Pirate Galen

Chapter 2 Vicious Dog

Chapter 2 Vicious Dog
The first moment he jumped out of the grass, Galen's worries disappeared.

Because the dog in front of him is not a cute little dog at all.

At least Galen has never seen a cutie with four feet on the ground and a height of more than three meters in his life.
But with that came the fear of facing the unknown behemoth.

Galen's body froze in place, and the thick wooden stick in his hand was also stuck in the air.

Compared with the big dog, this bowl-thick wooden stick seemed a little too small, and Galen's gnarled muscles seemed nothing to mention.

What frightened Galen even more was the appearance of the big dog in front of him:

Fluffy and slightly curly brown hair, the eye sockets that are not too big are almost hidden in the hair balls, and a red tongue is limply exposed outside the mouth
Is this dog a teddy breed?
Galen suddenly felt shuddering.

Galen never raised a Teddy. In his previous life, he grew up with a simple and obedient Chinese pastoral dog.

But he has personally seen the power of teddy dogs:
Once he went to a friend's house to play.
Unaware of the power of Tai Ri Tian, ​​he was almost hugged by his friend's Teddy.
That feeling is simply a nightmare.

And the three-meter-tall giant Teddy in front of him is simply a super invincible enlarged version of the nightmare.

However, how can there be such a big Teddy?
Maybe it just looks alike.

Galen comforted himself in this way, but swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a guilty conscience, and quietly took two steps back with his strong legs.

"Wang Wang?"

Big Teddy has already discovered Galen's existence.

It turned around abruptly, and fixed its gaze on Galen's burly and powerful body with its large muscles exposed.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The big Teddy's breathing became heavier suddenly, and the tongue and tail also sped up the shaking frequency as if they were stimulated by something.

Even in its eyes, there is undisguised human greed and desire, faintly like two squinting peach hearts popping out.

"I x?"

Galen was so frightened that he opened his mouth and let out a curse.

It's not a good experience to be looked at by a dog that's bigger than an elephant.

The big dog in front of him is [-]% in heat!
Besides himself, there were no other living creatures around him.The estrous object of this big teddy can be imagined.

Galen didn't run because he understood:
Although I am a little superman now, the big teddy in front of me is obviously not an ordinary vicious dog.

It is useless for human beings to run away from the vicious dogs that are chasing and biting them.

Muster up the courage to show your "killing intent", maybe you can scare away the vicious dogs who don't have enough brains.

So Galen tightly held the wooden stick in his hand, waved it in the air twice in a vicious manner, and finally shouted angrily:

"Come on! Face me head-on!"

Big Teddy froze for a second, then jumped up.

Galen was dumbfounded.

Dogs have amazing jumping ability, and it is even more terrifying when they are enlarged to the level of elephants.

The distance of tens of meters between Galen and him was covered by the big teddy with a vertical leap, and finally fell from the sky and fell on Galen's head.

Galen only felt that the whole sky was gray.

He lacks the experience of fighting, let alone the experience of fighting "elephants".

So much so that Galen couldn't help being slightly stunned at this critical moment of life and death.

And the ferocious big Teddy had already taken this opportunity to jump onto Galen from midair, and threw Galen's tall and burly body to the ground.

Although Big Teddy's movements are swift and violent, his shots are very measured.

It didn't bite with the most lethal teeth, nor did it cut with sharp claws. It just gently pressed its big soft claws on Galen's bare chest, and couldn't wait to bend down to use wet paws. His big tongue licked Galen.
Galen cursed angrily, and finally woke up from the shock.

He recognized the gravity of the gaffe:
Resist, must resist! !

Never let this teddy take advantage of it! !

Flames of anger ignited in Galen's eyes, blood surged in his chest, a mediocre citizen finally found his dignity as a warrior!
Galen's powerful body exploded with a force far beyond usual, and he got up and broke free from the big Teddy's claws, and finally punched the corner of the big Teddy's mouth that was about to drip.

There was a muffled sound, and the corners of Big Teddy's mouth were beaten out of shape.


It roared in pain, and no longer cared about taking care of the "little beauty" under it, subconsciously swiping away at Galen with a huge paw.

The tall Galen was instantly sent flying by the blow like a rubber ball.

And the giant claw slapped on his body, making Galen feel as painful as if he was hit by a truck.
Just when Galen's body was still in mid-air, a mechanized voice suddenly sounded in his mind:
Overlord is detected to take combat damage
Combat System Unlocked
Data mode starts.
Galen's body, which was somewhat weak due to hunger, was instantly filled with full physical strength.

And a familiar virtual reality interface suddenly appeared in Galen's field of vision:

Small map, skill bar, experience bar, avatar, blood bar.
But there is no attribute bar and equipment bar.

