Pirate Galen

Chapter 499 [Outside Story] Momanosuke's Future Travel Notes (End)

Chapter 499 [Outside Story] Momanosuke's Future Travel Notes (End)
Two months later, Wano Country Juvenile Correctional Center.

Considering the subjective negligence of the criminal suspect, the four retainers Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku, who were enslaved by the main culprit Kozuki Momonosuke with feudal personal relationships, were all given light sentences, and they only needed three years of labor reform before they could be rehabilitated. free.

However, the principal culprit, Kozuki Momanosuke, could not escape punishment.

His sentence was ten times that of the four retainers.

Because Momanosuke was still young, he was not thrown directly into a labor camp, but was temporarily sent to a juvenile correctional facility.

The alliance asked Momonosuke to receive the study and education of Demacia theory in the juvenile prison first, striving to wash away the residual poison of feudal thought in the brain as soon as possible, and strive to transform into a newcomer who is beneficial to society as soon as possible.

Juvenile delinquents who have undergone ideological reformation and successfully graduated from juvenile prisons will not be released directly, but will be assigned to labor camps in various places that need manpower to continue to complete their unfinished sentences.

Life in the juvenile prison is much easier than in the labor camp.

However, like other students in the juvenile detention center, Momonosuke also wanted to pass the education assessment as soon as possible and strive to enter the labor camp as soon as possible.

the reason is simple:
The alliance's sentence reduction policy is currently relatively lenient, but only prisoners in labor camps who show attitude and create value at work can enjoy it.

Anyway, after a certain age, he will be sent out by the juvenile prison sooner or later, so it is better to go to the labor camp as soon as possible to get some opportunities to reduce his sentence.

30 years, a full 30 years.

Thinking of this shocking number, Momanosuke felt a palpitation in his heart.

If his sentence had not been commuted, he would have been a 30-year-old middle-aged uncle when he was released from prison 38 years later.

Now Momonosuke doesn't even have the strength to think about the beautiful young lady. What he thinks about is the word "commutation of sentence".

Therefore, in order to win the chance of commutation as soon as possible, Momonosuke is very serious about studying in the juvenile prison.

He not only cured his young master's illness, but also worked hard to learn Demacia theory.

At the age of eight, he knew how to use his age advantage to win sympathy and cheat beauty. Naturally, Momonosuke's brain is not bad, and his mind is far more mature than his peers.

After a lot of hard work, he was even able to compose most of the "Demacia Justice Theory" written by Galen and "Modern History of the League of Legends" and "Ancient History of Demacia" edited by historian Nicole Robin. The teaching books at the head are memorized backwards.

Finally, more than a month after entering the Juvenile Management Office, Momonosuke applied for the graduation assessment in advance.

In addition to the ideological review, there is also a written test in the graduation assessment.

The content of the test covers the political history of Debon, and the questions on the test paper are very tricky, such as:
"In history, who threw the first punch against the nobles of the world?"

"A. Fisher Tiger B. Golden Lion C. Teach D. Galen."

Candidates who don't know how to analyze the problem carefully will probably write Fisher Tiger, who was the first to fight against the Tianlong people, or Galen, the most famous leader, without thinking.

But now Momanosuke is familiar with the history of Debon, so naturally he will not be confused by such a trap.

The question is not about who first rebelled against the world's nobles, but focuses on the "first punch" to the world's nobles.

Therefore, the great hero who threw his first punch at the nobles of the world is of course the second in command of the Whitebeard Pirates Special Zone, the Heroes Association, and the dragon slaying warrior known as "the unparalleled black beard", Marshall D. Teach.

His great achievements in killing Tianlong people with one punch are still remembered by the world.

It is said that the leader, Galen, also decided to start a frontal struggle with the world government in advance after witnessing the brave and fearless revolutionary will of Comrade Tichi, which accelerated the demise of the old court controlled by the world aristocracy.

Momonosuke filled in the correct answers with confidence, checked the test paper carefully, and finally handed in the test paper.

