Pirate Galen

Chapter 127 Fighting monsters and upgrading

Chapter 127 Fighting monsters and upgrading

Crocodile, as a final boss, actually took the protagonist's life by himself as soon as he came up.

His behavior of not playing cards according to the routine forced Galen to go to the mobs to earn experience.

And the "little monsters" are not stupid. Although they can't understand Galen's words, they can see the shining sword in Galen's hand.

Mr.2 Feng Kelei opened the stance of the shemale boxing, Mr.3 Gardino's hands emerged with more wriggling wax blocks, Mr.4 picked up his big four-ton bat, and Mr.5
Mr.5 is capable of explosive fruit, any part of his body can be used as a high-explosive grenade, so he
Stretching out his fingers, he dug out a piece of fresh booger from his nasal cavity.

"You fucking looking for shit!"

Seeing the special weapon that this explosive fruit user took out, Galen immediately lost control of his emotions.

Galen didn't want to be hit by this "weapon", so he immediately launched a fierce offensive against the enemy who was planning to say a few more words of nonsense.

And because Galen didn't want to fight shit at close quarters, he didn't choose to use his best close-up exposure, but raised his hand to show the results of learning Hawkeye's flying, slashing and fencing skills these days:
"Rage of Justice!"

A golden-red holy flame burned blazingly above Galen's great sword, and as he raised the great sword, it transformed vertically upward into the shape of a dazzling torch.


There is no gorgeous move name, only a simple shout.

Because the cutting speed of the blade was too fast, there was no time to shout.

The sound wave of the word "cut" was still shaking in the air, and the flaming giant sword had already cut out a gorgeous arc.

This arc was born along the wind pressure cut by the blade, and merged with the holy flame on the sword body, and when it finally flew out, it had the momentum of wind and fire.

Galen's sword style doesn't have any bells and whistles, it's just the most basic flying slashing technique; but even such a simple and unpretentious slashing technique is different in everyone's hands.

Hawkeye's slashing strikes in front of Galen are sometimes light and free, and sometimes sharp and sharp. The sword style is changeable with ease.

However, the slashes made by the Storm Sword in Galen's hand are only the most basic slashes, without any fancy features, but it gives people a feeling of mountain-like heaviness.

In the eyes of an opponent far weaker than Galen like Mr. 5, such a slash is overwhelming and unstoppable.

"Why are you the first to kill me?"

Mr. 5 only had time to burst out such a thought, and the entire field of vision was enveloped by the dazzling golden red of the flame sword.

The scorching flames and sharp sword energy cut through Mr. 5's body like a hot knife into butter, and finally cut a wide and incomparably wide sword-shaped gap in the wooden cabin.

The companions only heard a strange "sizzling" sound like roasting meat, and then saw Mr. 5's remnant body cut into two pieces from head to tail by the sword energy.

And on that smooth section.There is also a kind of golden-red flame, like tarsal maggots, constantly devouring his remaining flesh and blood, burning these organic matter into dazzling black charcoal.

Although there is no scarlet blood, the scene of the high-temperature flame burning the body is far more terrifying than the scene of dripping blood.

The remaining senior agents looked at each other, but they all responded in the same way: "Run!"

"How to run!"

"We're all at sea now!"

Miss. Merry Christmas, who complained about this before but was ignored, broke out even worse negative emotions in the panic:

"You didn't listen to me before, and now everyone is going to die!"

However, everyone was not in the mood to pay attention to this irascible old woman, because Galen's second wave of offensive was about to hit like a storm.

"Candle Wall!"

Mr.3 quickly recovered from his companion's death, and condensed the wax block that had been ready to go in his hand into a solid wall with a thickness of one meter, dividing the narrow cabin into two halves.

But before all the senior agents took a breath, the candle wall that had just been shaped seemed to have been burned by some kind of high temperature, and it melted and deformed visible to the naked eye.

"His sword will catch fire!"

Mr.3 turned pale with fright, his skinny cheeks were as white as a seriously ill patient: "My wax fruit can't stop him at all!"

There is no need for him to say this:
After everyone saw the melted and deformed thick wall, a large flaming sword pierced through it.

The flame on the great sword completely melted the wall of the candle and turned into a lump of soft wax oil, which finally collapsed with a bang, revealing Galen's murderous face behind him.

Death was approaching again, and even these senior agents who were used to seeing big scenes couldn't help but tremble with fear.

I saw a brighter golden light suddenly appear on Galen's flaming sword, and his tall body burst out at a speed exceeding the limit in an instant, creating a series of blurred afterimages in everyone's eyes.

Only the most powerful Mr. 2 Feng Klei could barely respond to Galen's movements, but he could only rely on his flexible body to jump aside to protect himself.

And Galen, like a tiger joining a herd of sheep, slashed at Mr. 3 who stood in the front with his sword.

Mr.3's body was already thin, and the wax fruit he was proud of was defenseless against Galen's flaming sword.

When the big sword fell on him, it was like slapping a mosquito with a slipper, and it fell to the ground in an instant.

