Pirate Galen

Chapter 375

Chapter 375
Gulan Tezolo, the mobile kingdom of the underworld boss "Golden Emperor" Tezolo.

The first World No. [-] Martial Arts Conference will be held here.

Because of this grand event, countless underworld heroes came from all over the New World, making this entertainment capital extremely popular.

"A natural 'thunder fruit', plus five animal and superhuman devil fruits."

On the streets of the Golden City, an old woman with a short stature and a thin body, but wearing a flamboyant leopard fur coat and a hot eye-catching lipstick, tightly clutched the leaflet of the Martial Arts Conference, her eyes shone with greed. Sunglasses can't cover it.


"Bring this champion back, and we will never have to worry about running out of money in the future!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

She laughed exaggeratedly, making her wrinkled face look like a withered old chrysanthemum.

"Yes, mother."

A naive voice sounded beside her.

It was a strong man with a silly face who spoke:

He is three meters tall, with a waist and a width of ten girths. He was born with a round face, big ears, a straight nose and a square mouth. He has a white beard and a long-shaped naginata in his hand. He looks fierce, but he is simple and stupid.

This person is the new king Shichibukai, Edward Weibull who calls himself "White Beard II".

He was born stupid and ignorant, and his IQ was about equal to that of a kindergarten child, but he was infinitely powerful and superior in combat power. It was said that he had the strength of Whitebeard when he was young.

And his mother, Miss Ba Jin, is a greedy, insidious and cunning careerist, who has been using her mother's status to drive Weibull to do evil and earn ill-gotten gains.

Hearing that the Golden Emperor Tezuolo was going to spend huge sums of money to hold the world's number one martial arts meeting, Miss Ba Jin couldn't restrain her greed at all, and immediately brought her stupid son with terrifying strength to the Golden City.

Under the urging of Miss Ba Jin, Weibull accelerated his pace and walked towards the registration point of the Budo Association.

When they arrived, the registration point was already full of people, and there were muscular men with fierce faces and full armor standing everywhere.

If you look around casually, you can see many famous people in the new world:
About Tamaria Grand Fleet, Admiral Orombus.

King of the Kingdom of Prodence, "Fist of the King" Elizabello II, and his military advisor Da Gama and others.

Fighters group, XXX gym union, long-handed strongman Ai Diou and others.

Eight Treasures Navy, led by Qingjiao, Lao Cai, Bu Wu and others.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is naturally the new giant soldier pirate group headed by Captain Helding standing in the middle of the registration team.

They are all giant pirates with a height of nearly 20 meters, standing together like endless hills.

Standing together, these strong men formed a mighty force enough to frighten ordinary people with stiff hands and feet, unable to move.

However, Miss Bajin, who was used to relying on her son's force to do things like this, didn't pay attention to these guys at all.

She tapped her cane lightly, then said to Weibull in a commanding tone:


"Get rid of these guys who are in the way."

"Yes, Mom."

Weibull replied naively, picked up the big naginata in his hand, and really wanted to drive people away.

Miss Ba Jin's voice was not low, and everyone present were all ears and eyesight, and they immediately felt the arrogance of Miss Ba Jin's mother and son.

"Get rid of us?"

An old man with a white beard, a bald head and a loose kung fu shirt stood up and said indifferently:
"Junior, are you a little too arrogant?"

"Qingjiao, Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy with a bounty of [-] million!"

Some pirates present subconsciously said the name of this imposing old man, with a bit of awe in their eyes.

However, the name of green pepper did not scare Weibull in the slightest.

"Get out of the way!"

Weibull just yelled angrily, and slashed without hesitation.

The big naginata quickly drew a simple arc, tearing apart the space in an instant, setting off a tsunami-like high-pressure air wave.


Green Pepper's complexion changed.

He hastily pushed the armed arrogance on his bald head to the extreme, and then used the steel-cast iron-like hard sky cap to face Weibull's sharp naginata.

Qingjiao practiced iron head skills, a head trained to be a hundred times tougher than steel, and its defense power is stronger than all shields.

A dull metal knocking sound exploded, and the scattered sound waves shook the ears of everyone present.

The huge impact force was transmitted from the legs of the two people, cracking the ground everywhere, and scattering gravel and dust all over the sky.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Weibull still stood firmly on the spot holding the big knife, and the naive expression on his face did not change a bit.

However, the leader Qingjiao retreated a few meters in the collision just now, both feet were embedded in the ground, and a deep ditch was plowed on the ground.

Qingjiao only felt his head buzzing, and the iron head skills he had practiced for many years were easily broken by this stupid big man in front of him.

"This guy is so strong"

Qingjiao's expression became extremely serious.

The last time he felt such a strong pressure was when he confronted the naval hero Garp.

And Weibull's shot immediately frightened all the players, and made some people who pay attention to current affairs finally recognize the true identity of this unattractive, stupid big man:
"Edward Weible!"