The next step is to wait for the results of the review.

a few days later.
"Congratulations, Momanosuke!"

The director of the juvenile management office affectionately touched Momonosuke's half-bald head, and handed him the certificate of passing the examination:
"You have passed the assessment and can become an official reform-through-labour prisoner!"

"Thank you!"

Momonosuke bowed deeply to express his gratitude, feeling a little excited in his heart.

Although a reform-through-labour prisoner is not an honorable profession, at least he successfully got the chance to get a chance to reduce his sentence and took a small step towards a free world.

Of course, there is still a long way to go.

The juvenile management office has passed the assessment, and the next thing to worry about is the issue of work assignment.

The juvenile delinquents who have undergone ideological reform will be assigned to different labor camps by their superiors according to the needs of personnel in different places and the quality of the prisoners themselves, and the jobs they are engaged in are also different.

In addition to construction sites, there are various labor reform production departments such as farms, fish farms, pastures, and textile factories.

Although some scholars and scholars have only been liberated from the old feudal society for two years, and they have nothing to do after eating a few full meals in the new era. It is the "slavery" of the new era.

However, these noises can't change Galen's philosophy at all:

If you want human rights, don't commit crimes.

Why should the taxes paid by legal citizens be used to support law-abiding scum?

If the quality of life in prisons is too "human rights", it is estimated that it will not be long before the cost of crime is low and criminals are not afraid of punishment.

Maybe, there will be some golden sentences in the society, such as "the feeling in the detention center is much better than at home", "everyone in the detention center is talented, and they speak nicely, and I really like being in it".

Under the guidance of Galen's idea that "criminals have no human rights", the labor camp is definitely not a good place to stay.

It's just that there are certain differences in labor intensity according to the different posts in the labor reform.

Therefore, Momonosuke is now looking forward to getting a reduced sentence in the labor reform, but also worried that he will be assigned to a position with extremely labor intensity, and his eight-year-old body will not be able to support it.


Momonosuke plucked up his courage and asked nervously:
"Since the graduation assessment has passed, what is the job position assigned to me by the organization?"


The supervisor smiled softly, and the gentle attitude he showed eased the tension in Momonosuke's heart:
"rest assured!"

"You are only eight years old this year. We have never seen such a young criminal in Wano Country Juvenile Prison."

"The organization considers that you can't do any heavy work at your age, so it assigns you a relatively easy job: forest ranger."

"You don't need to go to the construction site to carry bricks and bags, you only need to carefully inspect the forests in the area under your jurisdiction every day, and be responsible for inspecting and reporting fire hazards, deforestation, forest insect diseases, etc. in the management and protection areas."


Momonosuke's eyes lit up.

Compared with other reform-through-labor positions, this forest ranger obviously sounds like a relatively easy job.

Although patrolling the mountains and jungles every day will definitely not be easy, but at least he doesn't have to move a small mountain of bricks in the labor camp every day like the Jiutianmaru he saw that day.


The supervisor paused, and said with some hesitation:
"The job assigned to you by the organization is not in Wano Country, but in East China Sea."

"East China Sea?"

Momonosuke was taken aback for a moment: "Why is it so far away?"

Momonosuke has never been out of Wano Country in his life, and his impression of Tokai is basically based on the information he read in the textbooks of the juvenile detention center in the past two months.

"This... I don't know too well."

After knowing Momonosuke's future job position, the supervisor himself has some doubts:

"In the past, there were examples of juvenile delinquents being assigned out of Wano Country, but they were all reformed through labor on several islands near Wano Country."

"There has never been a juvenile offender like you who was directly assigned to another sea area."

The supervisor thought for a while, and finally guessed the intention of the superior organization:
"I think it may be because you are too young for too few jobs."

"So, in order to take care of your special situation, the organization specially found you a suitable reform-through-labour position in overseas."

"So, that's how it is."

Momonosuke was slightly touched.

Disaster is the best teacher, and he has already developed a lot of memory.

