Pirate Galen

Chapter 226 Wald who "escaped from birth"

Chapter 226 Wald who "escaped from birth"

Advance to the city, the ground floor.

The sound of fighting was close at hand, but it was not intense, and soon ended with a burst of miserable screams.

Pushing into the deep corridor of the city, it was suddenly so quiet that there was only faint breathing.

Kuzan's heart sank, and he understood in his heart:
The sound of fighting ended so quickly, which means that the battle just now was completely crushed;

As for whether the one being crushed is a guard or a prisoner, one only needs to calculate the current balance of power between the two sides in the advancing city to know.

Galen also realized the seriousness of the battle situation, but his mood was not only not solemn, but also a little excited:
The design concept of this City University Prison is exactly the same as the tower-climbing copy in the RPG game:
From the first floor to the sixth floor, the monster's level, strength, and killing income increase layer by layer. It is simply an experience pool specially built for players to level up.

As long as Galen enters from the first floor, fight monsters and upgrade, upgrade and become stronger, and then go to the next floor after becoming stronger.

When he reached the sixth floor in the process of positive feedback all the way, those extremely heinous criminals who were originally dreaded would probably become worthless experience packs in front of Galen after the level was raised.

With such a mood, Galen's enthusiasm for suppressing the riots was even higher than that of the admiral Kuzan.

Following the breathing sounds that gradually became clearer, Galen continued to go deeper with the big sword in hand, and soon came to a closed gate.

The enemy is right behind the door, and the sound of breathing is clearly discernible.

According to the design of the promotion city dungeon, the enemies encountered on the ground floor should be weak pirates with a bounty of only about 1000 million. In Galen's eyes, they are only mosquito-legged prey.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Galen has always been the kind of economical player who doesn't forget to dirty his tank in the lane when he's playing in the jungle.
"Suffer to death!"

Galen slashed down with his sword, splitting open the obstructing steel gate in front of him.

Amidst the tearing of steel and the splashing of sparks, dozens of pairs of eyes full of fierce light looked over at the same time.

Galen's expression froze suddenly, and the great sword that was raised above his head somehow got stuck in the air, unable to fall down for a long time.

Because, the situation is completely different from what he imagined:
The dozens of prisoners in front of him were all vicious and of extraordinary stature. There were many tall men who were over a meter tall, and there were several strong men with arms bigger than Galen's entire body.


Galen's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed: "Which floor do you come from?"

"The sixth floor."

Kuzan walked slowly to Galen, and stood side by side with him, facing the fierce eyes of the prisoners.

Then, Kuzan solemnly announced the names of some of the most powerful criminals:
"'World Destroyer' Bundy Wald, 'Evil King' Abaro Pizarro, 'Crescent Moon Hunter' Katerina, 'Wine Barrel' Bacchus Choate, former Warden Shileu of the Rain .”

Hearing these names, Galen felt his eyes go dark:
It was agreed that it was a progressive monster fighting upgrade, why did he break into the Boss' room as soon as he entered the instance?
"Two people dare to stop in front of me?"

Wald looked at Galen and Kuzan who were standing in front of him with murderous eyes, and asked casually to the inmates beside him:
"Who are these two boys?"

Ward was imprisoned in the city for 29 years; when he was imprisoned, Kuzan was still a training camp recruit under Zefa.

"The one in the white suit is Admiral Aokiji."

Shiliu of the Rain held a long knife that was still dripping with blood, and looked coldly at Kuzan and Galen:
"As for the kid in armor, I don't know him either."

It was only a year since Galen debuted, and his real fame came after he killed Crocodile, and these prisoners who had been in prison for at least several years could not read newspapers.

Therefore, the prisoners cast their hostile eyes on Kuzan, the admiral, at the first time, and unconsciously ignored Galen, the "unknown man".


A wild smile appeared on Wald's face:
"It's just an admiral who wants to stop us?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Amid wanton laughter, the dozens of prisoners who climbed up from the sixth floor of Infinity Hell began to slowly approach Kuzan and Galen.

The bounties offered by these prisoners are all measured in "[-] million", and their strength is at least above the level of a major admiral of the Navy headquarters.

Coupled with their own numerous crimes, these people have long developed an arrogant character that is not afraid of anything.

This group of tigers, leopards and wolves howled together, and the dispatch of just one admiral really couldn't deter them.

However, although the expression on Kuzan's face was dignified, he was not panicked.

He scanned the group of prisoners with stern eyes, and the cold air suddenly exploded silently:

"Ice Age!"

The ice crystals spread at a terrifying speed, bringing people a shock of an instant world change.

In just a moment, the walls in all directions were covered with thick ice crystals, and the aisle leading to the outside world behind Kuzan was completely filled with ice.

Kuzan breathed out a breath of air, and said indifferently:
"To stop you, I am enough as a general."


