Chapter 196

Xuande Hall.

As the largest palace of the Great Wei, this is the place where the officials of the Great Wei will discuss politics in the future.

Today, there are only three officials appointed by Wei Yan, namely county magistrate Zhang Quanjie, chief secretary Liu Congxin, and county lieutenant Zhang Wenxi.

There are another thirty or fifty minor officials under his command, and now, all of these people are in the Xuande Hall.

I saw Wei Yan saying on top:

"Although it is only autumn now, the busy farming season cannot be ignored. Whether we can eat in the future depends on the preparations during this period."

"The Cicada State is different from the Tang Dynasty. The spring in the Tang Dynasty coincides with the autumn in the Cicada State. Zhang Quanjie, as the county magistrate, you must do a good job in the farming arrangements."

"And we must actively explain to the people the differences between the two places."

Zhang Quanjie also replied immediately:
"I understand."

Wei Yan: "Next, you and the chief bookkeeper will show me the plan for the next three months."

After saying that, he looked at the county captain Zhang Wenxi and said: "Zhang Wenxi, although you don't have as many things as the county magistrate, you still have to arrange the order in and outside the city."


Zhang Wenxi immediately nodded and replied.

"At night, patrol the city wall more, and fix the beacons by the way."

"Big Wei is just starting now, and there are still many things to be perfected slowly."


Then everyone said.

"Okay, let's do what we have to do."


The morning meeting is over.

Wei Yan returned to his harem.

To be honest, there is still a shortage of manpower.

In order for the people below to be able to find him and report problems at any time, Wei Yan specially set up a servant at the gate of the palace to be on duty there, so that if anything happened, the people outside could report back immediately.

Fortunately, it is estimated that there will be no major events now.

After all, now that the Great Wei has enough land and food, there can be no contradictions.

Two days ago, Wei Yan had asked Zhang Quanjie to distribute the seeds of various vegetables.

It is estimated that everyone is busy growing vegetables now.

There are also fruit trees and mulberry trees.

Don’t think that fruit trees and mulberry trees cannot be planted here, in fact, they can be planted, but of course...

This made Wei Yan feel like, what about the country that was agreed to ride on the back of a sheep?

just now……

never mind!

Let them play as they please.

The main reason is that the conditions here are so good and the water source is very sufficient.

Originally, Wei Yan actually wanted to build a large-scale farm and engage in mechanized production, but the problem is... This cannot be accomplished in a day, and the recent difficulties must be overcome first.

at least!

The first step is to free them from their dependence on themselves.

Let them support themselves first.


"Your Majesty, all the reports you asked for have been made."

A female official handed over a stack of documents to Wei Yan.

This above specifically counts the various situations of his Great Wei population.

Including how many years old the population is, how much it accounts for the total population, and the ratio of men and women of the right age, all of these are included.

Now, in terms of household registration and population registration, Dawei has achieved complete data management.

Even during the day, when people go to pick up food in the East and West cities, they can know how many people are in the family and how much supplies should be distributed as long as they put their ID cards on the card reader.

Not so long ago, they had to ask each other how many people were in the family.

This is also a kind of ability formed after training in the process of targeting those bald donkeys.

Looking at the report, Wei Yan had a general understanding of the population situation of the whole country in an instant.

"It's been hard work recently, people take turns, let's take a rest for two days."

"If you don't work hard, how can you work hard for His Majesty?"

That's right!

No wonder officials like to be flattered so much.

But Wei Yan's mind was very clear, and he thought about the two thousand slaves.

never mind!

Still don't want to.

Because it was placed in the palace, he looked happy.


He's still down.

After reading the report.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Yan swung his hoe again, and if the people wanted to cultivate the land, so did he.


He also had to lay a slatted floor for the harem.



Great Wei embassy in Datang.

The people here seem to have disappeared.

Except for a few people who still stay here to look after the door.

"Where is your Majesty? How can I contact your Majesty?"

Then the gatekeeper said: "I can't contact you for the time being, because the door is closed."

Alas, no one can be found at the critical time.

In the Tai Chi Hall.

Li Er took the documents of Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen's rebellion in Goguryeo, and the one who should come still came.

After all, with a population of several million in Goguryeo, how could they be willing to obey orders from the Tang Dynasty?


The two wanted more, even forcing the King of Goguryeo to abdicate.

But yes!

Now that the King of Goguryeo is an adult, how could he be willing to continue to be manipulated by these two people to control the government.

The contradiction between the two parties has reached the point of irreconcilability.

Coupled with Baekje's support... Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen immediately rebelled.

The key is that the military and political power itself lies with the two of them, which makes it even more easy.

The king of Goguryeo County sent a distress letter, and now, he is waiting for the reinforcements from the sovereign state of Tang Dynasty.

"Hey~ This Wei Yan just went, why did he close the door."

At this time Li Ji also said: "Even if it is closed, it is not a big problem, because we still have doors in the Wa country, and our army can start from the Wa country, attack Baekje from the sea, and enter the Liaodong Peninsula."

Li Er naturally knew it too.

But no!If Wei Yan takes action, he won't have to waste a single soldier.

"Wait a minute."

After waiting, another month passed.

Within this month, Wei Yan planted saplings in the harem and paved a stone road.

It seems that it is not as simple as before.

Thinking back to it, I think I still have [-] households of Tiele people in Li Er's house. This will be the meat factory for the people of the future Wei Dynasty, so I plan to get those [-] households of Tiele people back.

Appoint a female official as a diplomat.

In this way, Li Er got in touch with Wei Yan.


To be honest, Wei Yan really wanted to give it a genocide plan, because Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, these are actually not good people.Often fall back and forth, without the slightest competitive spirit.

Apart from the Wa people, what Wei Yan hates the second is the people on the Liaodong Peninsula.

"Okay! It just so happens that I need someone to work as a coolie for me."

Immediately agreed to Li Er.


Even with a few thousand people, starting from Yingzhou, Wei Yan would blow up every city he arrived at. As long as Goguryeo didn't have these mountain cities, it would be nothing.

In addition, the main force of Goguryeo had to be abolished, and those who surrendered were all taken by Wei Yan as coolies, helping Da Wei build roads, dig ditches, plant trees, and dig ponds.

This one lasted for about three months.

Wei Yan successively dragged more than 70 Goguryeo people to work as coolies.

In July of the second year of Wei Dynasty, Goguryeo was destroyed.

Immediately after...

In August, Baekje also perished.


Since Dawei wanted to start spring plowing and wanted to fight Silla, he couldn't find an excuse, so Wei Yan had to come back and let Li Er think about what Silla should do.

In fact, Silla is relatively united now, and it is not easy to fight.

If it is forced to enter, it is also possible to face various rebellions in the future, and Datang may have to go everywhere to counter the rebellion.


Probably they can only wait for their own internal problems, such as the inaction of officials, the complaints of the people in the fish and meat village, and so on.

In this way, maybe there is a chance.

It was just Silla, Wei Yan felt that it should not be difficult for Li Er.

Li Er asked for another door.


Wei Yan had no choice but to ask for another 15 households of people, plus the previous [-] Tiele households. Now, Wei Yan seems to have a large population, reaching [-] people.

The city wall has only been erected for half a year, and now it is about to be torn down again.

But now that coolies from Goguryeo and Baekje are using it, it doesn't feel bad because they are not their own people anyway.


Ningxin Hall.

This is Sizi's bedroom.

I can only say it's a bit late.

But if you don't do anything, Sizi will be 17 years old.

That night, a strange sound came from Ningxin Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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