As for the blue bar, Galen didn't have it.

And the external changes are even more brilliant:

I saw a burst of dazzling light suddenly flashing on Galen's nearly naked body.
When the light dissipated, a set of gorgeous armor appeared on Galen's body, and a broad sword appeared in his hand.

But Galen didn't have time to pay attention to the armor on his body, nor did he pay attention to the battle interface that suddenly appeared in his field of vision, because...
He is still doing an uncontrollable parabolic movement in mid-air.

Galen's situation at this time was also extremely bad:
In the direction he flew, there was a tall and strange tree that did not exist on earth.

The whole body of this tree is covered with sharp thorns, and the thorns also reflect the light of metal texture.

It stood there in all directions, like a huge mountain of knives.

And Galen, who was shot by the big Teddy, was flying towards the mountain of knives uncontrollably.


After a crisp sound of cloth being torn, Galen was hung on the mountain of knives made of sharp thorns.

The sharp spikes pierced Galen's thick armor and dug deep into his internal organs.

Galen's hands and feet were pierced through by the long spikes.

What was even more frightening was that a sharp thorn passed through Galen's eye sockets, completely piercing into the most fragile human brain.

No one can survive such injuries
Except for the protagonist.


Galen, who still had a wooden thorn in his head, said in a bit of astonishment, "I'm not dead?"

Not only did he not die, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

The only effect of the wooden thorn that penetrated the brain from the eye socket was to blind Galen in one eye.

No, there are still some other effects
Galen inspected the system interface that he had just awakened, and saw that the blood bar on it had unknowingly lost a portion.
Moreover, only a small part is missing.

For the game character, this is not a noteworthy injury at all, let alone a fatal injury.

But for a human with a normal physical body, the brain is pierced by this sharp and thick foreign body.
You can already go to the urn to settle down and buy a house.

Galen woke up suddenly:

This is the so-called data model?
It is exactly the same as the character model in the game, all the data of vitality is converted into the form of life value, and there is no such thing as "critical".

Even if it hits the brain or heart, the damage is judged according to the strength of the attack.

The same attack, the damage caused by the foot and the head is also the same.

Galen was very surprised, and regardless of the fact that he was still pierced by the spikes, he began to study his system with great interest:
Except that there is no equipment bar and attribute panel, it is roughly the same as in the game.

There is also a small "1" written on his profile picture, representing his current level.

Only one skill is lit on the skill bar, which is Garen's own passive skill:
[Toughness (Passive)]:
"If Garen takes no damage for 4 seconds, he regenerates 5% of his maximum health every 8 seconds."

This skill description seems to be a little different from the game.
Galen was a little strange, but he didn't delve too deeply into it.

And there is also a flickering golden light on the dark skill bar, which is a signal that there can be a skill point and a skill can be learned.

Without hesitation, Galen first learned the Q skill of attacking and escaping:
【Fatal blow】:
"Garen removes all slows from him and gains 30% movement speed for 3.5 seconds.

For the next 4.5 seconds, his next basic attack deals bonus damage and silences the target for 1.5 seconds. "

Is this the effect of upgrading the skill to the full level?

Galen finally realized something was wrong:
I only clicked one level of my skill, and it has the effect of the full level in the game.
Also, why is there no specific damage value in the skill description?
Galen thought so in his heart, but the mechanized voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind:

"The specific damage caused by the skill is determined by many factors such as the host's personal physical fitness, the strength of the shot, and the opponent's defense ability; the host can explore the skills of using the skill by himself."

Galen probably understood: after all, reality is not a game, and this unscientific golden finger on him has a lot to compromise with reality.

"Then why does the skill have a full-level effect just by clicking it?"

Galen asked again in his heart.

"There is no need to answer this question, the host can find out by itself."

The system replied without emotion, and then stopped talking.

Galen asked several unnutritive questions one after another, but the system refused to speak as if it was dead.

It seems that this thing is basically not artificial intelligence, and only questions that are judged as "need to be answered" can make this program respond.

Galen, who was hung on a tree by spikes, was so addicted to exploring the new world of system functions that he couldn't extricate himself.

He even forgot that there were dozens of spikes pierced on his body, and also forgot.

Galen, who was addicted to the spiritual world, finally woke up slowly: "What bit me in the back?"


Galen was silent for a while, and the hand holding the hilt of the great sword suddenly increased its strength:

"This Teddy forgot to kill!"


PS: Cough cough... Everyone said that I was a bit poisonous when I spoofed the character Teddy too much at the beginning...

But it involves too much content, it is not easy to change.

After reading the twenty chapters, I will send it a bento, and the reading experience will be much better.

To borrow a word from Mrs. Luo: long live the understanding~
(;  ̄ ェ  ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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