Pirate Galen

Chapter 172 The Sea Train Business

Chapter 172 The Sea Train Business
the next day.

Early this morning, Carrera Shipbuilding Company welcomed two distinguished guests.

Mr. Bingshan, chairman of the company and mayor of Seven Waters, together with his secretary, Ms. Khalifa, welcomed the two distinguished guests at the gate of the company.

The visitors were none other than Qiwukai Galen and his female companion, Miss Nami, who had recently become famous in the sea.

Galen knew that he was too well-known, and that there were CP9 agents lurking in the city.

It would be too eye-catching and suspicious if he, a big man, made a special trip to find Frankie, an unknown gangster.

So the purpose of Galen's coming to the capital of seven waters this time is to discuss business with Carrera Shipbuilding Company, and he does have a big business to discuss with Chairman Bingshan.

The two sides exchanged greetings at the gate for a while, and Bingshan respectfully led the way ahead, while Kalifa, who was dressed as a secretary, quietly cast her gaze on Galen from time to time.

Galen is not only a key figure in Kalifa's mission, but also suspected to be the master of her government agent, so her sudden appearance here will naturally attract Kalifa's attention.

While Galen was vigilant in his heart, he responded to Kalifa's gaze with a kind smile on his face.


After noticing the "little interaction" between Galen and Kalifa, Nami unconsciously held Galen's arm a little tighter, and said in Galen's ear unhappily:

"That female secretary doesn't look like a serious person!"


Galen raised his brows, and whispered to Nami in surprise, "You can see it?"

He never told Nami who the hidden agents of CP9 were.

Unexpectedly, Nami was able to spot Kalifa's "indecency" at a glance...

good eyesight!It really deserves to be the intellectual responsibility in the world of pirates!
Galen sighed in his heart.

"Can't you see this?!"

Nami glared at Galen angrily, then angrily whispered in Galen's ear:
"It's you!"

"You know that this woman is not serious, but why do you respond to her?"


Galen froze for a moment, then said innocently, "Is there anything wrong with what I did?"


Nami was so angry that she clenched Galen's arm so painfully that she almost didn't pinch out Galen's digital mode because of the high damage.

After thinking about it, Galen still didn't realize that there was any flaw in the smirk he put on in front of the government agents.

Under Nami's cold face all the way, Galen, who was completely confused, walked to Bingshan's chairman's office in such a daze.

The two sides sat down respectively, and Bingshan tried his best to show a businessman's polite look and asked Galen:
"I don't know if Lord Galen is here, what is his need?"

On the surface of the iceberg, he was calm, but in his heart he was extremely nervous.

Because Galen's suspected identity as a Draconian is too sensitive, and he who knows the whereabouts of Pluto's drawings is a potential "terrorist" and may be exposed in front of the world government at any time.

But Galen's words immediately relieved Bingshan's hanging heart:

"I'm here this time to discuss a business with Carrera."

"I would like to ask your company's technicians to assist our Debon Company in building a sea train in the East China Sea!"

"Sea train?"

Not only did Bingshan relax completely, but he was also extremely excited by Galen's words.

It is the lifelong wish of his master, Master Tom, to build a sea train and make the natural moat open.

And Bingshan's efforts so far have only managed to make the capital of the Seven Waters prosperous, and have never made half a step forward in the promotion of the sea train.

Upon hearing that Galen had the intention of building a sea train, Bingshan immediately said excitedly:

"Master Galen!"

"As long as you intend to build a sea train, our company's technology can be transferred for free, engineers and workers only get basic wages, and we can train technicians for you for free!"


Galen was a little dizzy by the series of preferential policies from Iceberg, and couldn't help but ask:

"How can the advanced technology of this sea train become a free gift?"


Bingshan sighed deeply, but said with some embarrassment:

"Something you don't know:"

"Even if the technical cost is excluded and the labor cost is reduced to the limit, the cost of this sea train is extremely high."

"It will take at least 50 years of operation to recover the cost of building a sea train line connecting two large islands."

"So since the invention of the sea train technology, apart from the area of ​​the capital of seven waters, only a certain wealthy area in the New World has barely built a sea train line."

Galen nodded, and roughly understood what Bingshan meant:
The cost of sea trains is too high, requiring a lot of capital and investment, but in today's chaotic world where the world government is weak and all forces dominate the sea, no force can afford to build large-scale railways.

Even if it can be repaired, it is difficult to recover the cost in the short term.

It takes 50 years for a local power to recover the cost of building a sea train, but the flag of the sea king changes and disputes continue. Even the Four Emperor Pirates cannot guarantee their existence for 50 years.

"I'll fix it!"

Galen replied firmly.

Bingshan showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help asking: "You don't want to think about it anymore?"

"To get rich, build roads first!"

"No matter how much investment, no matter how much time it takes, I will fix it."

Galen nodded, with an unshakable confidence about him.

Of course, building a railway loses money.

It costs an average of 1.6 million yuan to build a one-kilometer high-speed rail in Galen’s hometown. This cost can only be recovered by collecting fares for hundreds of years.

The railway company's debt is a full 4.98 trillion yuan, which is 81.67 trillion yuan if it is replaced by Pele (yen).
"Golden Emperor" Tezolo would be silent when he heard this number, and Tianlongren would cry when he heard it.

