Pirate Galen

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Crowe's loud cry immediately attracted the attention of the admirals on the warship.

Soon, a golden light flashed out from the warship at an unimaginably fast speed.

Before the astonishment on Crowe's face was condensed, that ray of light appeared on the small wooden boat he was on, and condensed in front of him into a tall, thin man with arms as long as an ape and a strange appearance.

This man is naturally the general Huang Yuan who came to the East China Sea to carry out the sweeping mission.

"So strong!"

Just by taking a look, Crowe felt a suffocating sense of oppression from the man in front of him.

The man didn't make any moves, just smiled lightly, but Crowe still felt a natural fear from the bottom of his heart.

"Obviously looking so wretched. And laughing so unreasonably"

"I still find him terrifying."

"This, is this the aura of a strong man in the legend?"

Crowe's heart was beating quietly, and he was so nervous that he could even hear his own breathing clearly.

At this time, the construction workers on the Coke boat behind also noticed the navy's appearance, and hurriedly stopped chasing Crowe.


Huang Yuan looked at the sweaty Crowe with great interest, and there was a hint of danger in the wretched smile on the corner of his mouth:

"A person from Debon?"

He made a casual guess, but immediately shook his head self-consciously.


That gaze seemed careless, but it could see through Crowe at a glance:

"Are you a pirate?"

Huang Yuan laughed playfully.


Crowe was frightened and softened immediately, so he could only move out a life-saving straw in a hurry:

"Although I am a pirate, I have something important to report to the navy!"

"Monkey D. Luffy, the son of Alliance bandit leader Drago, is, just on the ship behind."

"Monkey D. Luffy?"

Huang Yuan frowned slightly, and said to himself:
"Old man Garp's grandson?"

"It's a hassle."

He scratched his head, looking a little hesitant.

From the perspective of the world government, Luffy is indeed a good hostage.

And Karp is Dorag's father, and Karp's grandson is in the East China Sea. This is no secret among the high-level navy.

It's just that the navy either didn't think of this at all, or they deliberately forgot about it.

No one wants to lay hands on the grandson of a naval hero if they can.

And now.
Luffy bumped into their hands by himself.

"General Yellow Ape!"

A somewhat displeased shout came from the approaching warship:

"Since the son of the bandit chief Dorag is here, what are you waiting for?"

It was not the admiral who spoke, but the CP0 agent sent by the world government.

The world government is not willing to send top agents to die, but it is still willing to send some not so rare senior agents to monitor and supervise the navy's mopping up operations in the East China Sea.

These CP0 agents, to put it bluntly, are the military supervisors.

They have a lot of power in their hands, and they have disgusted Huang Yuan and other admirals in the past few days.

Now seeing that the yellow monkey habitually shows the tendency to release water, the CP0 agent on board can't wait to stand up and urge the yellow monkey to do it quickly.

"It's a hassle."

Hearing the urging of those supervisors, Huang Yuan sighed softly again:

"Can't you let me go back to drink tea and read the newspaper safely?"

It has been a few days since Huang Yuan came to the East China Sea to carry out his mission, and he swept up two German bases one after another with a thunderous force, but he didn't even capture a single prisoner.

Because when the navy arrived, there was no sign of the alliance bandits in the two German bases, and after searching, they could only find a watchdog suspected of being a German bandit.

According to local residents, these German sergeants "just happened" to perform missions in the open sea, so they "coincidentally" escaped.

It was a coincidence once, and something was wrong when they met twice in a row.

The CP0 agents who played the role of supervising the army immediately pointed their finger at the navy participating in the operation, almost pointing at their noses and scolding their loyalty for a problem, which allowed Galen to obtain the information in advance.

Because of this incident, several fiery admirals almost didn't fight these CP0 agents on the spot.

And having said that, the CP0 agents did wrong the navies who participated in this operation.

There were spies in the Navy, but not on these ships, but in some office that CP0 agents couldn't even imagine.

But anyway.
Because of the spies in the navy, this raid is destined to be fruitless.

Huang Yuan and other admirals were already considering giving up the mission before they met Crowe, and were going to go back to the headquarters empty-handed.

It's a pity that now that Crowe suddenly brought big news, the plan of Huang Yuan to go back to the Navy headquarters directly to hang out is not so easy to proceed.


Huang Yuan looked at the group of CP0 supervisors who were staring at him closely, and could only force himself to work hard, and turned his attention to the Coke boat that Luffy and others were boarding:
"Catch it and grab it."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seriously caught anyone for a long time."


When Crowe saw the man in front of him who was called a general, I am afraid he had listened to his information, so he tried his best to put on a dog-legged look, and said excitedly to Huang Yuan:
"I still have important information!"

"On that ship is not only the son of the bandit leader Dorag, but also the brother-in-law of the bandit leader Galen!"


Huang Yuan replied in a regular manner.

Then, he put his hand on Crowe's shoulder directly.

The yellow ape didn't seem to use much strength, but the big hand clamped half of Crowe's body tightly like a vice, locking him so that he couldn't move at all.

"Sir, sir?"

Crowe asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"


Huang Yuan replied in a natural tone:

"You are a pirate, is there any problem if I catch you?"

"Say more."

