Pirate Galen

Chapter 244

Chapter 244
The holy flame and the Buddha's light work together to have the effect of a nuclear bomb.

First, a high-temperature heat wave enveloped the earth, and then there was a strong impact to wash away everything.

The incombustible cement and steel instantly turned into raindrops of lava under the high temperature and impact, and were scattered in the whistling storm.

Although the bodies of those prisoners were far stronger than steel, they lost to Galen's Buddha's Fury Lotus after all.

Their skin, flesh and blood, and even their bones were quickly turned into coke and scattered into fly ash under the impact of high temperature.

When the flame storm subsided and the sky returned to tranquility, only a few charred skeletons remained of the things standing in place.

As for the other weaker prisoners.
They didn't even have a chance to scream, and they completely disappeared from this world like spring snow in the sun.

The only evidence that can prove their existence is the surviving human shadows on the ground and walls.

From the looks of these scenes, it seems that there is a sense of desolation in the wasteland of the doomsday.

However, from the perspective of the party throwing the "nuclear bomb".
"so beautiful!"

Hancock was completely immersed in the dazzling gaze of Galen's move, and his eyes were a little blurred.

For Hancock, this is simply the fireworks that his sweetheart set off specially for her, gorgeous and bright.

She was bathed in the golden light emanating from Galen's body, and she felt that the air was full of happiness.

But soon, the golden light dissipated into glittering light spots flying all over the sky, as if someone had suddenly cut off the power.


Before Hancock could react, the giant golden hand on his feet disappeared immediately.

Having lost his foothold, Hancock uncontrollably fell from a height of [-] meters.

She is not a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, and it is not difficult at all to protect herself from this kind of accident.

But just as Hancock was about to turn around in the air, a big hand gently embraced her from the air, and carefully cared for her body in the palm of his hand.

"Excuse me."

Galen caught Hancock and explained to her in a gentle tone: "It's time for my transformation."

Hancock was naturally not annoyed by this little accident.

Feeling the warmth around him protecting him, Hancock only felt more obsessed with him.

"and many more."

Hancock suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Following the warmth coming from around her, she looked to the side:
I was half lying in a huge palm.

Following Galen's breathing and looking up, he saw Galen's still too big face again.

Although Galen is not a 200-meter-tall golden giant Buddha now, he still maintains a 20-meter-tall giant body.

"Guy, Galen."

Hancock's face suddenly became very exciting:

"Didn't you say that your transformation time has come?"


"Didn't I change back now?"

Galen replied somewhat puzzled.


A few complicated meanings flashed in Hancock's bright eyes, and his face became very tangled:

"Then why are you still as big as a giant?"

"If that's the case, how will we end up in the future?"


Galen was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing:


"This is another transformation ability of mine."

As he said that, Galen released the giant mode of the god of death, and the 20-meter giant body also disappeared out of thin air.

Hancock fell weightlessly from the air again, and finally fell into Galen's firm embrace.

"I see."

Looking at Galen who had returned to normal, Hancock suddenly showed a relaxed look of relief.

Feeling the romance brought by this princess hug again, Hancock once again fell into a state of blushing and beating heartbeat.

Hancock stretched out a pair of white jade-like arms unconsciously, wanting to put them gently on Galen's neck, to make himself closer and more intimate to him.

Then Galen put her down with a snap:


"There are still people who dare to come up to die?"

Galen picked up the big sword with a face full of excitement, and with his eyes shining, he slashed at the prisoners who had just escaped from the city of advance to the ground.

As the order in the city collapsed, the prisoners who broke free from their cages continued to escape from the inside to the ground.

Although Galen used the Buddha's Wrath Lotus to clean up the crop, the prisoners who wanted to return to the sea still escaped from below one after another.

As soon as a batch was cleared, new prisoners would appear in front of Galen.

This city of advancement is like a field of leeks, no matter how much you can do it, you can't finish it.

Although for Galen at level 15 today, these are basically the experience points provided by the weak prisoners who escaped from the previous floors, which can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

But Galen still focused on blocking the exit of the advancing city with his sword in mind not to waste it, and cleared the previous one as soon as he came out.

Looking at Galen's cheerful figure shuttling back and forth among the prisoners, Hancock's expression was resentful.

But seeing that Galen was suppressing the riots so seriously, Hancock had no choice but to sigh lightly, and then jumped forward to help Galen complete this just cause of maintaining the peace of the sea.

"Aromatic Feet!"

Hancock fluttered across the battlefield like a butterfly spreading its wings, and easily kicked several prisoners who were trying to escape into rubble all over the ground with his superb physical skills and unstoppable fruit ability.