Although the lustful nature cannot be changed, Momonosuke at least has a clear understanding of the status quo, knowing that he is not a noble young master at all, but a juvenile criminal without human rights.

The organization can consider his situation alone and arrange a suitable job for him as a juvenile delinquent across the ocean, which is indeed enough to take care of him.

"Peach Nosuke."

The supervisor touched Momonosuke's half-bald head again, and encouraged him earnestly:
"The organization takes care of you so much, you have to work hard at your job to reform and strive to be a human again as soon as possible!"


Momonosuke said with tears in his eyes:

"I will work hard and never disappoint the organization's expectations!"

East China Sea, Somerwell Island.

Originally, there was only one small town on this island, which was somewhat prosperous thanks to the convenience of trade routes. It was really not a famous place.

However, this ordinary island in the East China Sea has become famous in the past two years and has become known to the world as the "place where the legend begins", and there are many popular legends and stories circulating.

Because, this island is the beginning of Galen's legend.

He walked out of the mountains of this island back then, killed pirates, pacified the East China Sea, conquered waterways, overthrew the government, and spread Demacia's theory of justice to the entire world.

The world has changed because of this, and this little-known island in the East China Sea has become famous and has become a tourist destination for countless tourists.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Momonosuke.

He is not here to travel, but to work.

The reform-through-labour post assigned to him by the organization is a forest ranger in the lush jungle among the mountains of Samwell Island in the East China Sea.

Accompanied by the escort, Momonosuke took a civil aviation boat from Wano Country to the Goa Kingdom International Aviation Center in the East China Sea, and then transferred to the sea train through the transportation hub of the Goa Kingdom to Samwell Island.

Because of the increasingly sophisticated modern transportation network, this long journey that used to take more than half a year can now be completed in just a few days.

Finally, Momonosuke came to Samwell Island.

If the chance of commutation is not counted, he will probably have to live and work on this island for 30 years.

"Re-education prisoner from Wano country?"

"Still only eight years old?"

The local officials in charge of taking over Momanosuke couldn't help but wonder about this:
"Also, come here to be a forest ranger?"

"We didn't have a labor camp on this island before, nor did we set up a position as a forest ranger. How could the organization arrange such an eight-year-old reform-through-labor prisoner to be a forest ranger?"

The local official was not in charge of any camp at all, because, as he said, there was no camp on Samwell Island.

He was a somewhat decent and rigid young man who served as the director of the police station on the island, and taking over the labor camp prisoners was not within his usual scope of work.

"All right."

After making phone calls with his superiors to confirm and repeatedly checking the official documents brought by the escort, the young official finally accepted this strange task:

"I understand."

"Surveillance and review of Momonosuke will be handled by our police station on Samwell Island in the future!"

The young officer eventually took over Monanosuke from the escort and promised to arrange for him as a forest ranger.

He seems to be a rigid person, with great vigilance and natural resistance to criminals, and he has no sympathy for Momonosuke's appearance as an eight-year-old child.

"Let's go!"

After completing the handover procedures, the young official left the police station with Momonosuke:

"Although I don't know why the organization arranged for you to come here for labor reform, but since you are here, you have to work hard for labor reform."

"The economy has developed well in the past two years, and people living in the mountains have settled in the city."

"There are a lot of abandoned houses inside, which can be used as a residence for you, a forest ranger."


Momonosuke nodded, and suddenly realized something was wrong:
"No one lives in the mountains?"

"Then if I become a forest ranger, don't I want to live alone?"

There is no formal labor camp on the island, and the officer in charge of monitoring him is still a part-time cadre of the police station, and he lives alone in a no-man's land.
"Don't try to run!"

But the young official broke through Momonosuke's inner thoughts:
"I will send someone over to deliver supplies to you regularly, and you, a forest ranger, must also submit forest patrol reports to me every week."

"If you're not around, we'll know pretty quickly."

"By Union Law"

His square face fell to the ground coldly:
"Fugitives from reform through labor shall be shot to death."

