In the days of being a law god in Marvel

Chapter 1 001. A Different Marvel World

Chapter 1 001. A Different Marvel World
My name is Duke, and if I am right, I should be the protagonist this time.

My mother gave me the name, saying that I hope I can be as promising as the "Duke" in the future.Dad named it 'Du Kang', saying that Du Kang is the God of Dionysus, and he is more promising.

My mother slapped me and said that Du Kang is a drunkard with something to do, so I called him Duke.Sometimes I keep thinking, if I was called Dukang at that time, would it really be promising?
After wasting half of my life, this one is finally promising for a while!
In order to save a girl I didn't know, I fell from the seventh floor!

To be more precise—"In the process of falling"

I finally became the protagonist for a while, and I only hope that when the newspaper reports it, it will give a positive image.

I also hope that girl can remember my brother, at a glance, she seems quite beautiful.

I should be about to hit the ground soon, but at the last moment of my life, what I thought in my heart was—"I hope my face doesn't fall too badly"

However, this last extravagant hope seems to be quite difficult to realize, because I am head down...

"? ? ? 』

Feeling jio is a bit strange.

Although the physics results are not very good, but I also know that it only takes a few seconds to fall from the seventh floor, but why does it feel like falling for a whole century?

The eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't open them at all until—"Plop! 』

A big sip of water poured into his mouth, fishy, ​​salty, astringent, bitter!

My first reaction was, I fell into the sea!

I fell off a fishing boat once, and it feels the same.

But the second reaction was, how could there be a sea downstairs?

The third reaction is a strong sense of fainting.

The huge impact of the sea water, coupled with the cold suffocation, and the choking of a large mouthful of sea water, the spirit was in a state of confusion.Although I know I can't 'sleep' now, but... I really have no strength left.

In a half-conscious state, he seemed to see a mermaid swimming towards him in his hazy vision, and in the next moment he was completely..."stunned"!
In the end, I felt that my mouth was covered by a kind of 'softness'.



"Attention! Attention! Host, your life is being threatened."

There was a very cold mechanical sound in my head, mixed with some messy movements, like... the whining of horns, the roar of horseshoes, the rhythmic neighing of horses, gunshots... and some whizzing Whoosh don't know what it is.

Damn, why is it so noisy, can you let me sleep well?
"Current stimulation will be performed in 10 seconds, and the countdown will start at 10, 9..."

Current your sister.

"...3, 2, 1——0!"

Zila - it feels like being struck by lightning!
"Wow - it hurts, hurts!"

Sitting up in shock from the dying illness, Duke woke up suddenly, and then...

Looking at the epic battle scene in front of me, my head was a little dazed, and I couldn't help asking three major philosophical questions in life: Who am I?where am iwhat am i doing !

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully crossed countless light-years and space barriers, and traveled to the Marvel world of the parallel universe. As one of the lucky ones in billions, you will receive the technical support of [the strongest talent system]."


Duke was stunned for a moment, then pointed to Gal Gadot, who was fighting bloody battles with the invaders on the beach in the distance, and shouted: "System, can you be reliable?" ? This Marvel world? You tell me who is that?"

Never mind this!
Don't bother with the talent system or anything!

I just want to know, which Marvel world will have Wonder Woman?

And the plot in front of me is clearly the defense of Paradise Island Beach in "Wonder Woman 1".

On the same beach, with the same boulders, a group of female soldiers dressed in 'Spartan' were fighting with a group of crooked soldiers wearing old-fashioned military uniforms and holding rifles.

(Forgive the pig's feet, he can't tell the difference between the 'Spartan' dress and the 'Amazon' dress, they are all from the Aegean Sea anyway.)
After that, he found a familiar figure, isn't that Gal Gadot, that 360-degree beauty with no dead ends?
He was not like the other two beep traversers, his first reaction was to film a movie.

Because he fell from the seventh floor, it's impossible to have a cross-country fall, okay, and he just fell right onto the Wonder Woman set?Besides, when he fell, the movie had been released for several years, okay?

So, either time travel, or dreaming!
He slapped himself, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt so much!

It's time to travel properly, it seems to be a DC movie, why not Marvel? I'm not familiar with DC old papers, although Marvel has only seen those movies!

The system is still saying it's Marvel, piss me off, right?
"It has been detected that there is a movie-watching memory in the host's memory that is very similar to this world,... Analyzing... Analyzing... After preliminary testing, 30% of this world coincides with the DC movie universe in the host's memory, and it is similar to the Marvel movie universe. The coincidence degree of the universe is 60%. Therefore, this system named this world Marvel World, please explore the specific situation by the host..."

Duke's eyes were stunned and he beeped: "Okay! Your system is the best!"

Just say that this is the Marvel universe + DC universe, waste so much talk!
Wait, thirty plus sixty is only ninety. Where did the remaining 10% go?

But now is not the time to be concerned about this.

"What system do you have?"

"'The Strongest Talent System'"

"Let me explain in detail..."

"The host's life is under threat, please activate the novice gift package first!"

"Gift Pack for Novices"?

Duke didn't agree immediately, but poked his head out of the rock a little to glance at the fierce battle on the beach, and then shrank back in a hurry.The bow and arrow swished back and forth—swish, swish, bullet BiuBiuBiu, and there was a dead female warrior on the cliff behind her, hanging on a rope, looking a little funny.

This is the battlefield!
This is death!
Duke is kinda square!

PS: First of all... I have opened a new book, a codeword dog who has struggled for N years, keep working hard, never forget the original intention, and forge ahead!

Secondly... This is not a pure Marvel universe, but a story that integrates multiple movie worlds.Of course, Marvel is the main course, DC is the side dish, Transformers are the side dishes, and the rest are side dishes and seasonings...

Do you want to see Iron Man VS Transformers?Is it the powerful alien mechanical life, or the most powerful genius brain on earth?
Lost Dr. Banner meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, green versus green?
Avengers VS Justice League?

Duke vs. Superman, who will win?
In the unified new fusion world, there will probably be "Marvel" series, "X-Men" series, "DC" series (the ones with heroines), "Transformers" series, "King Kong Skull Island" ""Godzilla" series, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" series, "Revenge Behemoth" and so on...

(PS: Because the timeline and earth view of the DC movie universe and the Marvel movie universe cannot be accurately unified, the place, time, age of the hero, plot, etc. of the story are all subject to the author's arrangement. Of course, no The difference is too huge. So - please don't criticize these small changes.)
The difficulty factor of integrating the world is relatively high, so there may be some small mistakes. Welcome new and old friends to point out unreasonable places, and I will correct them appropriately.

This time, Ant has absorbed the deficiencies of the last Marvel, and strives to write a masterpiece to give back to readers.

Oh yes, now the author is called a monk.


(End of this chapter)

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