Looking at the "little soldiers" snatched by his teammates, Galen subconsciously drank softly:

Hancock stopped his movements, looking at Galen with a slight grievance in his eyes.

"Cough cough."

Galen also realized that his tone was a little too much, and immediately changed to a gentle tone and said to Hancock:


"With me here, leave the fighting to me!"

"Just stand behind me, and I will protect you."

Hearing Galen's "sincere" words of care, Hancock's fair cheeks suddenly blushed with happiness.

She had never experienced such a warm feeling of being cared for carefully before.

The arrogance of the Pirate Queen on Hancock completely disappeared in front of Galen, and he only responded softly to Galen with the soft voice of a mosquito boa:

After Galen dismissed the head-grabbing teammates with a flawless smile, he immediately focused on finding trouble with the prisoners.

The prisoners fled to the ground one by one, but they didn't know that there was a god of death waiting at the gate outside the city.

Not long after, dozens of lives were lost under Galen's sword.

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly ran out of the passage, far more in number than the previous prisoners.

The leader was none other than Hannibal whom Galen had met not long ago, and he returned to the advancing city to help his colleagues at some point.

Taking a closer look, I found that all those escaped from the city were jailers in uniform, and there were hundreds of people in total.

"Hannibal, why did you come out?"

Galen asked a little puzzled.

Hannibal didn't speak, but a tall man beside him who was wearing first aid bandages and had to walk on crutches answered first:
"The vibration from the ground is too strong, and the city may be at risk of collapsing."

"For the safety of the jailers, I can only ask them to give up suppressing the riot and retreat from the advance city first."

He is Magellan, the warden of the prison, who has just woken up from a coma due to serious injuries.

Magellan looked sour when he said these words:
Withdrawing all the staff and giving up the suppression is the biggest dereliction of duty for him, the prison director.

However, the riots in the advancing city had fermented to the point where it could not be suppressed, and the violent vibrations caused by the fighting between the powerful men on the ground were even more disturbing.

Magellan had no choice but to make up his mind to sever his wrists, and led a group of jailers to withdraw from the Jedi.

But after seeing Galen, Magellan managed to squeeze out a kind smile on his gloomy face:

"You are Shichibukai Galen, right?"

"I've heard from Hannibal that you helped us suppress the riots. Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's just a trivial matter."

Galen agreed casually, and then flicked off the fresh blood on the blade.

Magellan, on the other hand, looked at Galen's blood-stained armor and great sword, and at the corpses of prisoners lying on the ground around him, and he couldn't help feeling a little moved in his eyes:
"Thank you very much!"

"You stand here alone, desperately cleaning up the mess for us guards' dereliction of duty. I"

"I am also doing this for the peace of the sea"

Galen absent-mindedly replied another sentence of the scene.

"As the warden, I absolutely can't push all this heavy responsibility on you Qi Wuhai!"

However, Magellan became more and more excited as he spoke, and a kind of determination and determination flashed in his eyes:

"Even if I am seriously injured, I will stay here and fight side by side with you!"


Galen's expression froze instantly.

"Don't! I don't have to"

Before Galen finished his evasive words, Magellan had already urged the seriously injured body to release the billowing venom.

As soon as the powerful purple venom appeared, the surrounding jailers consciously retreated a safe distance of hundreds of meters.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Magellan coughed out a mouthful of poisonous blood with difficulty, but his attitude remained firm:
"Galen, you don't have to worry about my state!"

"You Qiwuhai can do this, how can I back down as the warden?"

"I really don't need it."

Galen's face became more and more gloomy.

"Don't say no!"

Magellan said sternly:

"There are so many entrances and exits in this city, how can you guard here alone?"

"Let my poisonous fruit come to your aid!"

Magellan was right:
There are many exits from the ground to the ground, and every time Galen stops the prisoner, he feels exhausted like playing whack-a-mole.

To deal with this situation, it is natural that the poisonous fruit with a large attack range and strong lethal ability is more suitable.


Galen sighed helplessly, and could only say:

"Honestly, I'm enough alone."

Without waiting for Magellan to refute, Galen said loudly to everyone present, including Hancock:

"Everyone can escape as far as they can, and there will be no living people standing here soon!"


Just when everyone was hesitant and puzzled, Galen walked up to Magellan and picked up a spell shard:
【Superman·Poisonous Fruit】

"Poisonous Fruit·Poisonous Cloud!"

Deep purple venom suddenly gushed out from Galen's armor, and a thick cloud of poison filled his body.

Hancock had already left obediently, but the guards were shocked, and all of them stood there dumbfounded.

"Not leaving yet?"

Galen shook his head helplessly, so he had to jump to a place that was open enough:

"Death is coming!"

"Giant Soldier of Poison!"

Magellan began to doubt life.

(End of this chapter)

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