Pirate Galen

Chapter 468 A piece of red

Chapter 468
The day of the final battle has finally arrived.

And the nobles of the world also understand the significance of this war:
If you win, the power of the Tianlong people will rise to an unprecedented height;
If they lose, the end of the Tianlong people will be the destruction of the country and the family.

Therefore, the world government did not hide it, but arranged a large number of video bugs to broadcast the scene of the war to the whole world simultaneously.

Holy Land Marie Gioia, Chambord Islands, Capital of Seven Waters, Alabasta, Dressrosa
Under the watchful eyes of countless people from islands and kingdoms all over the world, this unprecedented war finally kicked off.

[-] marines, [-] government agents, [-] Tianlong guards, [-] pacifists, all the forces of the world government are gathered here.

Among them, 0 government agents were dispatched from the top ten secret police organizations from CP9 to CP0, and were led by the chief of CP[-], who was equal in strength and status to the admiral of the navy.

The [-] Celestial Dragon elite guards should be called the "World Government Army" in the official sequence of the World Government.

Together with the five hundred pacifists contributed by the Naval Science Department, they are commanded by the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Steel Gu Kong.

The commanding general who sits firmly in the Chinese army is not the commander-in-chief of the army, Gang Gukong, nor the Admiral of the Navy, Kuzan, but Wu Laoxing, the most powerful person in the world government.

These five people are the helm of the world government on the surface, and they are the nobles among the world's nobles.

They stood tall on the execution platform, scanning the entire army with calm eyes, and their gestures were filled with a special power.

This kind of power is not the so-called aristocratic temperament, nor is it the kind of official spirit raised by people in high positions who are divorced from the masses, but the real power of the strong.

The surging energy and blood are like great rivers, the body is as strong as a diamond rock, and standing there is like a green mountain standing on the ground.

When the gust of wind blew, their tall and straight figures did not shift an inch.

The five old stars themselves are the supreme force in the hands of the world government.

"Is this the deity of the five old stars?"

Standing in the naval formation, Smoker looked at the five imposing old men from afar and sighed secretly:

"It is worthy of being the helm of the world government, and it is not the same as ordinary Tianlong people."

Then, he turned his head and looked at the group of Heavenly Dragon guards in uniform:

Although there were only a thousand of them, everyone's eyes were solid, their breath was steady, and they stood like pine trees. At first glance, they were more than ten times stronger than the ordinary guards who usually followed the Tianlong people to do their best.

"The hidden power of the world government is stronger than we imagined."

Seeing the World Government, Smoker secretly sighed in his heart.

One of his hands quietly reached into his pocket, tightly gripping the red cloth that had been prepared in advance.

Although they said that they didn't make a decision, Smoker understood, and Dashiqi also understood.
Since they have prepared the red cloth, they will definitely use it.

And at the same time.
Smoker glanced at the sailor next to him, and found that
Like him, countless naval colleagues put their hands into their pockets in agitation, nervousness, or entanglement, secretly clutching something ulterior.

"that is"

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and Lieutenant General Dauberman?"

Smoker locked his eyes on two of them:

"No way?"

His expression became a little weird.

Ghost Spider, Dauberman, they are all hard-core hawks in the navy, how could it be...
Not sure.

After all, even General Akainu is...
"Cough cough."

The ghost spider coughed dryly.

His perception was sharper, and he noticed Smoker's strange gaze on him.

Then, his face that had maintained a paralyzed expression for decades became a little embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Spider pulled his hand out of his pocket uneasily.

However, his little action, which he wanted to conceal, exposed his reddened palm from sweating in front of Smoker.


Smoker looked down at his hand that had also turned red strangely, and realized something:
The ghost spider used the same red ink as him.

"Ha ha."

Smoker and Ghost Spider, who used to be unsmiling, couldn't help but smile at each other, saying everything without saying a word.

And such small tacit understandings continue to happen throughout the entire naval camp.

Wu Laoxing stood too high, but he couldn't see the situation under his feet clearly.

They didn't notice the small movements of the marines at all, they just cast their dignified gazes towards the sky, where Galen might appear.

Galen didn't show up for a long time, and Wu Laoxing's heart became even more nervous.

After all, what they were worried about was that Galen would not fight.

Such a world government that has lost all prestige will only gradually collapse in the confrontation, to the point where it has no power to fight back.

"It's almost time."

"Take the prisoner to the execution ground!"

After waiting for a long time, Wulaoxing could only resort to the last resort:

Use Luffy's life to force Galen and others to appear.

So, under the live broadcast of the video bug camera and under the watchful eyes of countless audiences all over the world, Luffy, a brick mover in the East China Sea, was escorted to the execution platform by a row of naval soldiers.


Cap was heartbroken watching it.

In the dark prison life, his big fat grandson has become a ball, and he has to be carried by two muscular men to the execution ground.