"He is Edward Weibull, the newly inaugurated King Shichibukai with a bounty of 4.8 million!"

Everyone looked at Weibull with a bit of awe, and the stupid Weibull immediately became the focus of the audience.

"Step aside."

And Weibull only wanted to complete the task given by his mother, so he continued to urge the people in front to make way in a daze.

With the power of a sword first, he used Qi Wuhai's name as a deterrent, but when he opened his mouth, a few timid people really got out of the way.


A somewhat dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded from the side:

"Just such a stupid guy, dare to come out and steal my limelight?"

"I really don't know where your 4.8 million bounty came from."

The air was suddenly silent, and everyone followed the reputation, and someone immediately recognized the identity of the speaker:

"He is Shichibukai, the handsome pirate captain 'White Horse' Cavendish!"

Cavendish is handsome, and while being a pirate, he is also the idol of many young girls, and his popularity is much higher than that of Edward Weibull, who is extremely low-value.

He naturally likes to enjoy the feeling of being followed and chased by others, and he dislikes all those who steal his limelight, such as Weibull now.


Weibull was dumbfounded by Cavendish's two words.


Miss Ba Jin stomped her feet angrily: "He's calling you stupid!"


Weibull finally reacted.

He turned around angrily, and stared angrily in the direction of the source of the voice:

"I, I'm not stupid!"

"Ha ha."

Cavendish just sneered twice noncommittally:
"You said yes."


Weibull was dumbfounded again.


Miss Ba Jin stomped her feet angrily: "He's still calling you stupid!"

"go to hell!"

Weibull was completely annoyed, and raising his hand was a big knife.


Cavendish is not afraid at all.

The famous Western sword Durandal on his waist was unsheathed instantly, as fast as a gust of phantom.

"Li Kamaitachi!"

At this moment, Cavendish's original gentle face instantly became extremely gloomy, and his delicate and handsome face became distorted beyond words.

A noble son of a pirate suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty murderer.

This is Cavendish's second personality. In this state, he can release his true strength and multiply the power of swordsmanship.

Originally, Cavendish still couldn't control this second personality full of murderous desires, and even got involved in a life lawsuit because of this, and was forced to become a pirate from an aristocrat.

However, after meeting Rayleigh in Alabasta, Cavendish was fortunate enough to be taught swordsmanship by Rayleigh for a period of time, and his swordsmanship, physique and willpower were greatly improved.

Today's Cavendish has mastered the ability to freely switch between the two personalities, and can exert his full strength as he pleases.

"Beautiful Sword, Slash, Stardust Prince!"

The sword in Cavendish's hands, which exploded at full strength, was like a flying bird, and countless sword aura light trails were cut out in a whistling, as if the sky was full of stars.

In the midst of the sword qi, Weibull's steady blade was completely impenetrable.

Weibull's big naginata is powerful, heavy and stable like Mount Tai, while Cavendish's Western sword is light and nimble, like a dragon swimming, entangled with each other, and there is no winner.

However, the top experts such as Qingjiao and Heilding among the people present have already seen some tricks:
Although Cavendish blocked Weibull with a super-high-speed sword strike, Weibull, who was extremely powerful and thick-skinned, had no choice but to barely defend passively.


"Is the strength of this stupid big man endless?"

Cavendish himself cursed secretly in his heart.

When he just watched Weibull and Qingjiao play against each other, he didn't have much experience;
But now that he was fighting Weibull in person, Cavendish immediately felt the fear of this stupid big man.

There was nothing fancy about Weibull's knife skills, but simple chopping and stabbing, as if they were all instinctive movements.

However, Weibull's strength, speed, and fighting instincts are all as powerful as monsters.

He just slashed with the knife one after another blankly, and Cavendish was left and right, and he had to use all his strength to resist the fatal attack.

"Sooner or later I will lose"

Cavendish's face was a little ugly.

He regrets it now, he shouldn't have come out to cause trouble just to look handsome.

If he lost, then not only did he fail to be handsome, but he also made a big fool of himself.

But now, it's too late to regret it, Cavendish can't avoid the big stupid man who is angry at all.

But when he was gradually exhausted and was about to be unable to maintain that super-high-speed explosive sword skill, a special sword energy suddenly came from a distance:


With a flash of sword light, a tornado hurricane suddenly set off on the flat ground.

The tornado swept across, and Cavendish and Weibull had to stop and retreat to let the war temporarily cease.

"The Martial Arts Conference will officially start three days later, so there's no need for you to go to war so early, right?"

A strange voice sounded along with the tornado sword wind.

Cavendish felt that the voice was vaguely familiar, but forgot where he heard it.

"who is it?!"

Everyone turned to look.

I saw a strange swordsman in plain clothes but with sharp eyes standing there, slowly retracting the sharp sword into its sheath.

His face was very strange, and no one present could recognize his identity.


The strange swordsman lowered his voice and reported his family background:

"Fighting Swordsman, Yasuo."

(End of this chapter)

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