Pirate Galen

Chapter 93 Junkyard

Chapter 93 Junkyard

Galen ordered the accompanying crew to sail the boat to Goa King City, but he took Nami alone into the vast jungle behind the windmill village.

This jungle in the Goa Kingdom is not an ordinary jungle, but the most efficient and high-quality novice training base in the Pirate World.

As long as you report the names of those strong players who have practiced on this map, you can scare 99% of the people in the world:

Naval hero Garp, Revolutionary Army leader Dragon, Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo, Whitebeard Pirates Second Team Captain Ace, future "One Piece". Uh. Future "One Piece" Luffy.

How can this jungle be simple if it can support the soaring of these powerful people and provide them with a sharp start?
In this vast jungle, there is an ecosystem that can break down the three views of earth ecologists:
There are not only super-large mammals such as giant tigers, giant lions, and giant bears, but also various creatures such as giant pythons, giant insects, giant crocodiles, and giant hawks.

These large wild animals with amazing combat power are densely populated in an extremely unscientific way, which makes this vast forest suddenly very narrow and cramped, and it also makes it extremely dangerous.

But in front of the protagonist, here is the leveling map outside Novice Village.

Luffy and Ace can travel freely at a young age, and Galen will not be afraid of this forest full of wild experience points.

The only problem is that the forest is not easy to distinguish the way, but with Nami who memorizes the topographic map of the Goa Kingdom and has the ability to identify various directions, Galen naturally does not need to worry about getting lost.

A day later, in the forest between Windmill Village and King Goa King City.

"Laurent's heart knife!"

With one move, Galen modified Laurent's mind-eye knife, swung his sword and slashed out a broad sword aura, cutting off the giant python straddling the big tree in the distance.

A wave of experience points worth more than a dozen pirate soldiers arrived immediately, and Galen was one step closer to level eight.

Beside Galen, there was also a big tiger that had been beaten half paralyzed and a big crocodile that was dying.


Looking at the two prey that had already fallen into the bag, Galen sighed with some dissatisfaction:

"There are fewer and fewer wild monsters!"

The number of wild beasts in this jungle is indeed unscientific, but these wild beasts all have a keen instinctive perception.

When Galen first entered this jungle yesterday, he could easily encounter many groups of large wild monsters coming to attack him.

After he had killed many animals, it was very difficult to meet wild animals that came up to die.

It may be the lingering bloody smell on Galen, or it may be the aura carried by the powerful creatures themselves. When those animals smell Galen's scent, they run away far away and dare not show their faces.

On the second day, Galen searched with all his strength, but he could only encounter a few prey.

Seeing the blood on Galen's great sword, the big tiger and the big crocodile crawling beside Galen waiting to die all showed terrified expressions, their huge eyes filled with pleading "Don't kill me".

The animals in this world are not only huge beyond imagination, but all of them have wisdom that is not inferior to that of human children.

Therefore, they can express their emotions in a very human way.

Seeing the pleading in the eyes of the two preys, the killing intent in Galen's eyes did not decrease in the slightest.

Galen just glanced at them coldly, then pointed at the big tiger and said:

"come here!"

The big tiger trembled immediately, and timidly brought the head that was bigger than the Galen's head closer.

Galen stretched out his hand silently and stroked the big tiger's chin.

The touch is excellent, like a cat magnified countless times.

"Cough cough."

Galen stroked the big cat's fur with satisfaction, and said:
"You go, I won't kill you."

The big tiger immediately showed a happy expression, stretched out its big tongue and licked Galen's hand lightly, and finally walked away quickly, wagging its tail.


Seeing the departure of the difficult brother tiger, the big crocodile is eager to see through.

It tried to walk away quietly, but was blocked by a blood-stained sword.

"Ho ho ho ho?"

The big crocodile expressed fear and bewilderment with humanized eyes.

Galen raised his sword silently, and said solemnly again:

"You can't go! You are different from the big tiger."

"It looks cuter than you."

After accepting the experience points of the big crocodile, Galen continued to walk through the forest towards the king city under Nami's guidance.

Nami led the way without saying a word, with a very ugly expression on her face.

Since yesterday, Nami hasn't spoken much, just sulking in front of Galen.

