Pirate Galen

Chapter 314 The Opening of the Explosion

Chapter 314 The Opening of the Explosion

Thousands of sergeants and nearly a hundred cadres uttered the shocking roar of mountains and tsunamis at the same time, showing Don Quixote's invincible grandeur.

Another fierce general Jack personally sits in the central army, and the situation can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

But Doflamingo not only didn't feel safe to be protected, but felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Jack noticed Doflamingo's slightly gloomy face for a moment, and immediately said to him in a disdainful tone half comforting and half mocking:

"do not be afraid!"

"With me here, you will never die!"

"I'd like to see how real that Galen is!"


Doflamingo responded casually, feeling more and more uneasy.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no chance to recover the situation. All he wants to do now is to leave.

But Jack has been standing beside him and staring at him covetously, and will not be able to get away for a while.

"Must find a chance to escape"

Doflamingo carefully looked at the surrounding environment, always paying attention to whether there was a chance to escape.

Finally, there were some visions in the sky that attracted everyone's attention:

"Why is it getting dark?"

The weather, which was originally blue sky, white clouds and clear sky, became cloudy and windy in the blink of an eye.

The vast clouds in the sky that day changed from a soft and erratic snow wave to a thick and gloomy black current that covered the sky and the sun in just a few seconds.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and immediately saw countless dazzling thunders roaring and jumping in the black clouds, accumulating powerful power in the roaring thunder.

Such weather is very abnormal.

Out of the animal instinct of an animal-type ability user, Jack felt a slight sense of danger.

But this dangerous intuition didn't make him feel intimidated, on the contrary, it made this combat madman who was so crazy that even a general dared to pinch his nose feel a little bit of excitement and joy.

And when all the miscellaneous soldiers were still puzzled by the sudden appearance of the thunder cloud, a huge bright black sphere quietly smashed the black cloud, and appeared from the dazzling thunder. out of shape.

At first, it was just a small black spot.

But soon, the miscellaneous soldiers took advantage of the white lightning to see clearly the abnormally large black sphere full of man-made technological colors.

"what is that?"

Questions were raised.

Then, there were many extremely difficult voices that were even distorted by fear:

"Okay, it looks like a bomb!!"


Everyone's faces turned black, including Jack.

He is not afraid of being killed by the bomb, but he still has hundreds of brothers from the Hundred Beasts Pirates with him.


The orderly army formed by this group of mafia hooligans immediately became a mess amidst the screams of crying father and mother.

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened again.

The spherical bomb didn't fall on the ground, but released the terrifying energy contained within it nearly a hundred meters above the heads of the crowd.

The metallic bright black shell was engulfed by the heat erupting from within at this moment, allowing endless rays of light to pour out from it.

This light is so bright that people seem to see a small sun falling down.

Many small cadres just looked directly at the sun for a while, and their eyes were completely blinded.

The weaker miscellaneous soldiers are like thin snow that has encountered the scorching sun, and they are almost melted by the sun just standing under the light.

And the sound wave of the explosion that followed was like a gigantic drum ringing in the ears, and it shattered their eardrums in an instant.

The shrill screams sounded like a tsunami, but they stopped instantly as soon as they merged into one piece.

Because after the strong light and heat of the high-energy explosion, what immediately ushered in was the shock wave that shook the world.

The shock wave destroyed the tall city walls of the royal city, sunk the solid ground of the square, and made the entire land groan with twists and tears.

The broken city wall bricks and stones fell like a meteor shower, and the torn earth rocks rose and fell like waves, and there were fragmented and torn cracks everywhere.

Eventually, a creamy mushroom cloud rose.

And Galen's huge and conspicuous body was slowly condensed and formed in the high-temperature smoke and dust of the explosion.

With the same ability, the power in the hands of baby-5 can be regarded as a car bomb at most, and it is a tactical nuclear weapon in the hands of the extremely powerful Galen.

In this level of explosion, life appears extremely fragile.

The explosion had just stopped, and there were no more than ten of the Don Quixote family's miscellaneous soldiers; and more than half of the hundreds of beasts pirates brought by Jack were killed or injured.

The remaining people who can still breathe are either strong enough or lucky enough.


Jack stared at the armored giant in mid-air with his eyes tearing apart, and roared angrily.

Not to mention that he himself was blown into disgrace, dozens of his subordinates were also blown into shattered coke, and their deaths were horrible.

