In the days of being a law god in Marvel

Chapter 20 020. Natural Ability

Chapter 20 020. Natural Ability

"This is no man's land, Diana, which means no one can walk across it alive. The barracks have been here for almost a year and haven't taken an inch. Because on the other side, a group of Germans are holding machine guns. , Aim at every inch of land here, it is impossible for you to pass through." Steve is still persuading.

"So, are we going to die?" Diana asked, she couldn't ignore the tragedy in front of her, she clearly had the ability to save them.

"No! We're saving, it's just... we can't save everyone in the war. That's not our mission..."

"Steve." Samir dragged him away in a low voice.

Logan stepped forward suddenly and said: "He is right, war is cruel. Sometimes in order to achieve the ultimate goal of victory, one will abandon the process... insignificant people... or things."

"Are these people insignificant? They are human beings, living beings!" Diana asked.

"I was abandoned once too! Of course, I just said that, what decision to make depends on your own heart." Logan shrugged, he could see that this daughter of Zeus had never seen anything in the world, I'm afraid this is the first time I stepped into this filthy human world from the beautiful God Realm, right?
Victor grinned with his iconic tiger mouth and said, "No one can walk over alive? That was before, not necessarily now!"

Well, not necessarily.

The German camp has Maxim heavy machine guns. The burst of firepower may directly smash Victor into a sieve.Yes, people will not die, but it is estimated that it will be tragic.

"What do you say?" Diana turned her head to look at Duke who had been silent.

"Isn't it your mission to protect human beings?" Duke replied with a smile.

"Yes, this is my mission." Diana also smiled, and then put on the 'Starlight Flying Crown' inherited from Antiope, which represented her awakened warrior heart and sense of responsibility.

Duke was a little confused. Are you a robot cat? Where did the starlight crown appear from?
And, are you a Sailor Moon?

With a transformation?
Change clothes instantly!
Well, Duke seemed to remember something. Diana should have coated the lasso of truth with an Amazon-specific substance, which allowed the lasso to turn Diana's usual clothes into Wonder Woman's uniform.

It was amazing.

At this moment, Diana turned into Wonder Woman and slowly stepped out of the trench.

"Diana—" Steve startled.

"Which f**king show is this from?" Charlie swears directly.

Victor put his hand on Steve's chest to block him, and smiled playfully: "Brother, don't worry about it if it's not yours! Also, it's not like no one can walk over alive."

He had already seen Steve's thoughts on Diana, and after speaking, he greeted Logan.

"Let's go, Logan! Let them see, our brothers are amazing."

Logan smiled, dropped his cigarette butt and followed.

"Someone is coming, open fire!"




On the opposite side, a unified roar sounded from the German trenches.

Then in the trenches on our side, the soldiers were all dumbfounded, and they saw an unforgettable scene.The three divided into three groups and rushed towards the German camp.

In the middle, the woman seemed to simply use the wristband on her arm to easily block the incoming bullets.

It was a guardian silver bracelet, which Hephaestus, the god of fire, forged from fragments of Zeus's Aegis.Seems to feel her own strength, this battlefield is not as 'dangerous' as she imagined.Danger is only for humans, and these bullets are nothing to her.

On the left is Victor, who is on all fours, rushing forward with a beast-like posture.

On the right is Logan. He runs with a very vigorous posture and is also very fast. Whenever a bullet hits, he can dodge it keenly.

The three braved the hail of bullets and charged into battle.

His side was completely dumbfounded, and of course, he was also beaten up.

Steve looked at Duke next to him: "Why don't you go up?"

What Victor said just now also made him realize the gap. Looking at him, the cannonball was easily blown away, and he... was still saying 'no one can get past it alive', what he said just now was like [clown] .

The two are worlds apart.

Duke ignored him, but turned to look at Carlos, "You don't have Diana's equipment and powerful divine power. Those bullets can hurt you. Stay with them."

"Ah, oh... ok."

Doutzen Carlos also noticed that if no one stood in front of her, her body would definitely not be able to withstand the strafing of those bullets.She had seen German bullets during the Paradise Island beach defense battle, but here they were more fierce and dense.

But she still held the two swords tightly!

"Well, protect yourself and don't get hurt!"

As he spoke, Duke carved "Darkness" on his chest, turned into a ghostly black mist again, and flew out of the trench.Like a snake, floating off the ground... it quickly swam away.

This scene once again frightened the soldiers in the trenches.

Steve has a big mouth and can't close it.

Samir's eyes widened in excitement, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.In fact, he didn't think Duke was so powerful, he thought he was something like a 'magician', but he didn't expect... the man in front of him really could [magic].A magical door opened before his eyes, and he reached grab it.

Well, of course the battle has to be won.

Doutzen Carlos was also a little surprised. She knew how powerful Duke was, but she didn't expect it to be so magical and weird.


Logan sprinted like a [-]-meter sprint, and quickly rushed towards the German trenches.At this moment, three bullets shot at him.After dodging two bullets, he couldn't dodge the third one. In a critical moment, his claws overlapped together, 'bang' - after breaking a bone claw, he finally blocked the incoming bullets.

"Logan—" Victor yelled.

"I'm fine!" Logan also roared, the bullets became more and more dense, he rolled on the ground and avoided, and the broken bone claws grew again.

On the other side, Victor was also under heavy fire, so he had to dodge temporarily.

Two people disappeared from the sight of the German army in an instant, and the Maxim heavy machine gun went crazy and fired at Diana intensively.Well, no silly straight-hitting shields this time around.

The female hero huddled behind the shield, struggling to support herself.

At this moment, a cloud of black mist rushed over from behind,——"Whoosh"!

"Well done, Diana, leave it to me!"

A figure lit up in my mind,...Duke?
This is the only ability he has mastered now that has the characteristics of the 'natural system'. "Darkness" turned into a black mist like a dark fruit. Physical attacks are ineffective and can only penetrate his body.

Duke plunged headlong into the German camp, spun quickly... and started to prey.

"Wow - what the hell is this?"

"No, uh—"


poof - hoot -

The howls continued one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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