In the days of being a law god in Marvel

Chapter 74 074. Feeling Like a Monkey

Chapter 74 074. Feeling Like a Monkey

"Don't do anything stupid, wait for me to come back," Bucky said.

"How come, you took all your stupidity away." Captain America said with a smile.

"You bastard."

"You're an asshole."

The two briefly hugged and then separated.

"Be won't win the war until I get there," said Captain America.

Bucky made a gesture of respect and went off to dance with the girls.

Watching his partner leave, Steve looked a little depressed, looked at the "photo of a soldier" behind him, turned and left.

Behind, Dr. Abraham Erskine peeped furtively.

Just as Steve turned around, a cigar appeared in front of his eyes.Fortunately, he stood still quickly, otherwise he would definitely hit his nose.

Stepped back a little.

"Smoking? Special cigars, not cigarettes, are not harmful to the human body."

Steve didn't take the cigar, but continued to take a step back and asked cautiously, "Who are you?"


"Are you the 'Duke'?" Captain America told a cold joke.

"I'm stronger than the Duke, why don't you smoke it, it tastes good." Duke continued to gesture.

Steve hesitated for a moment, but still took it: "My name is Steve, Steve Rogers."

The next moment, the cigar was lit, which almost made Captain America's eyes pop out.


what happened?

I still smoked it cautiously, the entrance is cool, with a hint of mint, but it is not as exciting as mint.It's very mild, and after a puff of smoke, I feel that my lungs are clean.

"I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"The fire just now..."

"A magic trick, don't make a fuss about it. Steve, I know you." Duke puffed out the smoke ring, "I also have a friend named Steve Trevor, an Air Force colonel."

"You know me? Wait, Colonel...can you let me join the army?" Steve's eyes lit up.

"You want to be in the air force?" Duke looked surprised.

"As long as you can join the army, you can be any soldier, although... I still want to go to the 107th Infantry Regiment!" Steve said, his voice lowered.

He knew that the possibility of being in the air force was basically zero, and the infantry might still have hope.The pilot's review regulations, as well as the physical and physical requirements, are ten thousand times more difficult than infantry.

It is also impossible to enter the entrusted relationship.

"I'm curious, why do you insist on being a soldier?"

Duke has always been curious, why is Steve Rogers so obsessed with joining the military?His mother was a nurse in the tuberculosis ward, so she didn't carry it and got infected.His father was in the 107th Infantry and died of mustard gas.Served in the army during World War I?Looking at him, it seems that he wants to follow in his father's footsteps, but he doesn't want to kill people or be a bully!
(PS: This is what I said when I communicated with Dr. Abraham Erskine.)
Then why did you join the army, play house?
Or, do you see yourself as military doctor Desmond Dawes three years from now?
They are faithful to their beliefs, resolutely refuse to take up arms on the battlefield, and are unwilling to shoot anyone on the front line.He went into battle alone, with a medical kit on his back, not afraid of the hail of bullets and the brutal Japanese army, and kept praying, begging to save another person with his meager strength.Until he was exhausted, 75 wounded comrades were miraculously transported to a safe place by him and survived.

Do you think you are a legendary military doctor?
Still unwilling to kill?
If you don't want to kill people, what kind of soldier and what kind of army do you join?

Do you think that you were born to become the Captain America of Wei Guangzheng?

Why Captain America joined the army when he was young is simply a mystery.

"I..." Steve Rogers froze for a moment, and then became vigilant again, "Who the hell are you? Why do you ask that, are you...a conscription...officer?"

Duke smiled and took a puff of smoke: "It can be understood in this way, the answer is satisfactory, I can give you a 'chance'."

"Really?" Steve Rogers' eyes lit up.

"My time is precious."

Meaning, no time to joke with you.

"I...I don't know, maybe I prove myself?" Steve Rogers thought for a while, and said the reason, "Of course, there is also the influence of his father."

Is it purple?
In Duke's opinion, maybe this is really the reason why the US team joined the army?

After all, he was bullied since he was a child because he was thin and weak.Men bully him, women look down on him, long-term depression without psychological darkness is very good.However, the current US team still has some low self-esteem.The greatest virtue is that he dares to admit his own shortcomings.

Like what you said when you were in the car with Peggy Carter.

Very frankly.

The heart is relatively pure.

During the conscription review, he hoped to go to his father's 107th Infantry Regiment. Presumably, he did have his father's influence.

And in this period, there are not many ways to prove yourself.

The easiest and most direct way is to join the army.

When he first became 'Captain America', he went around canvassing votes, selling bonds, and soliciting sponsorships. Speaking of which, he really liked this job at first.

After all, he is here to prove himself, not to go to the front line to kill people, as long as he can prove his 'usefulness' in other places, he will be very happy.It was only later that I got bored and felt like a monkey, and then I heard that my friend had an accident, so I resolutely set foot on the battlefield.

"Your father?"

"107th Infantry Regiment, died of mustard gas?"

"A battle?"

Although Duke stopped General Ludendorff, the mustard gas had actually been unleashed on the front lines.

Isn't Captain America's father so unlucky?
It just so happened that he died in one of the few frontline positions where the mustard gas was released, and there was no one left. It's his bad luck.


"Go to the conscription office inside, your wish will come true." Duke finished smoking his cigar, threw the butt of the cigarette into the trash can, turned and left.

"Go inside... Hey, who are you?" Steve Rogers was a little confused, that's all right?Turning around, he saw that the person had already left, so he quickly asked.

Duke waved his hand without looking back: "We will meet again!"

"..." Steve Rogers was a little confused, "So mysterious?"

After thinking about it, he still threw away the cigar and walked towards the conscription office inside, as if he had a try.

Dr. Abraham Erskine has been paying attention to the US team for a long time. Although he disappeared after seeing Duke come out, is it difficult to influence a person's subconscious mind?
Soon after entering, the US team met Dr. Abraham Erskine. After asking a few questions as usual, Steve finally got his wish and became a [1A (first class)] soldier.

A recruit of the Caspian Battalion.


Diana was waiting outside, and when she saw Duke coming out, she immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it, what do you think of him?"

"Probably... still the Steve Rogers I saw." Duke smiled.

"Probably again?"

Duke shrugged: "At least for now."

He can't pretend to be completely prophetic.

(End of this chapter)

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