Galen didn't quite understand, so he had to carefully take care of Nami's emotions, keeping quiet and following Nami closely.

The two walked through the forest in silence for a long time, and Nami finally spoke:

"Based on the distance on the map, we should be walking out of this jungle soon."

Nami's tone is still not very friendly, but she still does her best to play the role of a living map for Galen:

"But there is a large area in front of it, neither the royal city nor the forest."

"It's not shown on the map at all, and I don't know where it is."

"I don't know where it is?"

Galen thought about Nami's words curiously, and a place name flashed in his mind: "Could it be the terminal of the uncertain object?"

"Uncertain terminal?"

Nami asked puzzledly, "Where is that place?"

Galen didn't answer directly, but just led Nami to speed up the pace and rushed forward.

Soon, the trees along the way began to turn yellow and rot, and the wild animals disappeared.

Going forward for a distance, a strong stench came like a sea wave.

Nami covered her nose uncomfortably, turned over the hill in front of her, and saw a shocking scene:
In the distance is the tall and magnificent city wall of King Goa City, but outside the city wall are countless rolling hills.

These "hills" are all made up of various types of garbage.

Flies linger, the stench is overwhelming, and the garbage and dust are mixed together to make it too dirty to set foot in.

However, in such an extremely bad environment, Nami could still see many ragged, skinny, and withered people living in the garbage dump.

They rummaged through the rubbish and were ecstatic when they found something slightly usable.

Life is already so difficult, but violence and blood are still fermenting and growing in this wasteland.

Nami looked around casually, and she could see many scavengers fighting to the death:

They fought each other bloody, and what they were fighting for seemed to be just some garbage.

Seeing such a scene like a hell on earth, Nami asked a little worriedly: "What is this place?"

Galen sighed softly and said:
"This is the terminus of uncertain things, and it is the evil result of the isolated society of the Kingdom of Goa."

"In order to maintain the cleanliness and order in King Goa City, those nobles drove all the garbage and the 'inferior people' who were regarded as garbage here."

Although he had expected the scene here, Galen was still shocked after actually witnessing this garbage dump:
Harsh environment, cruel life and human nature suppressed to the limit under such extreme conditions.

Hearing Galen's explanation, Nami was also deeply shocked.

She knew how hard it was to live under a high-handed regime, but she had never seen such brutal oppression.

But at this moment, the gate of the city wall in the distance suddenly opened, and a group of people who were incompatible with this garbage dump came out:
They are well-dressed and energetic. Compared with the mud-legged people outside the city, they can be said to be like gods.

But the expressions on their faces were very ugly, they all tightly covered their mouths and noses, not to mention the disdain and contempt in their eyes.

Facing the contemptuous gazes of those city people, the scavengers outside shouted excitedly:
"There's another trash coming!"

They cheered and swarmed around the garbage trucks like ants.

The faces of the people in the city were very ugly. While beating those muddy legs with the weapons in their hands, they scolded angrily:

"Inferior people! Go away!"

They don't want to have any close contact with these mud legs.

Facing the weapons in the hands of the city people, those "inferior people" still swarmed forward without hesitation.

Because they know that these rubbish are their own survival; and in this lawless place, they cannot live without fighting or grabbing.

Scavengers scramble for rubbish, and city folk brandish clubs angrily.

Bloody wounded soon appeared among the scavengers, but none of them paid attention to the fallen ones beside them.

Seeing such a scene, Nami suddenly remembered the scene when she set off from Windmill Village yesterday:
After hearing that Galen was going to the king's city by land, Kaput specifically told Galen and Nami to stay calm and not do anything out of the ordinary.

Nami didn't understand Garp's reminder at first, but now she understands——

With Galen's personality, he would never like this kind of scene and this kind of social system.

But the Kingdom of Goa is a member country of the world government and is protected by the navy, including Garp.

And once Galen can't control his emotions and confronts the Kingdom of Goa head-on, the World Government and the Navy will immediately become his enemies, and his fledgling power will also be destroyed.


Although she also felt heartbroken for the scene in front of her, Nami still considered Galen's safety immediately.

She immediately reminded anxiously:
"You must calm down!"

"If you provoke the Goa Kingdom, you will become a wanted criminal!"

However, as soon as Nami turned her head, she realized:
Galen beside him has long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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