Pirate Galen

Chapter 70 Iron Legion

Chapter 70 Iron Legion
The leading group of pirates was thinking of fleeing back to Lord Creek's camp for help for the time being, which was somewhat purposeful.

However, once a mass incident takes hold, it will develop uncontrollable and unexpected serious consequences.

I saw the pirates running faster and faster, farther and farther away, and the more they ran, the bigger the momentum.

So much so that they didn't run out for a few minutes, and countless other unsuspecting pirates were engulfed in by this crowd of people fleeing for their lives.

Like a snowball, the size of the fleeing pirate group is getting bigger and bigger.

Those streets were empty after the pirates passed by, and all the pirates among them joined the escape formation, while the rest of the coolies hid in the house timidly.

Most of these people didn't even know why they fled.

"Brother, what happened?"

There was a pirate who followed the team in a daze and ran away with the team desperately. At the same time, he panicked and asked his colleagues beside him about the situation.

"I don't know either. Everyone runs and I follow."

It's a pity that the colleague he asked was just following suit.

Fortunately, some activists who were completely frightened in the escape team were explaining to the surrounding colleagues in loud voices:

"The East China Sea knight in the newspaper came in!"

"Captain Palu is dead!"

Similar roars came and went, and they were praised among the panicked crowd.

This has an even worse impact.

Due to the unavoidable subjective errors of human beings in the process of information dissemination, the content of these roars was quickly transformed from a realistic style to a fantasy style after word of mouth among the pirates:
At the beginning, these shouts still said the true content of "Knights of the East China Sea killed Captain Palu with a sword", and then gradually evolved into "Knights of the East China Sea swung a sword lightly, and none of the Creek Pirates' colleagues were out of ten" Horror people news.

But Galen was very helpless.

He managed to catch up and kill more than a dozen pirate soldiers, but because the number of the opponents was too large and their enthusiasm for escape was too strong, he could only look at the ocean behind them and sigh.

However, the number of dead pirates was far more than the dozen or so that Galen beheaded, but the rest were all unlucky ghosts who died tragically in stampede accidents.

Wallace looked at this spectacular scene, and shouted a little excitedly:

"Only relying on the title of 'Knight of the East China Sea' can deter countless young people!"

"This is the power of news!"

Justice Knight Galen himself didn't look very good-looking. He looked at the dust in the distance stirred up by the escaped pirates, and muttered helplessly to himself:

"My experience"

His 'experience' has all been wiped out.

But a few minutes later, there were only a group of coolie porters left on the pier, looking at each other.

They looked at the backs of the pirates fleeing, with stunned expressions on their faces.

In addition to this large group of workers who were still immersed in shock and couldn't react, there was another group of people who stayed on the dock——

The dozen or so young fishermen who reported Galen before the battle.

It's not that they didn't want to escape with the pirates, but they were stopped by Galen.

Looking at Galen's broad sword that was still bloodstained, these "awe-inspiring" "enthusiasts" were immediately frightened until their legs became limp and their legs trembled.

Galen walked slowly to a young fisherman who was the fastest before, raised his hand and pressed the blade of the epee on the opponent's shoulder:
"You, is there anything else you want to say?"

He softened all of a sudden, and knelt down in front of Galen with a plop:
"I, I, I really can't help it!"

Tears filled the eyes of the young fisherman, and it was unclear whether it was mostly from regret or fear.

He trembled and said in a mournful cry:

"Our life is really too hard!"

"It was all forced by Klick!"

Another fisherman trembled all over, and timidly defended himself:
"My family members all work under Klick, and they don't even have enough to eat."

"Only by making contributions to the Pirates can we"

The other fishermen echoed what you said and what I said, and suddenly created a lively atmosphere of a complaint meeting.


Galen said blankly:
"Is this the reason why you help the tyrants, work for the tigers, and lead a person who came to eradicate pirates, save laborers, and help you out of the sea of ​​suffering into the Jedi?"

