Pirate Galen

Chapter 263 Don't bully the poor

Chapter 263 Don't bully the poor

As soon as "Sword Hero" came out, it caused an uproar in the sea.

The fate of countless people has also changed as a result.

Donghai, Xiluobu Village, in the villa garden of the richest man in the village.

The owner of this house had just passed away, leaving only a young lady named Ke Ya living alone in this empty villa.

Although Ke Ya inherited the wealth of Wanguan family, her parents left one after another and her own frailty and sickness made her depressed all day long and never smiled.

The only thing that could make her feel soothed was a young Usopp in the village.

Usopp is poor, full of lies, and plain-looking. At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he is still the king of children and vagrants in the village, and he spends his time lying and bragging all day long.
If this was placed in Galen's hometown, Usopp would definitely not be eligible to add a girl's Wechat, and there would be nowhere to say "drink more hot water".

However, like all love stories that are basically impossible to happen in Galen's hometown.
The rich lady Kaya and the poor boy Usopp just see each other right.

For Kaya, watching Usopp bragging and telling stories in front of her is the greatest pleasure.

On this day, Usopp came to Kaya as usual and talked about his "adventure career" as a sea warrior.

After carefully listening to the interesting story of Usopp leading his 800 million warriors to save the Red Earth Continent, Kaya smiled slightly and said to Usopp:

"Usopp, I have a gift for you."


Usopp was instinctively agitated, and scratched the back of his head with some embarrassment: "What is it?"

With a quiet and gentle smile on Ke Ya's face, she lightly brushed her light golden hair fluttering in the wind, her tone was still gentle and moving:
"It's a book."

"Usopp, I know you have always yearned for the sea and dreamed of becoming a true sea warrior."

As she spoke, she took out a book with the golden sword logo printed on the cover:
"I think this book will definitely help you."


Usopp curiously took the book, which still smelled of fresh ink, and opened it carefully.

"This this"

His pupils suddenly froze:
This is a book about how to become stronger.

Usopp dreamed of becoming a sea warrior since he was a child, but because of his narrow vision, he still couldn't find a way to become stronger. He could only rely on his superb talent to practice some sniper skills.

This book undoubtedly lit a guiding light for him.

"Many thanks!"

Usopp held the book as if he had found a precious treasure, and excitedly grabbed Kayan's soft and boneless hand:
"Kaya, thank you for giving me the book!"

"Don't be so excited."

Ke Ya smiled a little embarrassedly:
"This book is not a rare item, the price is only 998 Baileys."


Usopp blushed a little:
As a well-known unemployed vagrant in the village, he actually couldn't even take out 998 Baileys.

But at this moment, a cold and sullen voice sounded in the courtyard:

"Brat, let me go!"

At some point, a man dressed in a butler uniform and meticulously groomed had already stood in the garden.

He stared at Usopp fiercely with almost devouring eyes:
"Stinky boy! I allow you to enter this house"

"It's already for the sake of Ms. Ke Ya's face, I'm giving you the greatest tolerance!"

"Now, you still dare to touch Miss Ke Ya's noble body?"

Usopp blushed, and hastily let go of his hand, which was a bit out of bounds.

"What are you still doing? Get out of here!"

The butler-like man shouted again:

"From now on, I don't want to see you, a barbarian, appear here again!"

"Mr. Clabattle"

Ke Ya frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure:

"Usopp was just an inadvertent mistake, and you don't need to say such rude words, right?"

"As a gentleman, you should apologize to Usopp."

Clarabarth, steward of the House of Koya;

Of course, his real identity is actually the former captain of the Black Cat Pirates, known as "Hundred Schemes" Crowe by people in the world.

Crowe escaped by feigning death and hiding his name in Xiluobu Village for more than two years, in order to get a big ticket, and then retire to become a rich man.

And Miss Kaya, who has a car and a house, and her parents are dead, is the perfect prey to fall into Crowe's trap.

under these circumstances
Usopp, the poor boy who suddenly came out to flirt with Kaya, and even had a faint tendency to become the future owner of Kaya's family, was a thorn in Crowe's side and a thorn in his flesh.


A look of disdain appeared on Crowe's face:

"Why should I apologize to him?"

He paused, and the mockery in his eyes became more intense:
"The boy is nothing more than the son of a pirate."

"It's fine that the father is a whimsical money-grubber, but the son is also so clueless."

"Give him a little color, and he will want toads to eat swan meat."

Hearing Crowe talking about his father, Usopp's face suddenly darkened.

In Sirob Village, Usopp’s father Jesus Bu is the laughing stock of the whole village:
Abandoning his wife and son, he went out to be a pirate who was looked down upon by others.

His wife died of illness early, his son was lonely and helpless, and he never had any news.

Most people in the village thought that Jesus Bu had died at sea on his own accord, and even regarded him as a negative teaching material for educating children to abide by the law.

