Pirate Galen

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
Naturally, Galen would not let Kentucky take up the position of a fried chicken master, let alone really let Kentucky help him develop anti-human biological weapons.

In order not to waste the value of this scientist, Galen gave Kentucky an unexpected scientific research task:

Research methods for the large-scale production of helium.

Kentucky, who specializes in biochemistry, feels a bit embarrassed by Galen's behavior of laymen guiding experts.

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Kentucky still bit the bullet and took on this scientific research task that made him a little confused.

Kentucky felt puzzled because the gas helium has almost no applications in this world, and no one had worked hard to study this strange gas before.

But Galen knew the great effect this gas could play:

Inflate, inflate the empty boat.

As the saying goes, "To get rich, build roads first." Changes in transportation methods can affect the lifestyle of an entire generation, and can also subtly change the pattern of the entire world.

The natural topographic barriers of the Red Earth Continent and the windless belt greatly restricted the maritime traffic in this world.

The navy's scientific research personnel spent a lot of money to develop the Hailoushi warship, which enabled the elite troops of the navy headquarters to ignore the danger of the windless belt and quickly maneuver between the great channel and the four seas.

After Galen saw this extremely restricted mode of transportation by sea, the first thought he had was:
Why not go to heaven?
In a world where even robots can be created, there is no reason why planes and airships cannot be created.

Compared with airplanes, airships have lower cost, simpler craftsmanship, stronger load capacity and endurance, and their maneuverability can crush any ship in the sea today.

As long as there is such a thing as an airship, the windless belt and the great waterway will no longer be obstacles, and the pirates who are used to robbing on the sea can only look at the sky and sigh helplessly.

With this in mind, Galen forced the Kentucky scientist who specialized in biochemistry to the post of researching industrial helium.

However, Kentucky is also ignorant of this, and there are no suitable experimental equipment and research materials on the ship. Only after arriving in Alabasta, a country rich in resources, can the research be officially started.

With the great idea of ​​transforming the era of great navigation into the era of great aviation, Galen even more urgently drove his subordinates to speed up and sail towards the destination Alabasta at full speed.

Although it is said to be 'going forward with all its strength', no matter how hard a huge sailing battleship goes all out, it will not be able to display any amazing speed.

After seven full days, Galen still saw the endless sea.

The sailing experience on the great waterway is much more interesting than that in the East China Sea. Due to the influence of the strange climate circle of each island, the nearby waters will also present different degrees of climate differences such as cool wind, scorching sun, frost and fog, and blizzard.

In just seven days, Galen experienced the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and personally experienced the magic of the great waterway.

But no matter how amazing things are, once you get used to them, they will become dull.

Because Vivi provided a permanent pointer to Alabasta, Galen and his party did not stop at any island along the way, but kept sailing on the vast sea.

This makes the long sailing journey even more boring.

On this day, the dreadnought Saber had just escaped from a blizzard, and sailed to a summer sea again.

The sun shining from the sky was extremely dazzling and scorching hot, and quickly melted the piles of snow on the battleship into a pool of ice water.

Seeing such a sunny day, the unrestrained Nami immediately put out a set of beach chairs and parasols on the deck, and called Weiwei to put on a cool swimsuit, and lay on the beach chair to enjoy Take a leisurely sunbathing.

Although Galen has been slightly critical of Nami's open style, he still did not prevent the two beautiful girls from having leisure activities on his boat.

After all, this is also an important way for him to pass the time these days.

Galen also consciously sat next to Nami and Weiwei, enjoying the beautiful scenery around him while chatting with them.

But the three of them didn't talk for long, and the topic inevitably became serious.

"Can we win this time?"

It was Princess Weiwei who asked this question.

After learning from Galen that the behind-the-scenes boss of Baroque Works is actually Shichibukai Crocodile, Wei Wei has a lot of lingering hesitation about her plan to save the country.

Moreover, two hard-won friends, Galen and Nami, were also involved in a huge danger, and Weiwei felt a little guilty.

Galen looked at the entanglement and retreat in Weiwei's slightly frowning brows, and smiled confidently.