The noisy fishermen suddenly fell silent.

"Do you think you can clear up that ugly crime by recalling your miserable life experience and hard life?"

Galen suddenly exerted a little more force on the big sword in his hand, and shouted sharply:

"If whitewashing is useful, what do you want the big sword in my hand to do?"

With a slight movement of Galen's wrist, the big sword resting on the young fisherman's shoulder was deflected a little bit, and his terrified expression was permanently fixed on his head in an instant.

A large amount of blood gushed out, and the remaining fishermen were even pale and bloodless from the shock.

They have already realized that they are bound to die this time.

Under the fear of death, a fisherman was driven out of control by the extremely depressing atmosphere.

He yelled at Galen like crazy:
"What qualifications do you have to accuse us?"

"We have no power, no hope of resistance"

"Living in such a ghostly place, we can only climb up desperately! What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong?"

Galen was unmoved, but once again raised the great sword in his hand:
"The inability to resist is not the reason for you to speak up for the darkness."

"Since you choose to use other people's lives in exchange for benefits, don't expect to save your life from the swords of others."

In the end, all the dozens of fishermen died under Galen's great sword.

Dex couldn't bear it, after all, these were his companions on the fishing boat day and night.

But Dex also had no intention of stopping, because he knew that he and those young people who were dazzled by interests were not the same.

The pier regained its calm, only the blood flowing quietly on the ground, blending with the dust into a dazzling black and red.

But the dock porters who watched silently were not afraid of this at all. Instead, their eyes were red with excitement as if their blood had been ignited.


"A pirate hunter is coming!"

These laborers with severely limited living resources did not know the name of Galen East Sea Knight, but this did not affect their excitement in the slightest.

After years of living under Klick's high-handed rule, it was the first time for them to see those pirates showing off such an ugly and cowardly look like today.

They looked at Galen with gratitude and admiration in their eyes.


Galen also responded cooperatively to the sentiments of these laborers:
"I came here today to completely eradicate the Creek Pirates, a mountain that weighs on the people!"

"it is good!"

Cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami came from all around, and the air on the pier seemed to be several degrees warmer because of the warm atmosphere.

Galen carried the big sword and walked slowly in the direction where the pirates fled before.

After walking far away, Galen turned back to the excited workers and said:
"Everyone wait here for a while, and watch me take the head of Naklik's neck!"

Another cheer.

Galen, on the other hand, turned around and left, each with a sword, leaving behind a lonely back.

At this moment, his image was infinitely elevated in the eyes of the workers.

Suddenly, a loud noise resounded among the workers.

That was the sound of the lid of the big wooden box being lifted roughly.

A laborer took out a brand-new musket from the open box, and held it up high.

He excitedly waved the musket in his hand, and shouted to the fellow laborers:

"After so many years, a hero finally came to save us!"

"But that demon in Creek has 5000 people, and this hero has only one!"

His voice became more and more passionate:
"If we still have a trace of blood, we shouldn't hide behind that adult and wait for rescue!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the workers suddenly became determined.

A huge force was brewing silently, and it was about to burst out again.

The laborer with the musket held high encouraged again:

"The cargo we moved was filled with weapons bought by Klick with our hard-earned money!"

"Pick up these weapons and fight with Klick!"

The workers were slightly taken aback, and the anger accumulated in their chests for many years finally broke out:

"Fight with Klick!"

The boxes on the pier were opened one after another, and brand new muskets were held in the hands of angry laborers.

Arms gripped, they fearlessly followed Galen's march on Creek.

At first, it was laborers on the wharf, then laborers in towns along the road, and finally there were countless low-level civilians who heard the news and joined the battle.

Galen, the lonely ranger, suddenly became Galen of the Iron Legion who took the lead in the charge.

Galen was taken aback by this unexpected gaffe.

He looked at his experience bar, and murmured helplessly in a low voice:

"I said it all, let you wait behind"

(End of this chapter)

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