Pirate Galen

Chapter 344

Chapter 344 Secret Conversation
The little episode ended and the banquet continued.

Big Mom spared no effort to sell her daughter to Galen.

Moreover, unlike the previous tough methods of recruiting a son-in-law, the aunt this time sincerely wanted to marry her daughter.

After all, Galen is already so strong that she can't control him, even if he really wants to marry him, Auntie will never accept him.

Therefore, Big Mom simply wanted to use a daughter to bring the relationship between Galen and herself closer, without too many additional conditions.

This kind of condition is already generous enough, almost equivalent to sending a princess of all nations home for nothing, but Galen still flatly rejected Big Mom's proposal:
He is not interested in recognizing 44 father-in-laws at once, let alone one of them is Doflamingo.
And Galen himself knew in his heart that his position was always on the side of justice, and sooner or later he would stand uprightly on the opposite side of the Big Mom Pirates.

Galen's repeated refusals made the aunt inevitably a little annoyed.

She has been a mother-in-law so many times, but this is the first time she has encountered a situation where she can't give her daughter away for nothing.

The aunt tried her best to control her irritability and did not flip the table on the spot, but the atmosphere of the banquet still dropped to freezing point in front of her big gloomy face.

In the end, the banquet was over and everyone broke up unhappy.

Most of the guests can't use the word "scatter" which has no sense of urgency at all to describe them, they should use the word "flee" which means "flee".

the reason is simple:
Aunt is still angry.

Big Mom doesn't want to turn against Galen for the time being, but that doesn't mean she won't take the lives of those unlucky ghosts around her to vent her anger.

Therefore, as soon as those guests heard that the banquet was over, they all galloped towards the distance, their movements were skillful and quick, and they must have been practiced for a long time.

Under such circumstances, only a small number of people can remain calm.

As soon as these people left the castle, they were clearly divided into three parts:
One is the core combat power of Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker and several Big Mom pirates.

The second is the Prisoners of Advance City headed by Shiliu of the Rain.

The last party is naturally Galen.

Although Shiliu and the others are already under the aunt's subordinates in name, they don't seem to get along very well with those new colleagues.

As soon as they left the castle, they separated from Katakuri and the others unconsciously, and went straight to their residence without saying any polite words of farewell.

Galen looked at the backs of Shiliu and the others, with a thoughtful look quietly appearing on his face.

But when Galen's eyes were flickering and he was thinking secretly, Katakuri's tall figure, which was more than twice as tall as Galen, quietly approached him, casting a large human-shaped shadow immediately.


Galen glanced at Katakuri beside him in confusion:
"What are you doing here?"

Katakuri said in a deep voice:

"It's still early, and there are still a few days before the wedding"

"If you want to wander around Cake Island, I can be your guide."


"When did Wan Guo have enough manpower to use a dessert general star as a tour guide?"

Galen smiled, and straightforwardly pointed out Katakuri's intentions:

"Are you worried about me running around and want to keep staring at me?"

"It's Mom's order."

Katakuri replied without changing his face:

"Since you are here as a guest, you should abide by the rules of our nations."

Cake Island is Big Mom's headquarters, and there are indeed many important and sensitive areas on it that are not allowed to be intruded by outsiders.

And Galen himself is a person worthy of fear, and the aunt is not at ease to let this uncertain factor run around in her lair at will.

"no need."

Galen's attitude was very firm:

"I don't like people following me when I'm hanging out."

Katakuri didn't speak, but he didn't intend to leave at all, as if he was determined to follow Galen.


Galen shook his head helplessly, and said with some amusement:

"Do you have to follow?"

"Then you have to follow closely!"

As soon as the words fell, Katakuri's face froze suddenly.

When he uses his knowledge-colored domineering seriously, he can foresee the future for a short time.

Now, Katakuri saw Galen's actions one step ahead:
"Fatal blow! Ragnarok! Shave!"

Katakuri immediately took a step to stop him:
"and many more!"

However, he could not prevent the realization of that future at all.

In an instant, Galen's figure turned into a scarlet phantom.

Although Katakuri seized the opportunity and could see Galen's movements clearly, he was slow in the end and could only let Galen disappear into the distance.

"What speed is this? Even I can't keep up."

He was awed by Galen's burst of extreme speed, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

Then, Katakuri reacted abruptly:
"Where is Galen going?"

"No, I have to tell my mother about it."

Galen who suddenly disappeared on Cake Island made Big Mom a little nervous.

The unknown is always the scariest.

A human-shaped nuclear bomb lost its whereabouts in his lair, making people even more restless.

The aunt hurriedly asked her cronies to carefully check the monitoring of several important locations such as the treasure house, the prison, the historical text storage room, and Doflamingo's residence to prevent Galen from making any surprise attacks.

There was a lot of commotion on Cake Island, and everyone was trying to find Galen's whereabouts.