But it still builds a huge high-speed railway network across the country at a terrifying speed every year.

Because the income from railway construction can not only be calculated from the operation of the railway, but also from the economic benefits driven by it, and even the development strategy of the entire country.

And Galen's Debon Logistics Company has already covered more than half of the East China Sea.

In addition to providing transportation and safety services, the company gradually began to collect reasonable "protection fees" similar to taxes from various towns.

This seems to be an independent kingdom in the East China Sea.

Of course, the power of the Four Emperor Pirates is actually far stronger than Galen's company.

But a thief is a thief, and the Four Emperors are after all just local warlords who lack progressiveness and constructiveness.

To be able to use the flag to maintain order and protect the people like Whitebeard is already considered the utmost benevolence.

How can their vision and mentality compare to that of Galen from the "infrastructure madman" country?


Chairman Bingshan stood up excitedly from the sofa, and bowed deeply to Galen uncontrollably:
"I am willing to do my best to help you realize this plan!"

Teacher Tom's lifelong wish finally had the hope of being realized, and Bingshan completely let go of the estrangement in his heart, and became the most staunch ally of Galen, the "Dragon Man".


Bingshan hurriedly asked again:

"How much money can you spend each year? How many miles of railways are planned to be built? Engineering"

"Cough cough."

Galen pushed Nami, who was sitting next to her, forward:
"As for the specific content of this cooperation, you just need to communicate with her."

Galen brought Nami to the capital of seven waters in order to let Nami, who is full of mathematical talents, help him deal with specific financial issues in business transactions.

And Nami was not ambiguous, and she opened her mouth to discuss with Bingshan.

The economic issues involved in a gigantic project were beyond imagination. The topic between Nami and Bingshan quickly changed from a few simple data all the way to the field of engineering economics that Galen could not understand at all.

Later, Chairman Bingshan was also dizzy, so he had to call a large group of financial personnel from Carrera Company on the spot, and carried out a series of mathematical calculations that were called magic in Galen's eyes.

Galen was confused and felt a little bored, so he simply left Nami here to deal with a group of financial personnel, while he went to visit the factory of Carrera Shipbuilding Company with great interest.

He wandered freely in the company, admiring the novel sight of the shipyard.

A moment later, Galen met Kalifa at the corner of a corridor.

"Miss Khalifa?"

Galen asked with some concern: "Aren't you staying with Mr. Bingshan to help?"

Khalifa blushed slightly, and slightly nervously supported the mirror frame on the bridge of her nose.

As a well-trained agent and a shrewd secretary, Khalifa actually showed a bit of restraint in front of Galen.

No way, who made Galen very likely to be her master?
After fiddling for a long time, Kalifa finally adjusted her mentality and replied:

"I also can't intervene in specific financial issues, so I left first."

Khalifa quietly moved two steps closer to Galen's side, so close that Galen didn't need to spend much effort to appreciate her white and delicate collarbone under her collar and a white and greasy scene with a strong three-dimensional effect.

Before Galen could speak, Kalifa said softly with a ruddy complexion:

"Master Galen!"

"Are you free to sit in my private lounge? I have something I want to talk to you in private."


The other party was already blatantly using seduction methods, no matter how slow Galen was, he could still sense that something was wrong.

Galen's face turned red immediately, but he still refused righteously:
"Let's forget it! It's not good for your reputation!"

"do not worry about it!"

"It is a great honor to be able to chat with Lord Galen alone!"

The expression on Khalifa's face was even more shy, and her voice was full of temptation.

And Kalifa really doesn't care about the bad impact this incident will have on her reputation, because the character set she painstakingly created was completely destroyed yesterday.

That Barry was an alcoholic, and he dared to say anything when he was drunk. Khalifa never imagined that he would have a good reputation in the company in the future.

"No, absolutely not."

But Galen categorically rejected Kalifa's invitation again.

Kalifa stared, secretly admiring in her heart:

He completely ignored the temptation of her beauty.
Is this the demeanor of the legendary big man? !

However, Galen suddenly asked with a serious face:
"Kalifa, if you make predictions from the perspective of a professional secretary—"

"Do you think those financial staff can hold Na"

"Cough cough."

"How long do you think it will take Nami and those financial staff to negotiate the business?"


Kalifa was puzzled for a moment, but immediately entered the working state habitually:
"Our Carrera company is the world's number one shipbuilding company, and the financial personnel hired by the company are also top elites on the sea."

"For general large-scale shipbuilding business, our company's financial department can process an order in an average of 15 minutes."

"Seven minutes?"

Galen shook his head, and murmured again: "15 minutes is too short, it's not enough to masturbate, it's just enough to surrender."


Kalifa went on to introduce:
"The sea train business this time is no small matter, and the issues involved are too complicated."

"Even if we only complete the preliminary calculations, I'm afraid it will take several hours."

"a couple of hours?"

"Won't Nami come over for a few hours?"

Galen stared intently, and immediately gave himself a W skill "Courage":
"That, Kalifa"

"Where did you just say you wanted to talk to me?"

 Another boss has been born in this book! !Thanks to the lord [Salty's Salty] for the reward! !
  But I really can't move to add more.
  It is said that I have coded 6600 words today. According to the standard of 2000 chapters, there are still three chapters left.
  That's right, this is the "invisible addition" method I pioneered.

(End of this chapter)

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