"It's also rare for me to be serious once, so you're just an extra!"

In a certain airspace in the East China Sea, Galen's airship formation.

After hearing the news that Huang Yuan led a team to invade the East China Sea, Galen immediately personally led the airship formation to set off from the New World, and rushed to the East China Sea to intercept Huang Yuan and others.


Reiju, who also participated in this interception operation, suddenly found Galen anxiously:
"Report from Donghai Debang Company that both Sanji and Luffy were captured by Kizaru!"


Hearing this news, Galen couldn't help being a little shocked: "Sanji and Luffy?"

"How did they collide with the yellow ape?"

This time the opponent is the navy, not the world government's secret police.

Galen's undercover in CP0 is just an official N-generation who relies on his father's power to make a difference, while his undercover in the navy is Admiral Kuzan, who is in charge of all the navy's affairs and masters all the navy's action plans.

For Galen, the intelligence of the enemy is almost completely transparent.

However, even with information in hand, Galen could not prevent accidents from happening.

"It is true."

Reiju cared about her younger brother very much, and her tone of voice was no longer the calmness and calmness of Princess Germa:

"According to the company, when Sanji and the others spontaneously hunted down a pirate, they accidentally ran into Kizaru's naval fleet off the coast of Sirob Village."

"Because Sanji and Luffy's identities were exposed, Kizaru caught them together with the pirate, and now I don't know where they are taken."

"Don't worry, Reiju."

Galen softly comforted Reiju's emotions, and directly took out a phone bug:

"Don't be afraid if the navy caught it."

"I'll go to Kuzan to ask about the situation."


Reiju breathed a sigh of relief, only then did she realize that there is still such a person in the navy who has all-hands and eyes.

A moment later
Kuzan has all the action information of the navy, and soon told Galen the whereabouts of Sanji and Luffy.

The situation is not as simple as Galen thought:
Because of the spy problem that was exposed before, the CP0 agent was very worried that he would be intercepted on the way back.

So, after they caught Luffy and Sanji, they split up:

A naval warship completely controlled by CP0 agents is solely responsible for escorting Luffy back to the Navy headquarters, and his exact whereabouts are not even clear to Kuzan.

The remaining naval fleet, led by Kizaru, escorted Sanji across the Calm Zone in the other direction, acting as a decoy in a sense.

This arrangement is based on the analysis of the situation by CP0 agents:

Drago has only one son, and Galen has more than one girlfriend, so Luffy is obviously worth much more than Sanji.

Therefore, the CP0 agents simply took the more important Luffy into their own hands, and handed over the less important Sanji to the navy such as Kizaru.

Their plan to divide the troops worked, and Galen was indeed caught in a dilemma:


"Even if Spandam and Khalifa can get information from CP0, I'm afraid I won't be able to save them both in time."

"So, we can only save one now."

"Only one can be saved?"

Reiju was a little confused.

From the perspective of a sister, she naturally wants to save Sanji.

However, this is tantamount to putting the children of the Dorag family in danger, and also putting Galen in an unjust situation.

"Go save Sanji!"

Galen wasn't bothered at all.

He didn't consider the situation of his colleague's son at all, and opened his mouth to save his brother-in-law first.

Hearing that Galen chose to save his younger brother so decisively, Reiju felt a little happy subconsciously.

However, after a short period of happiness, that heavy sense of guilt suddenly surfaced in Reiju's heart:
"But, Galen"

"Isn't it a little bad for us to leave Drago's son alone?"

"rest assured."

Galen shook his head and replied with a smile:
"That kid Luffy is Garp's grandson, how can he suffer so much from the World Government?"

"There are also Kuzan and Fujitora taking care of him over there. I guarantee that even when he is in prison, he will be treated like a nobleman with delicious food and drink. Maybe he will gain a few pounds."

"Besides, we don't even know the whereabouts of Luffy now, shouldn't it be right to save Sanji first?"


Hearing these reasons given by Galen, Reiju, who originally wanted to save her younger brother first, drove away the guilt in her heart with peace of mind.


Galen paused, and there was a bit of malice in his smile:
"Kidnap Luffy?"

"The world government has made a big mess!"

"That relational householder wearing a straw hat is not as troublesome as they imagined."


Reiju snorted softly, a little puzzled.


However, Galen suddenly changed the subject, and asked a little thoughtlessly:
"How's the redhead doing?"

"Did he agree to the cooperation invitation sent to him by the alliance?"

Like the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates are also the ones Galen seeks to cooperate with.

Galen didn't want to use force to solve the problem, but wanted to deal with redhead peacefully like he did with whitebeard.

But unlike Whitebeard, Redhead didn't have any friendship with Galen before, so it wasn't as easy to deal with as Whitebeard.

"The redhead hasn't given a formal answer yet."

Although she didn't know why Galen suddenly brought up the red hair, Reiju still replied seriously:

"He doesn't seem to want to take a clear line between us and the world government, and has always maintained a wait-and-see attitude."

"Wait and see? Haha"

Galen laughed heartily:

"Tell Shanks to stop watching."

"That rubber kid wearing his straw hat has now been captured by the World Government!"

 The second one is not coded yet, so it will be posted later.
(End of this chapter)

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