The splattered blood mixed with the melted wax oil, wrapped the artist killer who likes to make body wax figures most into a weird and terrifying wax figure.

And all of this happened under the noses of a group of unprepared senior agents.

Just now they were seeking a sense of security around Mr. 3, who was able to cast a shield, but in a blink of an eye they became lambs waiting to be slaughtered around the god of death.

Those who stood far away immediately turned around and ran away, while those who stood close could only smell the strange smell of blood burning in the flames with a pale face, watching Galen pull out the flaming sword from Mr. allow them.

The absolute difference in strength brought about a massacre situation like mowing grass. Galen looked at the prey around him, raised his hand and used the skill that was only used to harvest miscellaneous soldiers in the past:

Due to the flame attack special effect attached to "Righteous Fury", the killing range and attack nature of Garen's Judgment have made a huge leap.

With the high-speed swirling of Galen's great sword, the few enemies who were close were immediately swallowed into this deadly tornado, and their flesh was twisted by the meat grinder composed of blades, strong winds and flames.

And the flame tornado that soared into the sky even ignited the entire cabin. The storm lifted the roof of the cabin, engulfed the deck, and rushed straight towards the vast sky that appeared above everyone's heads.

When Galen stopped spinning, he had dismantled the small boat from the inside to the outside, leaving only the bottom, and the hull and deck were completely swallowed up by the flames and the storm.

As for the situation of the senior agents facing this offensive directly, it is even more appalling:
The huge body of Mr.4 became the favorite prey of the sword, and Miss. Merry Christmas, who couldn't escape, was entangled in flames and let out a dying cry, and was killed by Galen's sword on the spot.

However, Mr.2 Feng Klein's flexible figure played little role in the face of such a large-scale attack. The heavy makeup on his face and the exaggerated swan decoration on his body were all scorched black by the flames, blocking the attack in front of him. There are also fine cuts from the tornado storm all over the arm.

Even Robin, who was in the same group as Galen, relied on his own fruit ability to weave a net of arms for refuge on the outer hull of the ship, so that he could barely survive this indiscriminate attack.

But even so, her forehead was still filled with cold sweat, and the skin on her arms was also reddened by the flames from the ship.

There are only two people who can survive
From the very beginning, Miss.Valentine's Day, a flirtatious fruit user who was busy running for her life, and Miss.Golden Week, a young painter who seized the opportunity to hang on to her tightly when the situation was not good.

Miss. Valentine's Day had no intention of fighting after seeing her partner Mr.5 cut in half by a sword, and took advantage of the chaotic situation to quietly jump out of the gap in the hull cut by Galen.

Miss. Valentine's Day's fluffy fruit can change one's weight from one kilogram to ten thousand kilograms, but one's own volume will not change accordingly.

It is said that when she controls her weight to be extremely light, she can use the same principle as the airship to easily levitate herself, whose density is much lower than that of air, into the sky.

But in fact, we only need to do a little calculation to find the problem:
For an adult with a volume of about 0.05 cubic meters, even if its own mass is reduced to 1kg in fruit capacity, the density of this person's body is definitely much greater than that of air with a density of only 1.29kg/cubic meter.

Such a density obviously cannot fly, but she in the original work can fly.

Therefore, besides being able to control weight, Miss. Valentine's Day's light and fluttering fruit obviously has the extra ability of "I can fly if I say I can fly" bestowed by the original author.

But Miss. Valentine's Day didn't fly to the sky to escape as she wished, because a desperate companion Miss. Golden Week caught her as a life-saving straw when she was about to fly away.

Miss. Golden Week looks like a primary school girl in her teens, extremely thin and light in weight.

But no matter how light she is, it is also a huge burden for Miss. Valentine's Day who is eager to escape:
With such a little girl weighing dozens of kilograms hanging on her body, the speed of Miss. Valentine's Day's ascent immediately stagnated, and there was even a faint tendency to stagnate.


Miss. Valentine's Day's beautiful face was immediately distorted into an ugly ghost, and an extremely angry roar came out of her throat:

"If you want to die, you will die!"

"Get down for me, get down for me!"

She raised her leg without hesitation, and kicked hard at Miss. Golden Week who was hugging her other leg.

The soles of the shoes stepped on the girl's little head mercilessly, and even the three-no girl Miss. Golden Week couldn't help showing a painful expression because of it.

Miss. Valentine's Day didn't mean to sympathize with her companion at all, but frantically launched a more cruel attack on the girl who blocked her escape.

Miss. Golden Week finally couldn't bear the pain, so she could only let go of her hands weakly, and fell heavily into the sea again.


Feeling my rapidly rising figure, looking at the sea surface getting farther and farther under my feet, I was freed from fear. Miss. Valentine's Day laughed a little crazy:

"I escaped! I escaped!"

Galen fully witnessed this scene, and the natural impression Miss. Valentine's Day made on him with her beauty disappeared.

It took him some time to get used to his powerful body and the new skills he had acquired, and then he looked up at the Miss who had already floated a hundred meters above the sky, and there was only a small dot left in his field of vision. .Miss Valentine:
"It seems that you can't escape."

(End of this chapter)

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