Amidst the deafening roar, Jack didn't care about protecting Doflamingo, who was also disheveled beside him, and suddenly stepped on the ground around his body to sag several meters, and he jumped up with this force.

His tall and heavy body was as fast as a rocket in this posture.


Galen gently held up the baby-5 who accompanied the dance, and smiled condescendingly at Jack:
"Don't rush to fight, the opening ceremony is not over yet!"

As soon as the words fell, the thunderstorm clouds that had been brewing for a long time in the sky made a roar that resounded through the sky:
"Wan Lei!"

Enilu, who was hiding above the thundercloud, finally finished singing his ultimate move, and used all his strength to arouse the ten thousand thunderbolts.

A broad bolt of lightning hit Jack on the head as he jumped up.

Jack's running figure froze immediately, and fell from the sky unexpectedly, smashing a large human-shaped crater on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, countless bolts of lightning followed, as dense as a sea of ​​thunder fell from the sky.

The blazing electric light immediately illuminated the faces of the survivors who had just survived the explosion incomparably pale.

It was a scene of grief again, and the Purgatory, which had just cooled down for a while, became hot and unbearable again.

"Damn it!"

Jack's anger could no longer be suppressed.

As soon as the two sides had a face-to-face meeting, his subordinates died tragically under the enemy's attack, but he was still powerless.

This unprecedented sense of aggrievedness made Jack's blood surge and his murderous intentions arose.

Once again, he soared into the air and swooped towards Galen, like a wild lion biting its prey.


What answered him was another burst of mocking laughter:

"I said it all, don't rush to fight!"

"Welcome to the final opening ceremony!"

Laughter still echoed in the air, and a huge black figure slightly revealed its silhouette above the black clouds, and the extremely gloomy sky that was already covered by black clouds suddenly became even darker.

Immediately afterwards, the thick cloud layer that released the power of thunder was completely crushed.

A huge floating rock not much smaller than the area of ​​Wangcheng crashed down.


The few survivors left on the ground were completely stunned.

Under the impact of this scale, none of them could imagine how to escape.

And Jack, who had just climbed back into mid-air, couldn't help but froze for this kind of top-level attack.

After hesitating for a moment, Jack actually made a move that even Galen could not have expected.

With a sudden step in the air, he jumped up nearly a hundred meters again out of thin air, and headed straight towards the impact of the huge rock that fell on his head.

"Stop for me!"

When his figure was completely submerged by the giant rock, Jack's deafening roar resounded through the entire sky.

He punched out, hitting the bottom of the huge rock hard.

Under that impenetrable and vast sea-like force, the entire giant rock trembled suddenly, and the downward trend suddenly slowed down.

Even the dozens of giant snails lifted on the boulder trembled three times under the bombardment of this force.

The gigantic rock that was originally a whole was suddenly torn apart and turned into several broken rocks.

It's a pity that no matter how terrifying Jack's power is, it can't stop Newton's gravitational force.

The rocks that were blasted apart by Jack only shifted slightly from their trajectory, and then continued to fall downward without stopping.

And Jack himself also lost the power to stay in the air under the impact just now, and turned into a meteor that fell to the ground together with those stones.

Dust was flying everywhere, gravel was flying, and the sunken earth was full of potholes like the surface of the moon.

Finally, amidst the violent tremors that shook the ground, these huge stones completed a covering blow to the ground.

The solid and huge royal city has been crushed in half at this moment.

The minions of the Don Quixote family and the elite of the Beasts Pirates were almost wiped out at this moment.

On the devastated ground and among the ruins of ruins, only a few dozens of people can still stand.

Most of them were seriously injured and barely supported the wounded. There were only two people who were truly unscathed:

Jack and Doflamingo.

It was just an opening, and the two of them became disgraced and polished commanders.

And amidst the smoke and dust, the giant snails carried on the boulder that fell to the ground finally recovered from the impact.

They squirmed and crawled out of the ruins, and formed a large circle around the almost demolished royal city in an orderly manner.

Then, countless heavily armed clone soldiers climbed out of the giant snail, and with uniform steps, they surrounded the defeated remnants of Doflamingo's side.

Finally, surrounded by these clone soldiers.
Galen, Gage, Reiju, Iji, Niji, Enilo, Luo, baby-5 and others came to the front and stood in front of Jack and Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jack, on the other hand, was panting like a cow, his eyes were red, and the eyes he looked at Galen were full of madness and bloodlust.


Galen pointed his sword at Doflamingo, his gaze was like a torch, and his momentum was like a rainbow:
"I'm here to keep my promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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