Pirate Galen

Chapter 391 Toy Disposal

Chapter 391 Toy Disposal
mirror space.

When Galen returned here with a smile, there were no traces of those pirates inside, only a few hundred strange toys chattering and chattering.

Granose had a smug smile on his face, as soon as he saw Galen appearing, he wanted to step forward to claim credit:
"Master Galen!"

"I've got all those fools"

While talking, Granose suddenly saw a smile beside Galen, and couldn't help choking back those words in fright.

The scene of crushing Katakuri with a smile before was so shocking that Sato felt full of fear of this terrifying strange blind uncle.

And Katakuri, who recovered a little bit of physical strength, immediately clenched the trident in his hand after seeing Yixiao reappeared, and put on a defensive posture towards Yixiao.

"do not worry."

Galen called them in time: "Yixiao is not an enemy now."

"Not the enemy?"

Granu finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to get too close.

However, the toys around her were excited.


"It turned out to be Galen? It's over, it's over!"

After being turned into toys, these pirates still have their own consciousness and can speak freely.

They were inexplicably gassed after a game and woke up to find themselves turned into toys driven by a little girl's enslavement.

This is not enough, now they have discovered that the black hand behind the entrapment of them is the pirate's sworn enemy Justice Knight Galen.
There is nothing scarier in the world than this.

These pirates immediately fell into panic and despair.

The cries of fear continued one after another, causing the entire mirror space to become noisy.

"Senior Galen! Senior Galen!"

Kerla, who also turned into a toy, desperately shouted to get Galen's attention, but the shouts of hundreds of toys around her were too loud, and her shouts were instantly drowned in the sound waves.

But Kerla still didn't give up, she tried her best to squeeze out the pile of fried toys and rushed to Galen, but was firmly stuck behind by the crowded toys.

Sabo, Haku and Ivankov also followed closely behind.

It's a pity that their strength was weakened too much after being turned into toys. No matter how hard they charged, they couldn't kill a bloody path among the chaotic pile of toys.

When the four of Kerla finally squeezed to the front, Granose cut off all their hopes with one sentence:

"Shut up for me!"

"Don't disturb Lord Galen!"

The toys suddenly fell silent.

Granose’s words are the golden rule for them, and all toys, including Kerla, have temporarily lost the ability to speak.

And Granose glanced at Galen as if asking for credit, and waved his hands in front of the toys majesticly like a little commander:
"Supplementary contract—"

"When Lord Galen is here in the future, you are not allowed to speak casually without my consent!"


Whether they like it or not, the toys can only nod obediently.

"All right!"

Granu clapped her hands triumphantly again:

"Stand up obediently for me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, those toys that were restless before rushed to her in a neat formation, guarding her tightly like the most loyal soldiers.

Even though Kerla was about to jump in a hurry, she couldn't speak, couldn't move, she could only stare blankly at her senior Galen, who was close in front of her eyes but far away in the sky, anxiously.

"These toys."

The smiling expression suddenly became serious.

Obviously those are toys, but with his keen observation, he can perceive the same emotions on them as humans:

Sadness, pain, panic.

Most importantly, when I saw these toys, I smiled and felt that something was missing in my memory.

For example, when he came to this mirror space before, did he decide to stop Galen because of what scene he saw?

The ability of sugar is not omnipotent. People with mental perseverance can find the confusing logical loopholes in their memory when they think deeply.

And a smile is just confusion, and Galen told him the answer directly with actions:

"granulated sugar."

He pointed to a toy casually, and said to Granu, "Change him back for me."

"Are you going to change it back so soon?"

"I haven't played enough yet."

Granit pouted in a coquettish posture, but in the end, under Galen's unwavering gaze, he reluctantly called out the toy:

"Turn back into a human!"

A fluffy toy tiger turned into a bearded strong man with bare breasts, thick muscles, and hideous tattoos on his chest muscles.

As soon as he showed his original shape, he panicked and wanted to flee outside.

But, of course, this is only in vain.

Even without Galen's action, Katakuri's rice cake dumplings alone can make this little pirate who is completely panicked unable to get away.

At the same time, a memory suddenly appeared in Yixiao's mind:
He had sensed the pirate in front of him in the mirror space before!

I couldn't remember this picture just now, but now it suddenly came to my mind. This kind of experience is very strange and frightening.


The smile on his face became more serious, and he asked in disbelief:
"Are these toys transformed into people?"

"Can you also erase other people's memories of them?"


Galen nodded, and said in a flat tone:

"I turned them all into toys, so that no one will remember them, and they will never be able to resist."


With a smile, he suddenly clenched the stick knife around his waist, and his emotions became agitated:
"You behave like this."


Galen interrupted the impassioned speech directly with a smile, then turned his head and pointed at the bearded strong man and said to Katakuri:

"You take the 'blacklist' over to identify who this bearded man is, and then tell Mr. Yixiao all about his great achievements."

