Pirate Galen

Chapter 389 The Showdown of Gravity

Chapter 389 The Showdown of Gravity

You can't see with a smile, but you can still clearly perceive the gravitational fluctuations on Galen's body that are almost the same as his.


Smiling and sighing slightly, his expression became much more dignified:

"As expected of the rumored unique multi-abilities user in the world, have you mastered even my abilities?"

His best attack method is to toss the enemy's body directly with gravity, which can suppress the enemy's actions and ignore the enemy's defense to a certain extent, which is precise and efficient.

However, Galen, who has the same ability, can easily counteract it, and most of Yixiao's attack and suppression methods are useless.

However, this does not mean that Yixiao is so hopeless.

In addition to being good at swordsmanship, he is not just as simple as using gravity to suppress people in the development and application of fruit abilities.

After only a moment of hesitation with a smile, he immediately changed his combat thinking:

"Gravity Knife Floating!"

He clenched the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, the tip of the knife lightly tapped, and the ground under his feet immediately trembled violently.

The rock and soil under Yixiao's feet cracked and loosened, and finally a huge floating rock was peeled off.

Yixiao flew up into the sky on the huge rock, and countless rocks on the violently trembling ground broke free from the shackles of gravity, and shot up into the sky like a rocket.

Among the dancing rocks all over the sky, the entire floating island was trembling violently, as if it might sink at any moment.

In just a few breaths, the ground of this venue was scraped off several meters of rock and soil, and the sky was occupied by countless floating rocks.

These gigantic rocks slowly float and rotate around Yixiao standing out of nowhere in the air, outlining the shape of the invisible force field around Yixiao's body, as if they are satellites guarding the central star.

In the end, with a calm breath, he carefully perceived where Galen was.

At the same time, the countless floating boulders around him suddenly accelerated their rotation speed, and soon dragged a ring-shaped phantom in the air.

They rotate faster and faster, so fast that they can tear the air apart, set off storms, and tsunami waves of sound waves. They even rub against the air at high speed to create sparks all over the sky, and finally blow those khaki-colored rocks to pieces. The pieces were all glowing red.

The ordinary clods of rock and soil completely turned into dazzling flaming meteors at this moment.

"Gravity Knife Fire Festival!"

When the flaming meteors were about to ignite the entire sky, Yixiao gently lowered the blade.

It's as if the musicians waved the baton and the whole orchestra moved with it.

The screeching sound of the high-speed rotation of the rock stopped suddenly, and the flame meteors all broke away from the shackles of gravity, and rushed towards Galen on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

It was like an apocalyptic meteor shower falling head-on.

"This, is this the true strength of Yixiao?!"

The audience sitting in the distance were stunned.

They were all so excited that they didn't even care about the gust of wind.

In the eyes of laymen, the previous confrontation between Mihawk and Galen was just a simple slashing with swords.

Although each of their swords also has a big scene of breaking mountains and breaking seas, but compared with a natural disaster-level meteor fire shower like Yixiao, it is much less enjoyable to watch.

With a smile, this shot completely detonated the atmosphere of the scene.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and held their breath, nervously anticipating the result of the duel between the justice knight Galen and the mysterious powerhouse Yixiao.

But Galen himself was very calm, he didn't take the meteor shower in front of him at all.

"Switch to a long-range attack?"

Galen smiled easily:
"It's even more useless to me!"

He swung a sword casually, and the lavender gravity light on the blade instantly became extremely bright:
"Gravity Sword Spiral Force Field!"

Galen casually made up a name for his skill, and a powerful and invisible special force field suddenly appeared around him.

As soon as those high-speed meteors crash into Galen's spiral force field, a lateral traction force will be exerted on the rock mass, causing its direction of motion to change irreversibly.

Even if Galen only slightly changed the direction of movement of these meteors, their final landing point would be far from the original target.

Galen just stood on the ground leisurely like this, watching the meteors continue to fall in the open space around him.

Thousands of meters around him turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the collision between the meteor and the ground also triggered continuous earthquakes, as if the end had come.

But the piece of ground where Galen was located seemed to be some kind of god-blessed land, and it was safe and sound from the intensive attack of meteors all over the sky. At most, it was disturbed by some dust and smoke.

With a smile, the massive meteor fire shower was only an understatement to Galen in the end.

"Give up, just smile!"

Galen stood in the billowing dust, looking mysterious and majestic:
"I can also control gravity, your attack has completely failed!"

"Do not."

Immediately, the firm and steady voice of Yixiao sounded in the air:

"My attack has only just begun."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a tsunami-like sound wave in the sky.

This sound wave is similar to the buzzing of an airplane passing overhead, but it is more shocking, magnificent, and huge than that artificial sound, as if the entire sky has collapsed and overwhelmed.

