Pirate Galen

Chapter 398 Kaido with a Bad Stomach

Chapter 398 Kaido with a Bad Stomach

Although Kaido was a little drunk, his IQ still remained a little.

So, when Kaido saw something missing from Galen's hand, he immediately realized what Galen had thrown into his mouth:

"You threw the sword into my stomach?"

After discovering this problem, Kaido was a little puzzled:
His current dragon body is as majestic as a mountain, and throwing a one-meter-long sword into his stomach is like eating a grain of dust in his stomach, and it will have no effect at all.

Not to mention a sword with a length of one meter, even if the sword is giantized to a length of more than ten meters, it can only be regarded as too much for Kaido, who is thousands of meters long and has a body that is not inferior to a large sea king. A toothpick can only cause a gastric perforation injury at most.

And Galen threw away his usual weapon at the beginning, isn't he looking for a dead end?

However, Galen's expression was still very indifferent.

"Yes, I did throw the sword in."

Galen nodded with a smile, and said meaningfully:
"However, there are other things on the sword."

"Something else?"

Hearing Galen's meaningful tone, Kaido's drunkenness immediately subsided by half.

He suddenly sensed danger.

"Is it immortal?"

A few traces of anticipation flashed in Galen's eyes: "Let me try it!"

Because Kaido's reputation as the strongest creature in the world is miraculous, a large part of the reason why Galen took the initiative this time is to test Kaido's ability first, and then seriously sum up the experience and cross the river by feeling the dragon's head.

However, Galen also thought so when he went to Cake Island alone to visit the Four Emperors.

Because of the successful experience in assassinating big moms, and Kaido's dragon mouth is so big that several big moms can be stuffed in, Galen felt before coming:

If I can also find a chance to throw something in it, maybe I can reproduce the miracle of killing Big Mom before.

And Kaido's dragon form is too large, and the old trick of throwing the sword may only make Kaido's stomach upset, so Galen can only find some other killing weapons:
For example, the devil fruit that will cause the capable person to explode and die, the deadly poison gas developed by Caesar Courant, and the explosive rock left over from Zefa's explosion.

Any kind of thing in it can kill a normal strong person on the spot if the enemy eats it.

In the end, Galen chose.
Throw it all in.

Anyway, Kaido's Shenlong state has such a big mouth, it's no problem to swallow a giant at once, and it certainly doesn't make any difference to stuff a few more bottles and cans.

Therefore, when Galen threw the big sword into Kaido's mouth, he also tied a dynamite rock, a compressed toxin canister, and a box of devil fruit fruit candies to it.

Because the counterfeit devil fruit is a wartime consumable with an effect of only 3 minutes, and the fruit is too large for users to carry, so Galen simply asked the researchers to extract part of the pulp of those devil fruits and make them into small, easy-to-carry The shit-flavored fruit candy that is carried.

And the small box that Galen just threw into Kaido's mouth contained more than a dozen devil fruit fruit candies with different attributes.

Not to mention a capable person who ate it, even a non-capable person who ate so many devil fruits at once would explode and die on the spot due to the energy conflict of the devil fruit.

Kaido can't feel it until now, because the things sent into his body have not been detonated by Galen.

Seeing that Kaido was aware of the danger and wanted to spit out the contents of his belly, Galen unhurriedly pressed the detonation button:

"Rage of Justice!"

At a distance of hundreds of meters, a golden-red flame ignited on the great sword hidden in Kaido's belly.

Because his own size is too large, Kaido only felt a small area in his stomach with a slight burning pain, as if he had a small problem with a gastric ulcer.

However, in the next second.
The golden-red flame burned through the sealed casing of the explosive rock.

An orange-red mushroom cloud suddenly exploded in Kaido's body.

The blazing light it emitted was enough for Galen to see the explosion clearly through a layer of dragon skin.

The power of Dynamite Rock is extraordinary, and anyone who has read nine years of compulsory education knows this scientific common sense:

Under airtight conditions, the shock wave pressure generated after the explosion is even greater.

Soon, the high-heat and high-pressure gas from the explosion swelled Kaido's body into a round balloon, like a stuffed boa constrictor.

And the spreading blast wave, along with Kaido's long strip-shaped dragon body, impacted and stretched towards the ends of his head and tail, which made Kaido feel as if he was stretched by the wave. Round and thick long balloon.


Kaido was blown up and screamed.

And the flames and gas caused by the high-energy explosion burst out hundreds of meters from Kaido's mouth, reflecting half of the sky slightly red.

Coupled with Kaido's dragon head, this scene really has the domineering demeanor of a dragon roaring.


Kaido roared in pain, thick black smoke from the explosion was still coming out from the corner of his mouth.

After being blown up by the explosive rock, he had completely recovered from his drunken state, and his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Galen.

"You're still so strong?"

Galen looked at Kaido who ate such a large bomb and roared at him so confidently, and immediately had a clear and intuitive understanding of the terrifying life force of the world's strongest creature.

However, this high-energy explosion can only be regarded as a prelude, and what Galen is really looking forward to is still to come.

Just as Kaido growled twice and wanted to fight back, the black smoke from his mouth gradually mixed with a strange dark purple gas.

The color of this gas is so rich and bewitching, it is clearly a poisonous substance.