It wasn't until a long time later that Galen reappeared in the eyes of everyone that the excitement finally ended.

After the aunt learned that Galen had appeared, she immediately asked the eldest son Perospero who was serving by her side:

"Did Galen say where he has been during this time?"

Perosperoma immediately replied:

"The people below have asked."

"Galen said that he was idle and bored and flew in the sky for a while, and returned to the island to see the scenery when he was tired from flying."

"Flying in the sky for a while?"

Auntie is a little skeptical about this explanation:
"He left Katakuri, just to fly for himself?"


Suspicion flashed in Auntie's eyes:
"This guy deliberately avoided our eyeliner. He definitely did something that he didn't want people to know."

"Send me someone to investigate!"

"Ask all the Homiz on the island, I don't believe I can't find where that guy went!"

Cake Island is managed by the aunt as tightly as an iron barrel. There are signal manatees on the outer sea to monitor the passing ships, and there are countless surveillance video bugs on the inner island as eyeliners.

But the secret eyeliner of Da Ma's staff who can really penetrate into every hole and detect everything is those Homiz.

A large part of the trees, buildings, furniture, and even the dinner plates on the cake island are Homiz, who is endowed with a soul by the aunt and has self-consciousness.

These Homiz usually hide in every corner of the island, secretly monitoring everything in secret, and can turn into the most reliable intelligence agents when Big Mom needs them.

Aunt is confident:
As long as Galen was still on Cake Island, it was absolutely impossible for him to escape the surveillance of Homiz.

As a result, there was another flurry of chicken and dog jumping on the cake island.
Big Mom's cronies quietly scattered around the island, interrogating the Homiz who were hiding in various places.

After a long time, some Homiz disguised as ordinary grass finally reported useful information:
Galen once appeared outside the residence of Shileu of the Rain and others.

He moved quickly, only showing a shadow in front of those Homiz, and then quietly escaped into Shileu of the Rain's residence.

A moment later, Galen sneaked out of Shiliu and the others' camp.


The aunt was confused by the news:
"Galen and Shiliu of the Rain met secretly?"


Shiliu of the Rain and his group are her new recruits, but she has always been secretly afraid of them because of their strength, indifference and domineering.

And now, this group of powerful combat forces that made her extremely wary, and their loyalty was obviously not high, actually secretly met with that Galen?
The aunt suddenly had some bad premonitions in her heart.

She clenched her fists quietly, and couldn't help but asked to herself:
"What the hell did they talk about?!"

Unfortunately, no one can answer her.

Shiliu of the Rain is an arrogant, indifferent and maverick swordsman, he doesn't want to live under the surveillance of his aunt all the time.

The Homiz in his residence has been cleaned up by him long ago.

So now the aunt can only know that Galen entered Shiliu's residence, but she doesn't know what the two of them talked about.


Seeing that aunt was in a bad mood, Perospero could only ask cautiously

"Should we call Shiliu over and ask him face to face?"

"What else to ask!"

The aunt frowned tightly, and growled angrily:
"If they really talked about something that is not good for me, can they tell me honestly?!"

"Now we can only prepare for the worst and increase our vigilance against Shiliu's group."


Perospero swallowed his saliva, and proposed against the aunt's anger:
"Should we try to arrange for someone to approach Galen and get some information from him?"

"Can you do it?"

Aunt hesitated.

"it should be OK."

Perospero analyzed it carefully:

"No matter how strong Galen is, he is still just a lustful young man with a good reputation."

"If you let Brin, who is good at disguising, approach him, maybe you can find some flaws in him."

"Okay, let Brin try it!"

The aunt is also very relieved of the acting skills of the dramatist daughter.

After taking some countermeasures, the aunt's mood eased a little.

However, there is still a problem entangled in the aunt's heart, which disturbs her and makes her anxious and unspeakable:

"Galen and Shiliu, what were they talking about in that room?"

A few hours ago, in Shiliu's residence
Shilio asked, "Is that you?"

Galen said, "It's me."

Shilio asked, "What are you doing here?"

Galen said, "Why am I here?"

Shilio said, "You shouldn't be here."

Galen said, "But I'm already here."

Shilio asked, "What do you mean by that smile?"

Galen said, "When I smile, I mean to laugh."

Shiliu drew his sword to face each other.

Galen said in harmony, "I'm here to chat, not to fight."

Shiliu said angrily, "What do you want to talk about?"

A moment of silence.

The two looked at each other for a long, long time.

Galen finally spoke, "Didn't you notice anything wrong at Big Mom's banquet?"

Shiliu was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Galen said: "The dishes served are all sweets, so sweet that you will lose your teeth."

Shiliu: "."

Galen continued: "The sweet taste is too greasy, I prefer salty ones."

Shiliu: "."

Shiryu: "Get lost!"

Galen: "Stop talking?"

Shiliu: "Try another nonsense!"

The secret conversation that no one knows is over.

(End of this chapter)

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