Galen looked up following the sound, and saw an indistinct black shadow appearing under the sky at some point.

This black shadow is getting closer, bigger, and clearer in the field of vision, allowing everyone to see its majestic figure.

It's a meteorite, a real meteorite.

When Yixiao's knowledgable arrogance is brought to the extreme, he can even perceive the rock stars revolving around the planet outside the atmosphere.

At the beginning of the flight, Yixiao used the chaotic scene of flying rocks as a cover, and quietly used the precise gravitational tractor beam to drag a real meteor from the outside of the atmosphere to the earth.

Compared with this real meteor, the previous artificial meteor shower can only be regarded as an insignificant appetizer.

Its diameter was hundreds of meters wide, and during its high-speed fall, it rubbed against the air and caught fire. The high-temperature flames ignited were thousands of degrees Celsius, causing the rock layers on its surface to melt into a piece of red-hot magma.

This is Yixiao's real killer move.

Although Galen can use the same gravity to nullify his attacks, there must be a limit to this move.

And this real meteorite is too huge, and the falling speed is too fast, and Yixiao himself is unable to control its movement after pulling it down from the outside of the atmosphere.

Obviously, Galen can no longer use the repulsive field to lightly shake it away.

However, Galen's expression was still indifferent when facing the country-level "Heavenly Obstacle Shocker" with a single smile.

Because his means are by no means limited to borrowed fruit abilities.

Garen has better countermeasures for such a massive single attack:

"Death is coming!"

His body soared to a height of 20 meters, and a golden light suddenly burst out from the armor:
"Great annihilation!"

Under the effect of the Great Annihilation, Galen's size further increased dramatically.

The audience only saw a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out in the venue, and a majestic giant ten feet in length, covered with golden lights, and with wings of light was born in the light group.

The figure of this giant is so dazzling that even the crimson meteor that is about to disappear loses its brilliance in front of him.

The meteorite was getting closer and closer to the ground, and the hot air waves above had already spewed onto Galen's face.

Finally, Galen, who turned into a giant soldier, jumped into the sky and raised his giant sword against the falling meteor without flinching:
"Laurent's heart knife!"

With a simple blocking action, the whistling meteor just stopped.

There was no sound, no vibration, no shock wave, and the meteor stopped in mid-air without even a trace of braking.

Only because Galen's sword stood in front of it.

Only the pattering magma slid down from the top, telling the power and influence it possessed in the hissing and burning sound.


With a smile, Galen exclaimed again.

In the next second, the giant sword in Galen's hand suddenly slashed out a golden sword energy, cutting the huge meteor in half from top to bottom.

Amidst the muffled sound of rock collapse, the meteorite split two flat cut surfaces, and then slowly fell down.

However, its downward trend stopped immediately.

Not only that, it actually went straight up towards the sky in the opposite direction, and flew towards Yixiao floating high above.

At the same time, with Galen as the center, an invisible gravitational force that was so wide that it could almost cover the entire artificial floating island descended silently.

Whether it was the meteorite that was cut in half, or the giant rock stripped off the ground, at this moment, under Galen's control, they all soared into the sky and rushed towards Yixiao.

"Such a large range of gravity manipulation?"

With a smile, he felt that Galen's strength was unfathomable.

But before he had time to react, he felt that invisible force pressing on him from all directions.

Those flying meteorites and huge rocks also rushed in with this force, as if they were going to completely submerge them in this rock-soil aggregate.

Yixiao tried his best to resist, and launched a fierce collision with the outward repulsion and the pressure manipulated by Galen.

The collision of force is invisible and qualityless, but outsiders can still see the fierceness and horror of this collision from the giant rocks that were crushed in the confrontation.

Yixiao was able to compete with Galen at first, but soon fell into a disadvantage.

Because he first took Hawkeye's sword on purpose, and then fought fiercely with Katakuri and others for a long time, and his strength was insufficient.

And in this high-intensity wrestling, Yixiao's little remaining strength was quickly consumed, and the defensive force field maintained around him also shrank and retreated inch by inch.

But Galen's strength is continuous and continuous, and the invisible pressure exerted on Yixiao's body has no tendency to weaken at all.

Finally, the retreat turned into a rout.

Yixiao completely lost the ability to resist.

His body was completely submerged in the suppression of the invisible force, and the subsequent rocks submerged him even more, "sealing" him in this thick rock formation.

In the end, a rock star that looked like a big bun floated high in the sky.

"Why does it look like a steamed stuffed bun?"


Galen was a little embarrassed.

After all, manipulating gravity is not the same as a strange trick that can create a high-energy gravitational core, and the shape of the pinched rock star is not so regular.

"Forget it, never mind."

Galen shyly ignored the difference in appearance, and shouted the name of this skill to the "big bun" floating in the sky:

"Earth Blast!"

(End of this chapter)

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