The previous explosion also exploded the compressed toxin tank tied to the great sword. Once the highly toxic substance inside was exposed to the air, it mixed with the air and sublimated into a dense and huge cloud of highly toxic gas.

"poison gas?"

"You, you despicable villain!"

Kaido's dragon body twitched suddenly, and the expression on the dragon's head seemed a little distorted.

He quickly opened his huge mouth, frantically sucking in the fresh air like an air pump, trying to spit out all the poisonous mist that filled his stomach in one breath.

However, as soon as Kaido made a move, a more deadly threat came:
"This is a devil fruit?!"

A flicker of panic flashed in Kaido's giant eyes.

His dragon body suddenly tensed up, and he twitched and twitched frantically in the sky, quickly stirring up the thick clouds and dissipating them.

"Does it work?"

Looking at Kaido's unprecedented painful performance, Galen's eyes flashed with anticipation.

If he could see the devil fruit energy, he could see it clearly now:
Among Kaido's limbs and bones, more than a dozen abnormal devil fruit energies are breaking into his body, and there is a fierce conflict with the original devil fruit energy in Kaido's body.

The conflict was so intense and terrifying that Kaido lost control of his body for a moment.

His dragon body gradually showed a tendency to collapse, and the khaki-yellow dragon scales with metallic luster became dull, and some scales even peeled off from his body, and blood gushed out like a stream. out.

The originally mighty dragon body suddenly became scarred and blood-stained, like the skin scalded by boiling water, it was unbearable to look directly at.


Kaido's roar went straight to the clouds, so loud that it could be clearly heard thousands of meters away.

In the end, the dragon fell from the sky.

He fell heavily on the island below, crushing the entire dense forest, and then stopped completely.


Galen was a little surprised, but his eyes immediately became dignified:

"No, he's not dead yet."

Because Galen didn't see that his experience bar was good, he immediately judged that Kaido was not dead.

Galen suddenly thought of something:
If the person he killed with the devil fruit is not counted as killing experience, then Kaido might have been killed.

He himself regretted committing suicide.

"Brother, hold on!"

Galen quickly flew down the sky and landed in front of Kaido's dragon head, which was powerlessly hanging on the ground.

I saw that Kaido's eyes were tightly closed, and the scarlet blood seeping from the dragon's body even dyed the whole land red, it looked like he had gone to see God.

"Hey Hey hey"

Looking at his experience bar, which he had gained nothing, Galen couldn't help praying for Kaido from the bottom of his heart:
"Kaido, wake me up!"

"Don't leave like this!"

As if hearing Galen's wish, Kaido's closed eyes suddenly opened:


"Did you think you won?"

Kaido stared coldly at Galen with his huge amber vertical pupils, then slowly lifted the prostrate dragon body up, and gradually took off into the air.

At the same time, the wounds on his dragon body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the peeled off dragon scales are regenerating rapidly.

Soon, the blood-stained dragon came back to life as if reborn from the ashes, and the terrifying power of the dragon was once again revealed in his eyes.

"Despicable guy!"

Kaido looked down at Galen, and growled in an extremely angry voice:
"Bombs, poison gas, devil fruits."

"If these things worked for me, I'd be dead long ago!"

"Devil fruits are useless?"

Galen was puzzled, so he put on a panicked look and asked:

"how can that be?"

"Didn't it mean that as long as a capable person eats two fruits, he will explode and die?"

Sure enough, seeing Galen's panicked appearance, Kaido couldn't help explaining to the protagonist like all villains:

"Death by exploding?"

"That's only for those who are weak!"

There was a bit of pride in Kaido's voice:
"As long as the devil fruit is developed to the awakened state, it can resist the invasion brought by other devil fruits. Even if you eat a few more fruits, you will only suffer serious injuries."

"But it's a serious injury for others, but for me"

"This injury is not worth mentioning!"

This is Kaido's experience summed up by years of hard work:

Devil Fruit Awakeners have developed the energy of Devil Fruits to the extreme, and they will not directly explode and die due to energy conflicts. Instead, they can drive out external energy with their own powerful Devil Fruit energy.

This process will inevitably bring serious injuries to the capable user.

But Kaido is a one-in-a-kind awakener of animal-type phantom beasts. His physical strength and recovery ability are extremely strong, and he can recover quickly even if he is seriously injured like this.

Therefore, even if he eats his stomach, he will still be safe and sound.

"Galen, now"

After the explanation, Kaido's suppressed anger finally broke out:
"It's time for you to pay the price!"

Kaido's dragon body shook, and the situation changed.

He opened his mouth towards Galen, and endless heat was rapidly gathering in the dragon's mouth:
"Hot breath!"

The fire in Kaido's mouth was extremely bright, like a supernova about to explode.

Galen knocked Kaido's dragon's head off.

Kaido tilted his head, and just spit out a few black smoke rings with a little fire, and the majestic dragon's breath was annihilated.

"Although the body seems to have recovered, the speed is obviously a lot slower"

"It seems that your dragon body is not as perfect as you said."

Galen shook his smoky fist, his face full of relief.

 The setting that Kaido was captured 18 times and could not be killed is too ridiculous
  I can only make a round by force.

  Moreover, Oda now has three days off and one day off, and only changes three episodes a month. It is really impossible to wait for the official explanation.

  If you are slapped in the face, just slap in the face, I set him as a devil fruit capable user with super fast blood recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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