Pirate Galen

Chapter 135 Against the Sand Crocodile

Chapter 135 Against the Sand Crocodile

Dancing powder doesn't take effect immediately, it takes a long time to absorb enough water vapor to condense rain clouds to achieve artificial rainfall.

So Nami couldn't do anything to call the wind and rain with a wave of her hand, so she could only calculate an approximate raining time for Galen.

Galen must lure Crocodile out before this raining time, otherwise Crocodile will only be frightened by the dense rain clouds in the sky and dare not show his head.

Fortunately, Galen managed to lure Crocodile to his face before the cloud coalesced.

Unfortunately, people are cheating, and the rain has not yet come.

Galen was a little depressed, but he could only bite the bullet and raise his sword to face the furious Crocodile in the howling sandstorm.

Angry flames burst into Crocodile's eyes, and a huge sandstorm condensed and formed circled around him according to his wishes.

During the process of high-speed rotation, the yellow sand rubbed against the air and made harsh explosions. The increasingly solid and deadly sandstorm tornado finally fully released its terrifying power in the anger of Crocodile:
"Giant Sha Lan!"

With Crocodile waving his hand, this storm with a radius of nearly ten meters swept across the yellow sand and swept towards Galen.

The thousand-year-old ancient buildings of the royal mausoleum were as fragile as glued building blocks in the sandstorm. The tall beams and columns were quickly cracked in the storm, and the solid stone was also weathered into pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the sandstorm swept past, the original magnificent palace was left with only a pile of broken walls, and even a complete stone could not be found.

And those palm trees standing on both sides of the road just slightly touched the edge of the storm, and were instantly absorbed all the water and withered into pieces of rotten wood, and finally twisted into sawdust flying all over the sky by the storm.

In the face of this natural disaster-like attack, Galen's human body seemed very small.

Like crushing an ant, the sandstorm easily swallowed Galen's figure completely, and even flooded the entire royal tomb courtyard with yellow sand.

After the storm subsided, Galen was completely gone, leaving only the ruins of the royal tomb and the thick yellow sand covering the entire ground.

"do you died?"

Looking at the ground where there was no more movement, the anger in Crocodile's heart not only did not dissipate, but also felt a bit more shameful that he had nowhere to vent:
He had been fooled for so long by this kind of weak chicken who can be defeated in one blow!

Thinking of all the prudence and care he had taken before, and of the country-stealing plan ruined and bankrupted by Galen, Crocodile's scarred face turned into a pig's kidney color.

"Never mind."

Crocodile fell from mid-air with a gloomy expression, looked at the ground covered by yellow sand under his feet, and muttered to himself:
"At least the text of the history is still here."

He monitored the conversation between Galen and Robin through the phone bug, so he naturally knew that the text of history was hidden behind the underground tunnel.

Crocodile stared at the yellow sand on the ground, probably restored the location of the entrance to the underground tunnel from the memory of coming here at the beginning, and waved his hand there.

The quiet yellow sand suddenly surged flexibly, and under Crocodile's control, they flew into the air one after another, revealing the buried entrance of the secret passage.

But as soon as Crocodile took a foot towards the secret passage, his face froze again:
"you are still alive?!"

I saw Galen standing intact on the steps of the underground tunnel, holding a flaming sword in his hand.

"Don't be surprised."

Galen said nonchalantly:
"The wind was quite strong just now, so I jumped into the ground to hide."

It is definitely not a good experience for the big move that has been held back for so long to be easily dodged by people relying on positioning and terrain.


Crocodile gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and the only rationality remaining in his mind was also stimulated by Galen's unbeaten face and ran away.

His legs suddenly exerted strength, and his tall body rushed out like an arrow from the string:
"Arc Moon Sand Dunes!"

Leveraging the potential energy of the body's explosive sprint, Crocodile's right hand swelled and deformed in an instant, transforming into a huge arc-moon-shaped sand knife.

The sharp yellow sand blade sliced ​​through the air like a phantom, bringing up afterimages, swirling air currents, and cutting out a bone-piercing chill.

The high-speed friction of the sand gave the sand knife a terrifying cutting ability, and Galen's body was cut in half at the slightest contact with it.

However, before Crocodile had time to enjoy the pleasure of the blade slicing through the flesh and blood, incomparable astonishment first appeared on his face:

Not only did Galen, who was cut in half, not bleed out, but exploded into a cloud of white smoke in the fatal injury.

"Fatal Strike!"

A big sword shining with golden light suddenly condensed out of the void, and when Crocodile couldn't react in time, he slashed at Crocodile's body that remained materialized.

Crocodile doesn't know how to be domineering, and in the astonishment, he has no way to notice Galen's invisible body.

The blade of the big sword left a wide wound on Crocodile's shoulder, dripping blood soon dripped from his shoulder, and Crocodile's face suddenly showed unprecedented panic.

Crocodile didn't panic because of the wound cut by this sword, this level of wound can't affect his combat effectiveness.