"Now is not an era where pirates and rogues can survive. If you want to challenge the alliance law, you can try it."

"Yes, I will not run."

Momonosuke lowered his head tremblingly, not daring to think any crooked thoughts in his heart anymore.

Seeing that Momonosuke has become submissive, the young officials softened their attitude.

Not only did he buy a lot of supplies and equipment for Momonosuke on the way to live in the mountains, but he also effectively explained Samwell Island to Momonosuke, a foreigner from the distant Wano country. Views of everywhere:

"See this street?"

"That's the battlefield where Lord Galen fought his first battle four years ago, where he killed the captain of the Steel Blade Pirates."

A look of reminiscence appeared on the face of the young official, and his eyes were filled with a sense of pride:
"Boy, you may not know."

"I was also the one who fought side by side with Lord Galen back then."

"At that time, I was still a small soldier in the town's security team. Because I couldn't bear the oppression of the pirate's steel knife, I stood up and resisted, so that I was seriously injured and was dying."

"If Lord Galen and Mrs. Nami hadn't rescued me with righteousness, I would have turned into a bone in the ground by now. How could I live a good life today?"

"The sir said so."

Momonosuke echoed eagerly, but his heart was not touched much.

He broke the rules just to get out of the juvenile detention center as soon as possible, but his thinking has not changed much. In the final analysis, he is still a lecherous brat who is used to seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

While the young official was talking excitedly, he didn't notice Momonosuke's not-so-sincere face:
"Speaking of Lord Galen and Mrs. Nami, they also met on this island."

"The restaurant where they met has now become a popular tourist attraction."

"By the way, I heard that Lord Galen first appeared in public view, and it was also in that restaurant."

"At that time, he was wearing armor and holding a big sword, and he ran out of the mountain on a horse"


The young official suddenly thought of something, and his expression froze.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Momonosuke faintly sensed something was wrong.


The young official paused, and said strangely:

"It just occurred to me that there are often wild beasts in that mountain."

"Well, I'll give you another hunting knife."

"Remember to take it with you when patrolling the mountains, and pay attention to your own safety."

"Wild, beast?"

Momonosuke was a little panicked:
"Sir, what beast is it?"

The young official explained in a comforting tone:
"It's not a man-eating beast, it's just a big dog."

"Do not worry!"

"It won't be a life-threatening risk if you run into it, that is."

Before he could finish his words, Momonosuke already laughed with confidence:

"It turned out to be just a vicious dog"

"Don't worry, sir."

"I was born in a family of warriors, so I will definitely not be hurt by these evil beasts."

The fighting power of children in this world should not be underestimated. Luffy had already started playing wilderness survival in the mountains when he was eight years old.

Although Momonosuke's bravery is far less than that of Luffy, he still has family martial arts by his side after all, and it is definitely more than enough to deal with a puppy.

"All right."

The young official sighed lightly, and said no more: "Just be careful yourself."

After all, Momonosuke is a reform-through-labour prisoner, and it is his utmost benevolence to give him a hunting knife, and it is inconvenient to give him too much care.

In this way, the young official sent Momanosuke to Dashan.

a few days later.

Momonosuke patrolled the mountains as usual.

After a few days of getting used to it, he felt that the life of the forest ranger was quite easy.

The supplies sent by the young officials were sufficient, and the control was very loose. They even prepared books, newspapers, and even video bug TVs, which are already very cheap, for Momonosuke in a very humane manner.

Momonosuke has no worries about eating and drinking in the mountains, is unrestrained, and has various means of entertainment, living a free and fulfilling life.

Even the legendary vicious dog, Momonosuke, has never met in the past few days.

Compared with the life in the detention center and juvenile prison, this place is simply paradise.

"It's such a leisurely life."

Momonosuke walked among the mountains with a very relaxed expression.

However, when people calm down, it is inevitable that they will think too much:

"that is."

"It's a bit lonely to be here alone."

Momanosuke was thinking this, when a dog barked suddenly from outside the grass:
"Wang Wang Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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