Pirate Galen

Chapter 361 The Crazy Zefa

Chapter 361 The Crazy Zefa

Volcanic Hot Spring Island is named after the active volcano located in the center of the island and the natural hot springs all over the island.

At the same time, it is also one of the three end points, a dangerous place that can cause geological disasters.

But unlike the other two end point islands that have been destroyed by Zefa, Volcano Hot Spring Island is a prosperous, densely populated and wealthy place.

The tourism industry developed because of the natural scenery and natural hot springs has attracted countless tourists from the surrounding waters, making this island immersed in a peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.

Finally, the tranquility was broken.

Dozens of warships with the black NEO navy flag flying high over the sea, with shadowy sails and muzzles like a forest, seemed to be a black cloud in the clear sky

"This is the last end point."

Zefa looked at the towering active volcano in the distance, and the pupils hidden behind the sunglasses gradually became indifferent, depressed and crazy:

"Just destroy it, just destroy it"

"The world will be at peace!"

Hearing Zefa's words, the NEO navy officers such as Ain, Binz, and Xiu Zuo who were serving at the side cast convincing and eager eyes.

They are all Zefa's diehards, and they only want to fulfill Zefa's ideal, no matter how crazy the ideal is.

Only Smoker scoffed.

As Zefa's former favorite student, Smoker was not imprisoned like others.

Although it is difficult to move freely in shackles, he still gets the special treatment of being able to stay with Zefa.

Zefa even has the intention of persuading Smoker to change his family:


"Do you still believe the lies of those incompetent navies?"

Zefa pointed to the towering crater, and said excitedly to Smoker, whose face was sinking like water:

"Those guys wearing the cloak of justice only want to compromise. They can't solve the pirates at all, let alone save the world!"

"Only by doing like me, can we kill all the pirates!"


Smoker looked at his teacher coldly, and after a long silence, he said sharply:

"You are completely insane, Mr. Zefa."

He had figured out Zefa's intentions, and recognized Zefa's madness.

Smoker pointed to the bustling town that was only a stone's throw away from the volcano in the distance, and rebuked bitterly:

"Mr. Zefa in the past never saw only the volcano in his eyes, but couldn't see the tens of thousands of residents under the volcano."

"And if you really detonate the end point, the tens of thousands of casualties are just the beginning!"

"You are really crazy!"

Smoker relentlessly revealed Zefer's extremely unstable mental state.

And this disciple's words also caused Zefa to subconsciously fall into deep thought.

However, as soon as Zefa's mind was shaken a little, the wound on his broken arm that had healed for many years began to secretly burn again.

This pain pierced Zefa's mind.

"I'm not crazy!"

Zefa's expression became ferocious:
"Only by obliterating all the pirates in the new world can the sea be peaceful!"

"This is true justice!"

"Teacher Zefa"

Smoker was about to say a few more words of persuasion, but Zefa yelled at him sternly:
"To shut up!"

"Stay well, I will show you all the pirates in the new world!"

Saying that, Zefa also completely lost his patience.

He paid no attention to Smoker, but focused his attention on the approaching volcanic hot spring island.

Finally, the NEO Navy landed on shore.

For the convenience of marching, they landed on the other side of the island, a beach and forest outside the town.

And considering the marching speed of Zefa and others, it is only a few minutes away from the crater of black smoke.

"Let's go!"

Zefa sighed deeply and stepped off the warship first.

The muscles of his whole body were tense like a piece of hard steel, and the thick Hailoushi mechanical prosthesis on his right arm shone with a dark silver luster, and his whole body was filled with an aura of determination that would never return.

Zefa landed first, and the NEO navies under his command followed up in an orderly manner.

Everything seems to be going according to plan.

However, their march immediately encountered obstacles.

I could only hear the voices of people in the jungle in front of the beach, and the military flag of the seagull wrench fluttering in the wind.

Amidst the resounding sound of bugles, thousands of troops rushed out in an instant.

There were thousands of NEO Navy soldiers landing, but the number of naval soldiers who suddenly appeared from the dense forest was not inferior to the enemy at all, forming a siege to the NEO Navy as soon as they appeared.

The NEO Navy is under attack from three sides, and the only retreat is the sea behind it.

But at this time, the sea in the distance was choppy again.

Dozens of naval warships seemed to appear out of thin air, coming from all directions at high speed, and completely surrounded the NEO naval warships near the sea.

In just a few minutes, Zefa was surrounded by enemies and completely fell into the ambush circle of the navy.

In front of the navy's formation, several high-ranking generals wearing justice cloaks slowly stepped out, staring at Zefa and the others with fierce eyes.

The leader is General Akainu.

Behind Akainu, there are five vice admirals standing.

