Datang: At the beginning, Princess Wencheng was robbed

Chapter 324 Could it be because of her own beauty?

Chapter 324 Could it be because of her own beauty?

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Although the girls didn't see what clothes Li Xueyan was wearing on the first day, through word of mouth among the maids, soon, all the girls knew that Li Xueyan showed two long white legs.

They were even more curious about what Li Xueyan looked like when he was dressed like that.

Even Wu Cairen, who has always been busy with official duties, couldn't help but come over to take a look at the sunset of the next day after hearing about it.

Because learning to swim is not a one-day job, therefore, on the second day, Li Xueyan naturally had to put on that dress.

Of course, Wei Yan had already lost yesterday's one, and today, she put on a new one.

The style is naturally exactly the same as yesterday.

When all the girls saw Li Xueyan dressed like this, they made jokes on the bank one after another, which made Li Xueyan very angry.

Calling Wei Yan will drag them all into the water.

Of course it was impossible for Wei Yan not to support him. After a few strokes, he swam back to the shore, and then took three steps in parallel, one counted as one, and threw them all into the water.

Before throwing them into the water, Wei Yan thoughtfully gave each of them a life buoy.


Wei Yan was also afraid that they would drown even in a pool 1.5 meters deep.

When the girls saw Wei Yan rushing towards them, and saw that someone had been thrown into the water, they scattered in fright.

But it didn't work.

Even if they ran to the ends of the earth, Wei Yan could still catch them back.

Finally, when it was Xincheng's turn, Xincheng also asked her to prepare. She was about to take a deep breath and take a break, but in the next second, Wei Yan threw her into the water.

Wei Yan doesn't know who invented the lifebuoy.

But with the lifebuoy, the girls really had a good time.


It seemed that even the maids on the shore wanted to play.

after all……

The weather on this shore is so hot, who doesn't want to go into the water to cool off.

Of course, not yet.

Wait another half a month.

after that……

For almost the entire summer, this swimming pool has become the favorite place for all the girls.


The palace is air-conditioned.

But the air conditioner blows too much. To be honest, it’s not very good. For example, the air will be a little dry. You must put a basin of water in the bedroom to humidify it, or you must drink more water, otherwise, You will have a sore throat.

A full summer.

Every day Wei Yan would accompany the girls to play in the swimming pool.

To be honest, it is probably not an exaggeration to say that he is addicted to amusement, or even addicted to women.

But then again.

What could he do if he didn't use these things to pass the time.

As long as he controls the administration of officials well, ensures that officials are as clean and honest as possible, and then governs by doing nothing, the world will naturally be prosperous and stable.

He is so addicted to having fun every day. To be honest, it is not a bad thing for the people.

As long as his fun is not at the expense of the hard work of the people.


There can be no airtight walls in this world.

Of course, Wei Yan didn't try to hide it from the beginning.

and so……

After this summer, all the courtiers knew what Wei Yan mainly did every day.

It can be different from how the past dynasties treated this kind of king who indulged in fun.

Presumably, most people still hope that Wei Yan will do nothing to Wei Yan.

after all……

Take the reform of the imperial examination as an example, it gave them a lot of trouble.

Your Majesty is better off doing nothing.

Otherwise, they are the ones who suffer.


Could there be others?
Lu Renjie also knew that Wei Yan was addicted to having fun, but it was hard to say anything, at most he could only mention a few sentences.


As long as His Majesty does not delay the business, it will be fine.

in this way……

Another three or two years passed.

Datang here.

Because Li Bi had to deal with busy official duties every day, he eventually became sick from overwork and unfortunately collapsed.


He can find Wei Yan.

But 600 years ago, I am afraid that no one remembers that Wei Yan's medical skills are also amazing.

Hearing the news of Li Bi's death, Wei Yan was naturally very heartbroken.

They are relatives after all.

On the day of the funeral, Wei Yan took his son to see it together.

after that……

Seeing the next successor, it is obvious that he is a prince who does all kinds of evil.

Around him, even villains are in charge.

Wei Yan felt that it should not be far away from taking down Datang.

In addition, droughts and floods have occurred frequently throughout the Tang Dynasty in recent years. Not everyone can withstand the power of nature.

A clearer dynasty might be able to survive with its wise kings and famous ministers.

