Next, Shen Er, what's your business?

Chapter 456 Archer Showdown

Chapter 456 Archer Showdown
This world is already the world of human beings. If the gods either fall or go to the inner side of the world, they have bid farewell to humans.Even if Atalanta was favored by the moon god and a devout believer who believed in the moon god all his life, he could only borrow a small part of the power of the gods, which was difficult to sustain.

The moment the green arrow rain of light became loose, it meant the departure of the Moon God Kamui.

It was also at this moment that the storm set off by the eagle exploded and reached its peak.At the same time, there was Astolfo's roar that was completely opposite to the image: "Kill it, Hippogriff!"

The storm raged, and the last wave of arrow rain disappeared. Except for the first wave that fell the first to cover Vlad III and Siegfried, the rest were offset by Astolfo's strongest treasure.

"Good job."

Vlad III looked at the calming storm in the sky with satisfaction.Although he didn't care about the loss of the artificial man and the puppet army, if he could save more troops, he would have a better chance of winning, not to mention that Astolfo's offset this time severely rubbed the aggressor's spirit.

The commander-in-chief of the black side, the lord of this land, pointed his gun at the front, and the majestic voice resounded throughout the audience: "Assault!"

The war horse puppet faithfully carried out the master's order, flying all four hooves.

At the same time, the black rider Astolfo also landed on the ground shaking. The rain of arrows in the "Book of Arrows of Complaint" is not so easy to counteract, and the divine power contained in it has cost him and Junying a little.

At this time, the eagle has long been dissatisfied with the mighty appearance when it appeared on the stage. The sharp claws and wings inherited from the griffin are stained with blood, and the handsome feet inherited from the famous horse are also a little staggering. This is the price paid for resisting the might of the gods—it After all, it is only a phantom beast, not a divine beast.

The same is true for Astolfo. Although he blocked a lot of light arrows by waving "Touch and Fall", the number of light arrows is unusually large, and he does not have Siegfried's tough body, so he will inevitably be shot. Arrow hit.

Fortunately, Arrow Rain's attack power was limited, and one person and one eagle were not seriously injured, so they wouldn't lose their fighting power on the spot.

The knight riding the phantom stared unconvincedly at the courtyard hanging upside down in the sky. If it wasn't for helping the artificial man resist the rain of arrows, such a rain of arrows would be nothing to fear!

It's all your fault!
The red archer Atalanta in the courtyard caught this look, and his already cold expression became even colder.

"Did you destroy my attack? Then use your own life to pay back——rider!"

"Sister, you called me?" Achilles, the red rider behind him, clenched his fist and responded.

"It's not you, it's the black rider. He and his beast are worthy prey."

Aiming is ready.The bow is not used by hand, but by feeling.No matter how fast the prey moves, the arrow will surely penetrate the heart.

The fired arrows are painted black.This is the result of ruling out all possibilities of arrows being found during the night battle.

However, Astolfo, whose fighting instincts had been fully awakened, sensed the danger in advance, and swung the golden assault gun in his right hand, blocking the arrow that was aimed at the heart.

When the arrow failed, Atalanta was not discouraged. For the legendary hunter who shot the Calydonian boar, as long as the prey did not fall, her arrow would not stop.And her arrows are more powerful than the Noble Phantasm "Arrow Book of Complaint" when hunting a single prey.

This is Atalanta, archery, no, to be precise, it should be an expert in hunting skills who have reached the realm of the gods.

After a while, Astolfo, who was only so-so in martial arts, was hit by several arrows again and was defeated.

"I can't help but use that one?"

Just when Astolfo was about to do something, Atalanta fully drew the bow and shot a killing arrow at the throat of the prey.

The arrow blinked faster than the sound, and the only thing that was engraved was the result of the arrow piercing the heart——

It should be so.

——However, this lore arrow was shot down by a shadow from the original, and with Atalanta's eyesight, he could see that it was also an arrow.


At that time, the Red Archer understood and realized for the first time—that there are two people in each class in the Holy Grail War.That is to say, there is a possibility that the enemy has another archer with the same strength as himself.

It is common for the prey being sniped to lie on the ground to avoid the arrows suddenly, and it is not uncommon to meet them occasionally.It is natural for the targeted prey to fight back against the hunter.

However, the shooting down of his own arrow just now was neither accidental, nor was it caused by the targeted prey.It was done by a third party who had nothing to do with hunting.In other words, the arrow was shot down by the Black Archer who should be far behind the Black Rider.

"Aimed and shot down my arrow!"

That's probably a shame that couldn't even exist in life.How could the arrow shot by the target be shot down by a third party!
Faced with this unbelievable fact, Atalanta forgot herself for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chiron the Black Archer, who rescued his allies with unparalleled arrow skills, transmitted his voice to Astolfo's ears.

"Let me deal with the arrow and the red archer, you come back first, the assassin left you a healing treasure."

"Oh, thanks, Chiron!"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me by my real name!"

In Chiron's somewhat helpless voice, Astolfo turned around and ran away while steering the eagle—as a child of a griffin and a famous horse, both the sky and the earth were within its galloping range.

Seeing this, Atalanta immediately put the shame behind her.

What should be done now is to kill the prey.Facing the artistic attack just now, she chose the barrage method of attack.

On her single hand, three arrows appeared in one breath.She aimed the three arrows at Astolfo who was about to flee.

Arrow, as long as it does not become a Noble Phantasm, it will not have the function of automatic rear-end pursuit.In other words, the outcome is not determined by quality but by quantity.

Needless to say, as long as any arrow hits the enemy directly, the opponent will definitely be defeated.The three tightly wound arrows are precisely aimed at key parts such as the back of the heart, the back of the head, and the feet of the eagle.

It doesn't matter if you don't die.As long as the movement slows down, the next round will be loaded and the job will be over.

Eliminating all possibility of defeat, the archers fired their arrows with complete confidence.

However, the Arrow of Perfection was still intercepted because there were more arrows on the opposite side - Atalanta released three arrows, but the other side shot five arrows.

Atalanta lost again!
At this time, Astolfo had already run a considerable distance.She is more difficult to shoot and easier to face.

This time, even Achilles saw something was wrong: "There is a better archer than eldest sister."

Atalanta's green pupils radiated unprecedented light, and the animal's ears and tail also stood up, which was a symbol of the beast being enraged.

"Black Archer!!!"

"It seems that the eldest sister has also found an opponent, so I will find the opponent I believe!"

Achilles slapped his knee suddenly, and started running forward with a joyful expression, and just jumped down from the sky garden.

(End of this chapter)

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