One general, five lieutenant generals, dozens of warships, and thousands of soldiers, this lineup is even more luxurious than the Demon Slayer Order.

"Stoloberry, Dauberman"

Zefa read out the names of these lieutenant generals with a solemn expression.

These are the elites of the lieutenant generals of the headquarters, and they are also the disciples cultivated by Zefa himself.

But having said that, Zefa had been the chief instructor of the Navy for more than 20 years before, that is, the principal of the Naval Academy for more than 20 years.

Most of the naval elites came from military academies, so most of the mid-to-high-level officers in the Navy headquarters now can relate to the friendship between teachers and students after seeing Principal Zefa.

It's just that there are thousands of students in the first phase of the military academy, and not every student likes this principal.

When Zefa saw the lineup, he knew that the World Government's careful calculation and arrangement were all hawkish students who had different ideas from him and had frequent conflicts.

"Is this determined to get rid of me?"

Zefa sighed deeply in his heart, and the painful feeling of being betrayed by the navy became more and more painful.

He held his breath, stabilized his breath, and said to Akainu in a dignified and fearless voice:
"Long time no see, Akainu."

"Teacher Zefa."

Akainu replied politely.

He is the first batch of students under Zefa's leadership. Although he has different ideas and relationship, he has always maintained respect for Zefa.

"Seeing us appear, you don't seem very surprised?"

Akainu asked with some concern.


Zefa looked up to the sky and laughed, with a sense of desolation in his laughter:
"I've been an admiral at least, so can't I guess what the navy is doing?"

"When the last end point was destroyed so smoothly, I knew you must have put all your troops on this last position."

"Since you understand our navy's intentions, then you should understand"

The red dog stepped forward slowly, and the red hot magma gradually flowed from the burly body.

Every time he took a step, the temperature of the surrounding air became hotter:

"You can't win, Teacher Zefa!"

Akainu looked at Zefa with blazing eyes, his fists clenched like red-hot steel:

"Stop doing unnecessary struggles, and pay for your madness!"

Although Zefa used to be a general, but he was seriously injured with a broken arm, and he is over seventy years old. It is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of Akainu who is at his peak.

And the cadres under him are all newcomers trained in recent years, so it is even more difficult to deal with the five lieutenant generals of the headquarters.

Under such circumstances, the NEO navy seems to have reached a dead end.


Zefa snorted coldly, but his momentum did not lose to the opponent at all:

"Don't be too arrogant, Akainu!"

"I dare to come here, don't I have the confidence to break through your encirclement?"

As he said that, Zefa stepped forward slowly, and suddenly tore off his coat in front of others, revealing his steel-like muscles.

Including Akainu, the faces of the navy officers and soldiers changed drastically.

Naturally, they were not scared by Zefa's bodybuilding muscles, but by the two circles of purple cylindrical objects tied to Zefa's body.

This purple cylindrical thing is called Dynamite Rock, and it is a highly secret controlled weapon of the Navy. It is said that its power is comparable to ancient weapons.

And indeed it is:

The direct explosion range of a piece of explosive rock can cover hundreds of meters around, and the high-pressure shock wave generated can even cause secondary damage to the space of a thousand meters in radius, which is as powerful as modern technological weapons.

Zefa has blown up the two islands with this thing.

If it weren't for the fact that it is made of rare minerals, so it is difficult to mass-produce and the quantity is scarce, the navy probably would have used this to sweep the four emperors and unify the world long ago.

And Zefa now has two full circles of explosive rocks directly tied to his body, assuming a crazy momentum of wanting to die with the entire island.

Who can see it without fear?
That's not counting, I saw Ain, Binz, Xiuzuo and other cadres behind Zefa also slowly stepped forward, showing several explosive rocks hanging from their waists.

"Crazy, you are completely crazy!"

Akainu shouted angrily:


"Do you want to destroy the whole world so much?"


"Then you are here to stop me from trying, incompetent navy!"

Zefa laughed out loud, his expression gradually becoming a little crazy.

Laughing, Zefa removed a dynamite rock from the bomb chain at his waist.

Then, he opened the sealed glass of Dynamite Rock.

As soon as the small explosive rock stored inside came into contact with the outside air, a high-energy chemical reaction that ghosts could not explain occurred, releasing powerful energy with a mass-energy conversion efficiency comparable to nuclear fission.

The Dynamite Rock, which was originally dull in color, just became white and shiny like a little sun.

In the end, Zefa held the second kick that was about to explode like this, and slammed into the navy's formation.

The strong are afraid of the violent, and the violent are afraid of the deadly.

The current Zefa is completely crazy to the point of death.

The sailors were all frightened.

"Get out!"

"Let the soldiers stay away from this lunatic!"

The red dog roared with tears in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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