Chapter 30 Solutions
Although the two talked very happily, although Wei Yan spared no effort in treating Gesang.

However, this does not mean that Songtsen Gampo forgave Wei Yan.

As for Wei Yan...

Hearing the other party's question, he said, "How do you want to solve it?"

Songtsan Gampo also said very openly and honestly: "Now that you have robbed my woman, if I don't kill you right away, it is considered my compassion."

"I plan to hand you over to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Whether you can survive or not depends on your own abilities."

Wei Yan couldn't help but smiled, "If you hand me over to Li Er, what benefits will you get?"

Songtsan Gampo said, "It's because you haven't heard from us all this time, so the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty used this as an excuse to drag us along."

"If I hand you over to the other party, the other party will inevitably re-select a princess to marry Tubo."

Wei Yan seemed to agree with his point of view very much, and nodded.

"Makes sense."

"But the question are so confident that you will be able to catch me? Or, take me back to Chang'an?"

The location where the two of them were was halfway up the mountain.

But the mountain is full of tents.

The tent stretched for more than ten miles, no matter it was day or night, it looked magnificent.

Especially during the day, it looks very shocking.

But in Wei Yan's eyes, this is nothing.

Wei Yan said: "You only have tens of thousands of people, and you want to take me back to Chang'an, it's a bit too whimsical."

"But in fact, you don't need to escort me back, I will go back by myself."

Songtsan Gampo was silent for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

Wei Yan: "Personally, I prefer popular places, so the open prairie is not suitable for me."

"Do you think the emperor of Tang Dynasty will not kill you?"

Songtsan Gampo said again: "As far as I know, the emperor of Tang Dynasty didn't know about you taking away the princess, so you don't belong to him."

Wei Yan said: "The reason why I am so confident is that I can persuade him not to kill me with my sharp tongue. But you... I think that if you really send me back, you will definitely not kill me." It is your loss alone."

Songtsan Gampo seemed to remember something.

He also said: "I know. You once urged Datang's send-off envoy in front of Lu Dongzan to tell Datang not to make peace with Tubo, and Datang's send-off envoy didn't talk to Lu Dongzan just because he believed your words. Let's work together to chase you and let you run away."

"Although I don't know what you said at that time. But I can feel from Lu Dongzan's message that he is so urgent about this matter that he even had to rush to Chang'an again immediately."

Wei Yan: "So if you let me go back to Datang, you must be the one who suffers. Not only will you not get the princess, but maybe even I will tell Datang how to eliminate Tubo."

Songtsan Gampo: "Then what if I kill you and send you back to Datang?"

Wei Yan: "How about, you should listen to the solution I provide you."


Songtsan Gampo looked at him.

Let's see what he can say.

Wei Yan: "You surrender to the Tang Dynasty, and then ask the Tang Dynasty to grant you a Tubo prince like Tuyuhun. The Central Plains Dynasty is famous for not bothering to care about you as long as you choose to surrender."

"You go to pay tribute every year, and they will return the tribute to you twice. You don't have to worry about being attacked by the Tang Dynasty, and you can be your county king in Tubo, with four wives by your side, and live a happy life Son, if you want to have as many as you want, you will be happy.”

Songtsan Gampo is a very ambitious person, of course it is impossible for him to accept Wei Yan's proposal.

He said, "Then if I say, I don't accept it?"

Wei Yan quickly said: "Since I give you face, but you don't, then we can only use the second solution."

"What is it?"

Wei Yan said: "In a few days, I will lead the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to destroy Tubo, and let Tubo become a county of the Tang Dynasty in a dignified way."

After Songtsan Gampo was stunned for a moment, he suddenly laughed.

Then he said: "Although I, Tubo, is only a small country with a population of less than 50 households, and your Tang Dynasty has a large population, more than ten times that of us, but although there are many birds, they are only food for a falcon, and although there are many fish, It's just the food of an otter. If it is really marked, it is still unknown who will win."

Wei Yan sighed: "I can only give you a piece of advice, don't mess with Datang, if you don't, Datang won't beat you. The Central Plains dynasty has always convinced people with virtue."

In fact, farts convince people with virtue, mainly because of the barren land, no one wants to go there.

"Besides, now Tuyuhun is considered the territory of Tang Dynasty, so you can't fight Tuyuhun." Wei Yan said again.

"I can only say... you can weigh it yourself."

"Actually, if you don't want to go to war with Datang and Tuyuhun, you don't have to marry a princess. As I said before, unification is the right way."

"But I know that since ancient times, all emperors will not easily give up the power in their hands."

"That future battle is absolutely inevitable."

"I only hope that we will never meet on the battlefield again in our lifetimes."

Songtsen Gampo found that Wei Yan really didn't understand who was at an advantage and who was at a disadvantage.

"Then what if I take you back to Tibet and make you my slave?"

Just killing Wei Yan with a single knife, naturally he was not relieved.