Wald's eyes quietly became a little more dignified.

For these well-informed and powerful prisoners, nature is not terrible.

But the nature department of the admiral level seems to be a creature of another level, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a humanoid natural disaster.

Such a natural-type powerhouse is least afraid of group battles.

Therefore, in front of this heavy ice wall, the progress of the prisoners quietly stagnated.

But at this moment, the sound of heavy artillery suddenly reverberated all around, and the entire advancing city trembled violently from the roar of artillery fire.

"Is the turret firing?"

"Is there anyone outside attacking the city?"

The prisoners were a little puzzled.

And the roar of the artillery was endless, and the vibrations from the masonry of the wall were also continuous, as if it would never stop.


Shiliu of the Rain, the former warden who was very familiar with Jinjin City, changed his face slightly, and said in a deep voice:

"This must be an order from that fellow Magellan!"

"He wants to sink all the warships in the port, and use the natural danger of the windless belt to prevent us from escaping from prison!"


The expressions of the prisoners instantly became ferocious and fierce:
"You mustn't let him succeed!"

"We have to get out quickly!"

The stalemate was broken in an instant, and dozens of prisoners frantically rushed towards Kuzan and Galen who were standing in front of them.

Faced with such a large-scale life-saving charge, Rao Yikuzan's composure could not help but change slightly.

The air, which had become cold in the freezing, became hot at this moment:
The air exploded out of thin air, and the overlapping air waves rushed towards the face accompanied by the impact of dozens of prisoners;

Before the attack arrived, the tsunami-like air wave first smashed the ice crystals condensed by Kuzan, which were stronger than steel, into dense cracks.

Among these people, Wald is the one who is least afraid of Kuzan's obstruction:

"Momo fruit thirty times faster!"

His Momo fruit can increase the size and speed of the objects it touches by hundreds of times, and he can also increase his own movement speed at will.

Although this kind of improvement is not long-lasting and consumes a lot of physical strength, it can bring Wald explosive power beyond imagination.

Thirty times the speed in a short period of time, the cumbersome Wald instantly exploded at a speed that caught Kuzan by surprise, and hit the thick ice wall like a giant shell.

Kuzan and Galen were entangled by other prisoners, and Wald had knocked the ice wall out of a pit several meters deep.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wald took out a musket snatched from the guard, and pulled the trigger against the pit again:
"Momo Fruit · Hundred Times Gun!"

The gun was just an ordinary flintlock gun, but the projectile had just been fired from the barrel, and it instantly magnified a hundred times under Wald's ability.

This bullet turned into a giant cannonball that was far more powerful than all cannons, and crashed deeply into the ice wall at a terrifying speed.

After a violent tremor, the ice wall collapsed, and a huge hole was blasted out of the wall behind.


With a loud cry, Wald got out of the hole.

A group of prisoners followed suit.

By the time Kuzan tried his best to block the road again with ice, eight prisoners had already escaped with Wald.


Kuzan secretly thought something was wrong, but he immediately calmed down and concentrated on dealing with the prisoners who hadn't escaped in time.

And on the other side.
Wald broke through the ice wall with seven or eight prisoners, and it didn't take long for him to rush to the entrance of the city's open gate.

Under the bright sunshine, the humid sea breeze blows.

How sweet and fresh the air was, and strangely luxurious.

Every breath is delightful, that sense of freedom is so alive.

These heinous criminals who had lived in the dark prison for many years couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

"Don't be stunned!"

Wald snorted coldly, and taught angrily:

"We haven't completely escaped from the city of advancement, hurry up and grab the boat with me!"

Although the strength of these eight prisoners was inferior to that of Walder, they were all rebellious and rebellious, and they were a little bit annoyed under Walder's scolding.

But the situation was urgent, and they didn't have time to vent their bad temper, so they could only obediently follow Wald and charge towards the pier outside.

As soon as they stepped out, the faces of the prisoners changed slightly:
I saw the wreckage of warships floating everywhere in the port.

The firepower of the Fortress of the Advance City was very strong, and these warships at anchor were completely smashed in the bombardment;
The fragments of those ship materials are barely used as sampans, let alone used to cross the calm zone.

Fortunately, there was another Hailoushi warship that survived the artillery fire and was mooring on the pier safely.

And from the deck of the warship, there was a muffled booming sound, as if someone was fighting on it.

"Is someone up there?"

Wald's ears perked up, and he immediately cast a scorching gaze on the warship.

The eight prisoners who followed also showed ferocious smiles at the warship eagerly.

"The people on the boat listen to me!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Wald's eyes, and he shouted sharply:
"Hand over this warship to Lao Tzu intact!"

"Otherwise, I'll tear you all to shreds!"


Whitebeard was carrying a large naginata, and his head protruded from the edge of the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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