During the sorting process, Galen, Tezolo and other subordinates specially spent a lot of effort to create a roster and a blacklist, which recorded key information such as the identity of the contestants, the bounty offered, and their past experiences.

The pirates in this roster belonged to people who could be reformed, and they were all placed in the normal medical room, and now they all became Galen's younger brothers willingly, willingly, and sincerely.

The pirates on the blacklist are all non-recyclable garbage, and are now sorted and treated as toys in front of Galen.

Katakuri, who is in charge of guarding the mirror space, also has such a blacklist in hand, which is used to confirm the identity of the pirates sent into the mirror space for the last time.

Now that Galen gave an order, Katakuri immediately took out a thick document, and then flipped through it against the face of the bearded man:

"This guy is nicknamed 'Long Beard'. He is a big pirate who has debuted for 15 years and has a bounty of 2.2 million."

Katakuri told the basic information about this bearded man, and he wanted to read out the "brilliant deeds" of this guy one by one:
"In March 1505 in the Haiyuan calendar, the newly debuted 'Long Beard' attacked a certain naval branch in Beihai, killing 46 naval soldiers."

"In April 1505, 'Long Beard' led a crowd to plunder an island in the North Sea, killing 34 ordinary residents, kidnapping the children of local rich men and tearing up their votes."

"April 1505."

Katakuri read this guy's crimes methodically to the blacklist, but he couldn't finish reading it for several minutes.

Galen's eyes became more and more murderous, and the bearded man's face became more and more ugly.

And Yixiao remained silent all the time, and no longer had the aura of denouncing Galen before.

Finally, Katakuri's voice stopped.

"Finally finished reading?"

Galen asked coldly.


Katakuri replied honestly:
"The page has been turned."

He looked back and added, "There are two more pages to follow."


Galen's face froze, and a burst of anger burst into his heart.

He couldn't help but sternly shouted at the bearded strong man in front of him who had been frightened into a fool:
"My blacklist is A3 paper!"

"You can still give me three pages of crimes?"


The long beard wanted to say something incoherently, but he couldn't make up a reason to justify himself.

"Master Galen!"

In the end, he could only cry and want to rush over to hug Galen's thigh:

"Just forgive me!"

"I, I can be your subordinate!"

"Feel sorry."

Galen shook his head coldly:
"Not all rubbish is eligible to be a human again."

"You'd better send me to hell to reform myself!"

After speaking, Galen directly killed him with a sword.

Blood was still dripping from the blade, so Galen turned his head and asked with a smile:


"Aren't you going to stop me this time?"

Yixiao was silent, his expression was tangled and complicated.


"I can assure you—"

Galen looked at those toys coldly, and said solemnly:
"None of the hundreds of toys standing in front of you is innocent!"

"No matter what pain they suffered, they deserved it and deserved it!"

"So, put away your one-sided sympathy for me!"


A smile is still a little tangled.

He felt that Galen's idea was right, but this conflicted with the justice concept he had insisted on all his life.

Finally, with a smile, he sighed deeply:

"Let me see more"

"it is good."

"Sooner or later, I'll let you see clearly."

Galen didn't expect Yixiao's thoughts to change quickly, so he left some room for thinking for Yixiao.

And as soon as the chat here was over, Granose couldn't wait to come over, and asked cautiously:
"Master Galen?"

"What about the remaining toys? Do you want to turn them all back into humans?"

Her tone was rather reluctant, like a little girl who is about to lose her beloved toy.


Galen pondered for a while, and thought about it carefully:
These hundreds of toys are all big pirates with a lot of background, and they all have quite a lot of power. Among them, there are even a lot of local snakes who occupy the island as kings and even run across one side.

Although it is easy to directly kill and exchange experience, such an extensive handling method will definitely cause a wave of turmoil in the sea.

And these pirates' subordinates, territories, weapons, and treasures can all be used by Galen, so killing them directly is indeed a bit wasteful.

Thinking of this, Galen finally made a decision:

"Don't change them all back, let's do it in small batches."

"Interrogate first, then ransack the house, and finally execute."

"Wait until the previous batch of pirates are processed, and then turn the next batch of pirates back into humans."


Galen glanced at the still struggling smile, and deliberately added:

"When handling the case, let the people from the Propaganda Department use video bugs to follow the whole process, and shoot a publicity and education program to be broadcast all over the world."

"Let the masses see the ugly faces and miserable fate of the pirates, and severely suppress the evil wind in the sea that yearns for and sympathizes with pirates."


"The name of the program should be "Today's Statement"!"


Sasuke happily responded.

She didn't listen to the rest at all, just excited that she could play with those toys for a few more days.

And those toys were also greatly relieved:

After seeing the end of the long beard just now, they all understood what would happen to them after being transformed back into a human.

Although being a toy is not free now, at least I can live on for a while, and maybe I can find a chance to escape.


Only Kerla yelled falteringly, and cried out in her heart wanting to cry without tears:
"Quick, turn us back!"

(End of this chapter)

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