Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 29 The Gun and the Sword (4)

Chapter 29 The Gun and the Sword ([-])
It was Lancer who shot first.

Compared with the gorgeous and varied moves he used before, this straight blow even made people feel clumsy.It was as if he didn't predict Saber's next move at all, no, he didn't even intend to defend against her counterattack.

As it should be, Saber deftly blocked the stabbing spear with her sword.

But this should have been a painless shot, but——

Mutation mutation.

With the opposing spear and sword at the center, a whirlwind rolled up without any warning.

In the center of the whirlwind, there is a golden light looming.


Saber cried out in surprise, and took three steps back.

Lancer, on the other hand, had a calm expression on his face, not planning to chase after him at all.

"Your hidden sword has been exposed."

Lancer who whispered proudly and Saber who remained silent.

Apart from the two people involved, only Skaha and Shen Er understood what happened at that moment. Skaha relied on his eyesight and wisdom, while Shen Er relied on the traveler's understanding of the plot and setting.

The wind is emitted by Saber's sword. To be precise, it should come from one of her Noble Phantasms "Wind King Barrier".

There are roughly two types of effects that can be exerted by a treasure phantasm: one is to release a certain killing power while calling out the real name; the other is to use the attributes already possessed by the weapon as a treasure.

Saber's "Wind King Barrier" belongs to the latter, and Lancer's spear also belongs to the latter.

At the moment when it collided with Lancer's spear and sword, the compressed air in the wind king's barrier to distort the refraction of light was released.The corner of the real sword exposed in the broken barrier was seen by Lancer.What he said just now was the evidence that his spear tore through the Wind King's enchantment.

"Your blade has been seen clearly, I will not be confused by you anymore." Lancer roared and rushed over.

The fact is also as he said, every subsequent shot is a fatal attack, there are no redundant movements, and every move is calculated accurately.And Saber could only do her best, blocking every attack with her sword.

In an instant, the afterimage of a golden sword appeared in flickering.

The continuously leaked air pressure gathered into a strong hurricane, violently blowing away Saber's blond hair.There is no doubt that it was the red gun that lifted the Wind King's enchantment.In the constant fighting, the invisible sword was now almost completely exposed.

However, the moves with just one long spear are not as difficult to deal with as with two long and short spears. Although Lancer is an excellent spearman, all the moves Saber has seen in the long spear state are ordinary moves that Saber has seen, whether it is parry or counterattack. Fortunately, it is not difficult.

During the battle, Saber keenly caught a loophole of Lancer.The target of the next shot was Saber's abdomen. Saber's whole body was covered with hard armor, so this shot couldn't be blocked, and his attack could be blocked by the hardness of the armor.

This is a golden opportunity to fight back.

Saber decisively changed hands and stabbed the sword towards Lancer's shoulder, ignoring the point of the spear that grazed the side and abdomen, intending to severely injure Lancer with one sword.

"That's not a loophole, it's a trap, Saber made a mistake." Seeing this, Shinji sighed.

"It's not a mistake, it's just that Saber didn't understand the effect of that gun." Scathach crossed his arms, "Is it careless? Or is it impatient?"

While speaking, spears and swords crisscrossed, Saber withdrew the sword at the critical moment, turned her body to the side and turned over on the ground.

Lancer's gun was covered with blood, which was the blood that came out from Saber's waist.

Saber, who managed to escape Lancer's pursuit, immediately stood up and continued to contain her opponent, but the pained expression on her face did not hide.

"Saber!" Alice Viel immediately used magic, trying to heal the wound on Saber's side and abdomen.

"Thank you, Irisviel, I'm fine, your healing magic has taken effect." Saber was covering the wound while speaking, it seemed that the pain of the wound had not been completely relieved.

"As expected, won't it be so easy to hand over the victory to me?" After hearing this, Lancer did not show any disappointment, but became more and more excited.

Saber gritted her teeth, and touched the part scratched by the gun, but the result surprised her—the wound was not touched, and the armor was intact.

"Have you finally found it? That gun cuts not the atmosphere, but the magic power. Anything woven with magic power will be nullified when it touches the gun."

While Scathach was speaking, Saber also made the same judgment.

The seemingly innocuous Noble Phantasm is enough to make it difficult for most followers.The quality of a servant's equipment mostly depends on the mana and magic attached to it, but Lancer's gun can make them all ineffective.

"Your armor is produced by magic power. If you want to rely on it to protect you, you'd better die, Saber. Before my magic gun, it's no different from being naked."

"What a terrible line." Shinji snorted softly, uttering such frivolous words, it's no wonder he ended up like that (heavy fog).

Facing Lancer's sarcastic words, Saber snorted: "Just taking off my armor and being so proud, I will have a headache."

The silver armor wrapped around Saber suddenly flew away.

Irisviel was stunned, while Lancer narrowed his eyes.

Chest guard, wrist guards and leg guards, there was nothing left, Saber automatically disarmed the armor.The fragments of the armor lost their supply of magic power and gradually disappeared like smoke.

Shinji rested his chin and sighed: "Well, Saber is indeed a Saber with an average attribute of A, and this aspect is also A. In comparison, it is better to be a master of D."

This evaluation, which was worse than Lancer's, was undoubtedly sanctioned, and Scatha slapped Shenji to the ground.

"If you think about it any more, I'll throw you down."

"Agreed." Justesa nodded expressionlessly, and incidentally mentioned that some aspects of this person are C or C+.

Saber below started the fight again wearing thin clothes.

Without the shackles of armor, Saber's attributes have been greatly improved, strength, speed, and agility have increased by 60.00% compared with before.

Shinji knew that Saber used her own skill "Magic Power Release".

Magic power release: Gather a large amount of magic power in the weapons and limbs in the hand, and can burst out the magic power at any time according to the needs, instantly improving the ability of movement.

This is also the reason why Saber, who looks like just a petite girl, can use that big sword freely and fight like a true warrior of strength.

The increase brought by the release of magic power is directly proportional to the magic power used. After dispelling the armor generated by the magic power, Saber can use the magic power of the whole body to fight. It is reasonable to have such a large increase-this is a veritable exchange of defense. output.

From the disadvantage of being forced to remove the armor to the advantage of abandoning the armor, this is the method she uses to deal with the demon-breaking gun.

"Since I can't defend myself, I can only kill you before I get cut. Come to my senses, Lancer!"

Saber's handsome face reveals determination, which complements the magic power of the roar.

"Are you going to put all your eggs in one basket? Your decisiveness and bravery are very admirable."

Lancer, like a matador in front of the bull, moved his steps laterally provocatively.

"But now, I want to say, you made a mistake, Saber!"

(End of this chapter)

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