But Wei Yan looked at the current Tang court, not to mention relying on Mingjun and famous ministers to barely survive.It's not bad if you don't get tricked by your own people.

Li Bi is actually quite a good emperor, and he found out after inquiring.

It turned out that Li Bi also died of alchemy.

Originally, no matter how hard he worked, it would not kill him immediately, but he learned from Li Er.


He also learned from Li Er, that is, he was not very good at raising his children.


He spent all his energy on dealing with Wei Yan and Huaxia.

Of course, the cultivation of his own son is a little worse.

Moreover, he is only 40 or [-] years old now, and he is in his prime. No one would have thought that he would suddenly disappear like this.

Now the newly appointed person is a young new monarch who is only in his teens or twenties.

Such people are often prone to accidents.

After attending the funeral, Wei Yan told Sizi that it shouldn't be too far before Huaxia takes Datang.


the next few years.

The life of the people in Datang is getting worse and worse.

The key is……

The new monarch had just ascended to the throne, and he didn't know how to restrain himself, and he enjoyed himself wantonly, which led to further corruption of officials in the court.

The reason why Huaxia is not corrupt is because the water in the swimming pool is all produced by Wei Yan.

If that water had to find someone to dig a ditch for more than ten miles before it could be poured into the palace, then Lu Renjie would have had a problem with Wei Yan a long time ago.

This is the difference between Huaxia and Datang.

Every time the monarch of the Tang Dynasty enjoyed himself, the people had to be forced to participate in corvee.

on the contrary……

Wei Yan's own enjoyment does little harm to the common people.


The common people might still be able to make a little money from Wei Yan.

But in the Tang Dynasty, it can only be said that those officials who did not allow the people to bring their own dry food to work for nothing were considered officials with a conscience.

However, the new Tang emperor didn't know this.

He only knows how to have fun, but he doesn't care about the suffering of the people.

Three years later.

The ethnic minorities in the borderlands began to revolt against Datang.

after that……

The nomads from the north also came to join in the fun.

However, the officials of Datang didn't care about these at all, they only thought about internal fighting.

The loyal ministers want to overthrow the traitorous ministers, and the traitorous ministers also want to kill these so-called loyal ministers.

Anyway, the Tang Dynasty is so big, and the internal affairs must be settled first in order to fight against the outside world. When they solve the internal security, this problem will naturally be solved.

The flames of war ignited from all directions in an instant.


Burn directly to Chang'an.

Why did they reach Chang'an so quickly? It's very simple. The ethnic minorities in the north took down Goguryeo, and then passed through the gates of Goguryeo to reach Chang'an directly, and even directly to the city of Chang'an.

Therefore, in order to prevent this situation, Datang often stationed heavy troops on the Goguryeo side.

But the problem is...

The internal strife in the court made the heavy soldiers in the north completely unable to exert their due combat effectiveness, not to mention that the treacherous ministers deliberately withheld food and pay in order to fight against those who did not listen to their own words. Would the soldiers be willing to rush back to escort them as soon as possible?


Maybe there are generals who are thinking that when these nomads kill all those traitorous officials and then go back, Your Majesty will have to listen to them.

Of course, Wei Yan was the first to know about it.

Then it was his turn to play. Wei Yan first sent troops to help repel those nomads, and then took over the inside and outside of the palace.

After the turmoil subsides, let people detail the faults of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the officials, and think that such a majesty, such an official, is no longer suitable to govern the Tang Dynasty, and is no longer suitable to govern the people in this land.

For the consideration of the common people in the world, Huaxia then decided to abolish the throne of Emperor Taizong, and then made the beloved daughter of Emperor Taizong, Princess Jinyang, the new emperor of Datang.

If Wei Yan said, then he will be the emperor himself.

The courtiers of the Tang Dynasty must have opinions.

But now Sizi is being established as the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Although Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by, Wei Yan still didn't directly swallow the Tang Dynasty by himself.

In fact, the people don't care at all who is the emperor.

Anyway, as long as it's not the previous incumbent, it's fine.


It's useless for them to care, after all, who is the emperor is beyond their control.

At most, this will only become a topic of conversation when they are free.

Sizi didn't expect that His Majesty would appoint her just like that.

She has never been an emperor.