Thanks to the exemplary role of Jesus cloth
When children all over the world are enjoying pirate games, there has not been a new pirate in Xiluobu Village for more than ten years, and the law and order have been greatly improved.

This topic is the bottom line of Usopp's tolerance:
"You are not allowed to insult my father!"

Usopp's eyes were filled with ferocious bloodshot eyes, and a flame of anger blazed in his heart.

"Ha ha."

Crowe sneered for a while, and just casually pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose:

"Why are you angry?"

"At this time, shouldn't you make up some good stories for your dad?"


Usopp finally roared uncontrollably, and his clenched fist was about to swing towards Crowe's cheek impulsively.

But at this moment
He felt the book in his arms.

Usopp's movements froze suddenly, and he couldn't help but protect the "Swordsman" tightly on his chest.

After a while, he suddenly looked up at Crowe:
"I'm proud to have a pirate dad! I'm proud he's a sea warrior!"

"No matter how much you laugh at it"

Usopp's eyes burst out with firm belief:
"I'll be a sea warrior like him!"


Keya was attracted by the unprecedented aura of Usopp, and his eyes became a little blurred.

"Karabatel, just wait and see for me!"

Usopp hugged the "Swordsman" tightly, and shouted hoarsely:
"I will become stronger!"

"Whether it's one year, two years, or three years."

"Sooner or later, I will rely on my own strength and become a real sea warrior!"

After saying this, Usopp left the mansion with firm steps without looking back.

Unfortunately, there is no Yellow River in this world.

Otherwise, with such a good context, Usopp can say a few more harsh words like "30 years of Hedong"
"Ha ha."

Looking at the back of Usopp going away, Crowe couldn't help showing a mocking smile on his face:

"The long-nosed kid became a strong man?"

"Do you think that if you get a bad book, you can really become stronger?"

Ke Luo shook his head, pretended to appease Ke Ya's emotions, and returned to his room alone.

On the desk in the room, there is also a copy of "Swordsman".

This book only sells for 998 Baileys, so of course Crowe also has it.

He calmed down, flipped through the book with great interest, and was fascinated unconsciously.

This book is indeed very good, and it is of great significance to every strong person who aspires to become strong.

It's a pity that Crowe has no plans to practice hard.
He is a pirate who has experienced strong winds and waves, and he knows that it is not easy to survive at sea:

He worked hard and robbed to make ends meet, he was notorious, and his income was not stable.

If it gets bigger, it will be targeted by the navy and pirate hunters;

If you are not careful, you will cause disputes with your colleagues again.

Being a pirate will kill you!

Crowe sighed deeply, and couldn't help thinking of what he had seen and heard while working in Ke Ya's family over the years:
The Keya family is the number one richest man in the nearby waters.

In the commercial firm run by his family, there are thousands of employees who earn a lot of wealth for Ke Ya, but they only receive a fraction of the salary.

And all the land in Xiluobu Village belongs to Ke Ya.

The villagers work hard day after day, and they are happy as long as they can support their families;
And Ke Ya only needs to sit at home, and rely on the legacy of her ancestors, and enjoy the fine clothes and fine food.


Crowe thought of Usopp who was clamoring to become a pirate every day, and immediately laughed out loud with disdain:
"What kind of pirate are you?"

"When a pirate steals money, he will die; when a rich man 'robs money', it is legal!"

Crowe, who aspires to become a rich man, has no interest in practicing at all.

And with his current disguised identity, it's not convenient for Crowe to practice.

As for
Will that poor boy Usopp really succeed in cultivation and come back to seek revenge on himself?
Crowe smiled disdainfully again:
It's not that easy to become stronger.

With the cultivation method, there must be extreme effort.

With extreme hard work comes extraordinary talent.

Even if he, Crowe, no longer practiced, he still had the realm of a lieutenant commander.

And that Usopp is just a naval recruit now, and he is not only one or two big behind him?
How difficult it is for an ordinary person to catch up with Crowe!
"Ha ha."

Crowe dismissed Usopp as a joke, and read the "Swordsman" in his hand as a leisure book.

He turned back page by page
Finally came to a somewhat unusual part.

Because "Swordsman" is a teaching material for the people of the East China Sea, in addition to recording the cultivation methods, it also compiled a part of the content to help the people of the East China Sea to open their eyes to see the world:
It is roughly the popular science about the major forces, as well as some information about the top powerhouses.

The strong men from Donghai are listed separately to show the respect of the younger generation of Donghai:

Roger, Karp, Galen.
Flipping back, it is——

Four Emperors Red Hair Pirates, senior cadre, Jesus Bu.

Birthplace: Donghai, Xiluobu Village.


Crowe's face stiffened.

"I X"

Crowe couldn't help but swear:
"This kid pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

long after
The hardcover edition of "Swordsman" was almost crushed by him unintentionally.

With the desire to survive, Crowe made up his mind to practice hard.

(End of this chapter)

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