Don't kill him. He also said that he would go back to the Tang Dynasty and lead troops to destroy Tubo.

What else can he do?
Just to say something about what he might be afraid of.

Wei Yan couldn't help snickering and said, "I can only say that your ideas are very creative! Do you believe that with a snap of my fingers, all your tens of thousands of tents will be turned into a sea of ​​flames?"

Wei Yan suddenly pointed to the tents in the distance.

Songtsen Gampo naturally did not believe it.

Then Wei Yan pointed to the nearest tent and said, "Here comes the fire!"

I saw Songtsen Gampo also looking in the direction he pointed.

For the first few seconds, nothing happened.

But suddenly!

In an instant, yes, the tent suddenly caught fire.

And in less than a few seconds, it has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

There seemed to be a Tubo minister living inside, and the Tubo minister ran out immediately after discovering the situation.

"Fire out!"

"Fire out!"

"Quick! Come and put out the fire!"


The people below immediately became busy.

At this time, Songtsan Gampo was in a daze.

He stared blankly at this scene, his rationality told him not to believe in this method of scaring ghosts.

But he knew that since Wei Yan had the ability to set one tent on fire, there would naturally be a second one.

Wei Yan looked at him with a solemn expression in horror.

He continued: "You pick a tent, and I can set it on fire at any time."

Songtsan Gampo couldn't care less.

He hurried down to check the situation, and after half an hour, everything was burned.

He seemed to have noticed something.

There was a pungent smell in the burning tent.

He had never smelled that smell before.

"It was you who played tricks."

After he investigated clearly, he came back and said.

Wei Yan smiled, "Otherwise, you would think that Gesang fell twice on the hillside. But the kick that Xiaobai kicked him was really not intentionally designed by me, but a real accident. You haven't Choose a tent, choose one at random."

"However, after the election, you'd better let everyone inside come out first. I won't pay for it if it's burned up or killed."

"..." Songtsan Gampo still didn't believe in this evil.

He quickly had the empty tent ready, and also emptied the contents, and checked whether it had been tampered with.

As soon as he came back with his front legs, he gave Wei Yan a confirming look.

Wei Yan snapped his fingers, and the tent immediately turned into a big fire.

What a shame, no one else knew what was going on.

He took people to put out the fire again.

As for Songtsan Gampo, he was completely stunned.

"who are you?"

He asked with a more serious expression.

Wei Yan: "It doesn't matter who I am, I hope you will remember what I told you today. Next, I will observe that brother's condition again, maybe half a month, if there is nothing serious in half a month If I get in the way, I'll leave."

"That's right!" Wei Yan said again, "It would be even better if I could get a little help from you."

"..." Songtsan Gampo didn't know what he meant by the little help.

Wei Yan said quickly: "I know, it's not kind of me to snatch the princess away. If that's the case, then I'll give you a big gift too. You can send people to Datang and ask them to use this mountain pass as the dividing line from you. Sign a peace covenant, and then the two countries will swear together that they will always be reconciled, share adversity, and refrain from violence."

"Then the witness, you choose me."

"Of course! If you think that Tubo doesn't need time at all and can fight Datang now, then you can ignore my proposal."

Anyway, Wei Yan has only one attitude, if Tubo doesn't do anything, he will never do it, but if Tubo does something, then he will liberate Tubo.

The Tang Dynasty will definitely not take action against Tubo, because it is useless to take advantage of the barbarian land.

Fighting a war is actually a business.

Datang will not do any business that is not profitable.

Songtsan Gampo said, "Can Datang listen to you?"


Li Er doesn't necessarily listen to himself.

You may even feel that you are a small third-rate country, why should you make an alliance with Datang?You really treat yourself like an onion.

Wei Yan: "That's simple. You just say you don't want the princess, and you want a covenant. After weighing the pros and cons, Tang may agree."

It can only be said that maybe, Wei Yan himself is not sure.

But the chances of success are actually quite high.

Because in Datang's own opinion, this is not harmful to Datang Baili.

It's just a covenant anyway.

Everyone knows that this kind of thing can tear the face at any time.

But as long as these barbarians don't make trouble, Datang still hopes to see it.

The main reason is that Datang didn't know that Tubo would become so strong in the future.

Songtsen Gampo felt that this was feasible, so he might as well give it a try.

The reason why Wei Yan said that this is a great gift is because the covenant is beneficial to Tubo.

What Songtsen Gampo needs most now is time for development.

This happened to be in line with Songtsen Gampo's personal interests.

At that time, when my wings are full...

But then when he saw Wei Yan, Songtsan Gampo had to be somewhat afraid of Wei Yan.

What kind of sorcery did he use?
"how did you do it?"

Wei Yan pretended to be indifferent and said: "Some tricks, just tricks. In the Tang Dynasty, three-year-old children can do it."

Songtsan Gampo suddenly understood why he dared to appear here alone.

Because he might have set all the traps here.

No wonder it was so reckless.

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(End of this chapter)

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