He understood what Weiwei really cared about, so he directly persuaded:

"Vivi, you don't have to worry about the safety of me and Nami."

"I'm strong."

These words seemed too simple to be convincing, but it still made Weiwei feel at ease instinctively.

And Nami echoed Galen's words, and smiled softly:
"Vivi, don't think too much."

"What is Qi Wuhai afraid of?"

She was actually very worried, but she didn't show it in front of Weiwei at all.

While persuading Weiwei, Nami is also emboldening herself:
"When I first met Galen, he couldn't even beat a small pirate with a steel knife; he was so poor that he had to eat the overlord's meal."

"But just over three months have passed, look at the present."

Nami pointed to the wide deck and majestic turret around her, and suddenly felt a sense of pride in her heart:
"He is already the captain of a huge battleship, and he is the 'Eastern Sea Overlord' that everyone in the East China Sea knows!"

Weiwei nodded lightly, and she also witnessed Galen's legend from being alone to the overlord of the East China Sea.

Hearing Nami's praise from the heart, Galen also smiled politely, and joked again:

"Don't be like what others call me 'Eastern Sea Overlord'!"

"This is the title of that unlucky Creek, unlucky."

Indeed, Galen had never claimed to be the overlord of the East China Sea. In addition to the guiding ideology of "not seeking hegemony" for peaceful rise, he also had deep sympathy for the former owner of this title.

The former "Overlord of the East China Sea", Admiral Klick's luck is indeed bad, and he is a thorough African admiral:

He just sat at home and was headed by Galen like a catastrophe. The armaments and ships accumulated over the years like a hamster were all cheap for Galen who occupied the magpie's nest.

And the dreadnought battleship Saber that Galen is currently riding on is also the flagship left by Klick.

"There is a ship ahead!"

Galen was mourning the unlucky Creek in his heart, but there was a warning from the watchman on the ship in the distance.

This warning completely destroyed the good communication atmosphere between Galen and the two beautiful girls, and made Captain Galen's impression of this lookout who didn't know how to read the leader's face was greatly reduced:

"What are you panicking about!"

Galen vented his displeasure, but dutifully followed the watchman's prompt to get up and stand at the bow of the ship, and then carefully observed the situation at sea with his naked-eye binoculars.

A sea ship immediately came into view:
It was a small boat, a strangely shaped boat.

Galen knew why the lookout was so nervous:

Unidentified ships are always synonymous with crisis.

And what sea ship is most dangerous?
Small boats, especially one-person boats.

There is no one who dares to take a small boat across the vast sea alone. No one is easy to deal with.

If you meet someone who dares to ride a bicycle and swim alone in the sea, you will have to stay away.

Galen calmed down and carefully observed the boat with his naked eye telescope:

A very small dhow with a very strange shape:
It was square and square, like a coffin, and there were actually a few candles with green flames lit on the side of the boat.

"What kind of aesthetics is this? It's like a mourning hall!"

Galen remarked casually, and then fixed his gaze on the captain.

Galen couldn't see the frontal image clearly, but could only see a slender figure from the back:

He was sitting on the side of the boat, paddling the water with a large black knife.

This is also very understandable behavior:
The sailing speed of a small boat, especially a sloop with a simple structure, is excruciatingly slow. If you want to speed up, you have to concentrate on controlling the sails to adapt to the wind direction, which is very labor-intensive.

Therefore, nine out of ten strong people who ride on this simple one-man sailing boat will use the simple and crude manual method of rowing to speed up their sea boat.

When Galen was in a small boat before, he often used his big sword as an oar to speed up his small boat. When he used his full strength, he could accelerate an ordinary small wooden boat to the level of a diesel speedboat.

But the performance of the swordsman in front of him was even stronger: he actually used a big knife to draw the terrifying speed of Qiu Mingshan racing car in the sea.

"So strong!"

Galen sighed involuntarily.

As soon as the voice fell, the other party turned his head suddenly.

Galen immediately saw a pair of eagle-like eyes.

 Today's class graduation party, having a breakup meal, the time for coding is seriously insufficient.

  Well... everyone understands (;  ̄ ェ  ̄)

(End of this chapter)

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