What really panicked Crocodile was that the moment the blade touched his body, his ability to rustle fruit was completely ineffective.

Not only is the failure felt internally, but this failure is also intuitively displayed on Crocodile's body:
The yellow sand blade turned into by his right arm lost control in an instant and collapsed into a ball of loose sand before falling powerlessly to the ground.

His right hand is gone.

Crocodile suddenly became a severely disabled man with a golden hook on his left hand and a hollow right arm.

"how is this possible?"

Crocodile was still immersed in inexplicable horror, but Galen seized the two seconds of silence and slashed the big sword on Crocodile's head again:
"Demacian justice!"

The dazzling lightsaber fell from the dome, and the hot light of justice enveloped Crocodile's entire body.

Crocodile is a notorious big thief, and even a thief who caused the tragedy of drought in the whole country. Because of him, large oases were deserted and withered, and countless families were displaced because of him.

Crocodile, who almost wrote the word "bad guy" on his face, made the lightsaber extremely heavy.

With a damage increase of up to 150%, a full 2.5 times the damage fell on Crocodile without reservation.

His body was scorched to pieces, blood overflowed from those open wounds, some of which quickly scabbed due to the scorching of the blazing light.

Slashed with a sword, Crocodile's clothes were intact, but his body was covered with hideous red and black wounds from head to toe.

In this extreme pain, Crocodile's expression couldn't help being distorted, and a penetrating roar could not be restrained from his throat.

But Crocodile's strength was beyond Galen's imagination. Even such a shocking injury did not make him lose the ability to fight, but instead made the cornered sand crocodile burst out with terrifying power.

After the two-second duration of silence ended, Crocodile's whole body elements immediately turned into a ball of hard-to-reach yellow sand, and he retreated for more than ten meters in a row before he could stabilize his figure.

The arm that had just crumbled into yellow sand grew back, but the eyes of Crocodile, who was seriously injured by the lightsaber of justice, were a little more dignified.

Severe burning pain came from every inch of skin on his body. In this pain, the anger in his heart was suppressed, and clear thinking reappeared in his mind:

"This guy can seal my fruit ability!"

In an instant, Crocodile came up with a solution based on his own experience:

"You must never show your body in front of him!"

Thinking of this, Crocodile's body completely turned into a mass of restless yellow sand, so that Galen could no longer see his human form.

Crocodile can still deliver deadly attacks without a human form:
"Desert Sword!"

A sand wave cut the solid ground in half like a long knife, and then stabbed Galen straight.

Galen's legs exerted force suddenly, touching the ground dozens of times in an instant, and his whole body moved aside like a phantom.

With a howl of tearing air, Galen avoided Crocodile's desert sword that could easily cut through the ground, and rushed to the sandstorm that Crocodile turned into like lightning.

"Rage of Justice!"

A golden-red holy flame condensed on Galen's great sword, and he slashed at Crocodile with an indomitable momentum.

Galen's digitalized body will not increase the power of his slash just because he has practiced swordsmanship, but the swordsmanship Galen has learned can make his slashes faster, sharper and sharper.

This sword cut down is like a goshawk striking down, a white rainbow penetrating the sun, the fire light and sword light are integrated into one, the momentum is extraordinary.

When the yellow sand that Crocodile turned into came into contact with the great sword, he couldn't help becoming restless because of the pain.

Although Galen's sword could not cut through the elemental body, the holy flame attached to "Righteous Wrath" could hurt the yellow sand that Crocodile turned into.

The surging yellow sand collided with the burning holy flame in mid-air, and the red-hot sand continuously splashed around, as if setting off a bright firework.

There are no fancy techniques anymore, just a knight with a big sword fighting against a desert storm.

One wields a big sword and flames, the other drives the wind and yellow sand, and the two sides fight together without even half an inch of retreat.

The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and Crocodile became more and more frightened as the battle progressed:
His body of yellow sand had already been cut several times by the opponent's flaming great sword and wounded to the main body, but Galen, who had been repeatedly pierced through his chest by his own yellow sand blade, seemed to be safe and sound.

Sealing ability, double invisibility, immortality, and flames that can damage his elemental body.
The many and strange "fruit abilities" displayed by Galen made Crocodile feel more and more heavy. He couldn't help but think:

"Could it be that this guy really won't die?"

Galen answered Crocodile's question with practical actions.

When the two sides were fighting in full swing, he suddenly put away his big sword, turned around and ran away.


Crocodile couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Seeing this, he still doesn't understand: The damage that the opponent's "Devil Fruit" can withstand is limited.


However, Galen ran away in three steps and two steps, and finally climbed into the sky with one step.

Crocodile was also furious.

The yellow sand storm he turned into was tightly behind Galen, and he condensed half of his body furiously to curse people:
"You shameless person who only knows how to attack, stop!"

Galen, on the other hand, was busy stepping on the air with moon steps and scurrying in the sky, while shouting in response to Crocodile's words:

"I'll come back and find you after a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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