The five old stars looked at the naval hero who had dedicated his life to the navy, but there was no trace of pity in their eyes.

Under their instruction, the executioners pinned Lu Fei to the execution platform, and raised the butcher knife high.

However, this big rubber ball was so round that the executioner couldn't find his neck after searching for a long time, and he didn't know where to aim the butcher knife in his hand.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast thought for a long time before finally making sure that what they were watching was not a comedy show.


A five old star stood up and shouted at the video bug camera:

"In half an hour, the son of Dorag will die here!"

"If you refuse to show up within half an hour, then wait to collect this guy's body!"

His face was extremely fierce, but his heart was full of panic:
If Galen really refuses to come, then he won't earn anything other than hacking a rubber boy to death, and he has to waste resources wasting so much military force in vain.

"shut up!"

A thunderous shout sounded from the naval camp.

It was none other than the naval hero Karp who could no longer bear the excitement:
"Luffy him"

"But my grandson!"

As the top combat force of the navy, Karp's position is not far from the execution platform.

Amidst the loud shouts, Garp jumped onto the high execution platform in one step, and aimed his famous iron fist at the executioner behind Luffy, and at the five old stars standing further behind.

"you you?!"

Wu Laoxing was caught off guard by this attack.

Although Garp is Luffy's grandfather, he is also a veteran cadre who is extremely loyal to the navy. The five old stars never expected that Garp, a naval hero, would show his fists to them.


The five old star "Churchill" stood up angrily and shouted:

"Are you trying to rebel?!"

"Rebel? No"

Karp shook his head.

Then, under the live broadcast of the video bug, in front of [-] marines, Garp took out a bright red cloth from his pocket:

"I am a vice admiral, not a lackey of the Tianlong people!"

"My allegiance has never been to the nobles of the world, but—"


With a deafening roar, Garp tied the red cloth tightly around his arm.

The entire Navy headquarters fell silent.

And under the video bug's live broadcast, the whole world fell silent.


Wu Laoxing was so angry that he was about to have a myocardial infarction.

If the Wulaoxing themselves were not strong, according to their current age, which is almost buried, it is estimated that Karp has won the pentakill.


"What are you doing? Come down for me!"

Under the execution platform, the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Gang Gukong, roared excitedly.

Although Steel Bone Kong has left the navy ranks, he used to be the admiral of the navy and has a strong prestige in the navy.

He is not only a friend of Garp, Sengoku, He and other naval veterans, but also their chief.

However, Garp at this time turned a deaf ear to the call of the old officer, and still raised his iron fist at the five old stars.

"Warring States, Crane!"

Anxious in Steel Bone Hollow, he could only turn his head to look at the two old friends who had a good relationship with Garp:
"Go and persuade Garp!"

"Don't let him continue to make trouble, this is a live broadcast across the sea!"

"Sorry, Marshal Kong."

Warring States and He shook their heads.

Then, under Gang Gukong's surprised eyes, the two of them also took out a piece of red cloth from their pockets and tied it around their arms:

"Our allegiance is also justice."

Garp, Sengoku, Crane
The three most prestigious naval veterans stood together.

The world was in an uproar.


"You rebels!!"

The faces of the five old stars were all distorted and deformed, as ferocious as evil ghosts.

"This this"

Gang Gukong's scalp was numb from the unexpected actions of his three old subordinates.

After hesitating for a moment, he hurriedly turned his attention to the current Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Fujitora:

"Kuzan, smile, go quickly"

Before he finished speaking, Steel Gu Kong's face was suppressed into a purplish red liver color:

Aokiji and Fujitora also slowly stepped onto the execution platform, and stood together with Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru under the horrified eyes of the five old stars.

And their arms were also tied with extremely bright red scarves.


"You navy, are you going to rebel?"

The faces of the five old stars turned red with anger, and they couldn't help but let out a heart-wrenching cry.

And under the questioning of Wu Laoxing.
The [-] marines finally woke up from their sluggishness:
"Marshal Aokiji? General Fujitora? Lieutenant General Garp? Warring States Supervisor? Lieutenant General Crane?"

"They all hahaha."

There was a burst of happy laughter in the army formation:

"Then what were we struggling with before!"

The entire naval formation surged like a tide.

They took out a piece of red cloth from their pockets and tied it around their arms in unison.

Hundreds of thousands of marines responded to Wu Laoxing's question with actions:
"Yes, we are all going to revolt."

In just a few seconds, everyone in the navy wore red scarves on their arms.

The very few navies who did not wear the red scarves became outliers in the crowd.

"Sun-sea kings!"

Sensing the strange gazes cast by the surrounding navy brothers, they all cursed inwardly:

"You have bought all the red ink, what else can I do?"

As soon as they gritted their teeth and their hearts were bent, they drew their knives and cut open their arms, letting the blood stain their arms red.

So far, the whole army has been red.

Only Wu Laoxing's face is green.

(End of this chapter)

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