Wei Yan said, as if any emperor had been an emperor from the beginning, didn't Wu Cairen never be an emperor at the beginning?

If there are things she can't solve, she can find either Wu Cairen or him.

Wu Caixin said that back then, His Majesty also said that the Tang Dynasty should be under the control of his ministers and concubines, as expected!

None of His Majesty's words are true.

But now, this has to be said, it is indeed the best way.

of course!

Some courtiers of the Tang Dynasty also said that there are still many descendants of the royal family in the Tang Dynasty. When did it become a woman to be the emperor?

Of course Wei Yan would not let him coddle him.

For this kind of refusal to cooperate, it is obviously provocative.

Wei Yan directly asked the other party to be dragged out and killed.

He wants to teach these people what it means to respect the elderly.

Isn't Sizi a descendant of the royal family?

That is definitely an out-and-out royal descendant.

After some cleaning, the remaining people were finally much more honest.

So sometimes!

When people should be ruthless, they still have to be ruthless, otherwise no one will listen to you.

Because Si Zi is the blood of Li Er, there is no difference in the hearts of the people, and...

What they are more concerned about now is whether Si Zi will be of any benefit to them once he ascends the throne.

In order to appease the hearts of the people, the first thing Wei Yan did after Fu Sizi came to power was to reduce taxes.

What was the original tax of Datang, then it will be reduced by half.

When the common people in this world heard that there is such a good thing, of course they have no objection anymore.

Even if some people want to bring back the reaction of man-made sizi, no one is willing to do that.

after all……

No one is a fool.

The next thing Wei Yan has to do is to cleanse the forces that oppose him little by little.

For example, those kings.

They sure don't want to.

But to be honest, even if they want to resist, it is just a mantis' arm.

Wei Yan asked Sizi to persuade these people to surrender.

Most of them surrendered, but some were diehards.

Wei Yan had no choice but to catch them and put them in front of Sizi.

Let Sizi figure it out by himself.

And, before he made a decision, he also asked her to refer to how her father and emperor did back then, or in other words, as an emperor, sometimes, how to think about problems.

This undoubtedly allowed Sizi to grow from innocence to maturity in an instant.

in fact……

She really didn't want to kill.

But some people just had to be killed.

Because even if you exile him, based on his status, he may still be very appealing.

Don't wait until the time comes. If you regret it after causing more harm, it will be too late.

The night after killing people, Sizi was very uncomfortable. After all, she grew up so much that no one had ever died because of her.

Wei Yan had no choice but to ask Wu Cairen to comfort her.

However, when Wei Yan listened, it didn't sound like a mere comfort, it was more like... He made a sound anyway.

If I hadn't become that bad guy, I would have joined in.

of course!

In fact, Wei Yan didn't want Sizi to become so indifferent.


After Wu Cairen comforted her, he said something to her again.

For her to continue, she should still focus on the rule of benevolence, and for some people who oppose it, she will not be killed if she can.

For example, there are many insignificant courtiers who are very loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and those who read Confucian books are stupid, these people can be exiled appropriately.

After listening to Wei Yan's words and being comforted by Wu Cairen all night, Si Zi felt relieved.

She is not ignorant.


Look through the history books, are there still few people who died because of this?
That's how to put it.

If Wei Yan didn't want Datang, then naturally such a thing would not have happened.


Si Zi would feel that Wei Yan was more kind to the people than to his own relatives.

of course!

If we say that Wei Yan is a foolish ruler who treats the common people as nothing, then does she like it again?

It seems that it is not.

can only say……

Emotions are such a complicated thing.

After two months of cleaning and reorganization, Datang slowly settled down again.

to be frank.

It can't be a bad thing either.

When Sizi went out to have a look, she would find that the people obviously only praised Wei Yan from the bottom of their hearts.

This also let her know how bad life was for the common people when the last Emperor of Tang was still alive.

If you want to be kind to your relatives, be kind to such relatives.

Obviously, this is not what she wants to see.

"Actually, His Majesty has put everything on himself."

Sizi quickly figured it out.

This is a bit like why he married himself in the first place.

She is a person who has long been recorded in the history books as a person who will die young. To be honest, if he doesn't save her, so what?Then why did he still save it?It shouldn't be because of his own beauty.

But at that time, she was still young, and there was no beauty at all.

(End of this chapter)

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