why go back to 'stationary'?"

When Indra's Thunder was about to penetrate the last remaining "Creation Land", the only human in the "Mapo Jingfen" group finally got rid of Gray's entanglement, and brazenly rushed into the God's Thunder of Punishment , using all the barriers and the body of the vajra to protect the "land of creation" and the dying Luoa.

Indra's divine thunder is extremely lethal to demons and heretics including the dead disciples, but it is not effective against the great monk who is also a member of Buddhism and has already embarked on the road of vajra.Although his body was scorched black and bloody from the beating, Araya still survived and was able to speak.

"I don't want to die again, but Luo A can't die even more."

"Hey? Why? It can't be because of the high similarity between you, right? Well, you look alike, you sound the same, and you're both undead monsters, more brothers than brothers."

Shen Er wanted to make this complaint a long time ago, and now he has seized the opportunity.

"No." Araya denied rigidly, "It's just that before my goal is achieved, Roa's existence is necessary, and he cannot die."

"Similarly, Roa is necessary to me, he cannot die."

A black unicorn descended from the sky, carrying Nero Chaos on it.In order to protect Luo Ah, he also rushed over in time.

"Yeah, then you all go to hell. Together, you just save me the trouble."

Shen Er's expression remained unchanged, his right hand was stretched out, and the red pattern under the white clothes was lit up.

"I give the order with the command spell, the artifact is released, and Indra's Thunder - Illusion collapses!"

The crystallization of great magic, the power closest to a miracle, not only restores the magic weapon that has been exhausted and dim, but also stimulates the maximum destructive power beyond the limit of the magic weapon itself.

Using all the fantasy and magic power in it as explosives, it explodes at once, which is more powerful than the thunder released just now.

While manipulating Indra's Thunder, Shinji was also mobilizing other powers under his control.If the enemy survives by chance, there will be another round of blows waiting for them.In order to kill the snake, the young man who calls himself a frog has worked hard and tried his best.

But even so, this blow was still not enough.The method Shen Er prepared was enough to deal with the three snakes, but besides the three snakes, there was a fourth person standing opposite.

That's right, it's a human, not a snake.

The Servant Assassin was summoned by Araya with a Command Spell at a critical moment.

It was this person who was covered in darkness and couldn't see his true face clearly snatched three snakes from the "Fantasy Collapse" terrorist explosion, and led them to evacuate to the rear.He didn't say a word the whole time, and his movements were frighteningly fast.

"Want to run? Can you run?"

Shen Er let out a cold snort, his body floated in the air, and while making fantasy bombs, he accelerated his pursuit.He doesn't have the habit of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, let alone a snake that is more troublesome than a tiger. If you can't kill it once, you will inevitably have endless troubles.

Regardless of whether it is heaven or earth, Shen Er will catch up and get rid of the troubles, even if doing so will expose his "third magic".

However, something surprising happened.

Shen Er, who owns a first-class flying treasure, can't catch up!
That's right, Shen Er, who was alone with no weight, couldn't catch up with Assassin who was dragging three, and the distance between the two sides was getting farther and farther.

When Shen Er stepped onto the Pegasus, the four men in black had already disappeared from sight.

This is not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated is that, driving Tianma to follow the direction of the enemy's departure at low altitude, the result is nothing, no traces at all.

Whether it is scanning with mental power, sensing with breath, or even looking for concepts attached to Luoa, there is nothing to be found.

Back and forth, inside and out, carefully circled the area, Shen Er finally gave up and gave up searching.

This kind of work of finding clues and finding people is not his strong point, otherwise he wouldn't have been looking for Chengzi for so long.

Shen Er wants to seek help from an expert——Webber Velvet, a famous detective, the modern Sherlock Holmes, with him, no clues can be found.

Just as he was flying back to the original place, a gorgeous rainbow light suddenly broke into the young man's sight.

PS: Well, it can actually run, really.

(End of this chapter)

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