Chapter 83

After breakfast, Princess Jinyang was taken by the three to visit their new house.

Big, definitely not as big as the one in the palace.But it is also better than the decoration, and in terms of luxury, it is no worse than the palace.

It can even be said to be excessive.

Take the curtain, for example, which is made of whole strings of crystal clear pearls. If you pick just one of them, you're probably going to be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Of course, there is also a possibility that because it is too precious, it is reported to the government and then caught on the spot.

When the three of them took Jinyang to visit.

But there was one more thing, they couldn't help but want to introduce it to Jin Yang, that's right!
That is the toilet!
To be honest, it might be a little strange to tell a guest about your own toilet.

But the key is...

Their toilets are really good!

It's clean and beautiful, and it doesn't smell at all. I used to stuff my nose with two dried dates, but now I don't need it at all.


Don't use smooth bamboo chips to wipe your butt, just use soft toilet paper.

Jin Yang can completely ignore those bead curtain jewelry, because she is not the kind of person who has never seen the world.But this toilet and toilet paper really attracted her!

Princess Jinyang also discovered that there is actually a special bathing pool in the Wei Mansion.

But it doesn't seem to be used now.

"Won't it be a waste to wipe your ass with this?"

"And how can this paper be made so soft?"

Datang's paper is often the kind of relatively hard paper, which is usually rolled up on a scroll, and even the paper can be stood up for writing.

In fact, it can be seen from this that the printing technique was not very popular in the early Tang Dynasty.

After hearing Jin Yang's question, Gao Yang couldn't care less.

Then he said:
"It's fine if you can use it to wipe your butt, don't care if it's wasted or not?"

"Jinyang, do you want to take some back and try?"

Jinyang felt that such a good paper was a pity.

However, this paper really feels similar to silk cloth when rubbed on the skin, "Then I'll take some back and give it to my father to try."

After saying this, Gao Yang stuffed a few balls of paper into her hand.

In fact, she will stay here for a while, so there is no rush at all.

I was taken around by the three of them.

Seeing that his sisters were doing well outside, Jin Yang was relieved.

Of course!
There was one thing she still had to sigh with emotion.

That is in the future, it seems that the three sisters have become people from other people's families.

Thinking of this, her nose couldn't help but feel a little sour.

In fact, she didn't even think about it. One day in the future, sooner or later she would do the same.

It's just a matter of time.


When Jinyang was dragged to visit by three people.

On Wei Yan's side, he is also preparing stethoscopes, electrocardiogram testing and other instruments, and has opened up a special operating room.To be honest, he didn't know what kind of disease Jin Yang had.

Some say asthma, but it doesn't look like it.

It is said that congenital heart disease, if this is really the case, then this is more troublesome. doesn't matter what kind of disease she has.

This can increase Wei Yan's internship experience.

This is beyond doubt.

in the afternoon.

New operating room in the home.

Wei Yan began to examine Jinyang's body.

After the inspection, Jin Yang's face turned pale.

If it wasn't for Wei Yan's serious expression, she would really wonder if Wei Yan was just pretending.

In fact, it has ulterior motives.

But Wei Yan is really not pretending.

If she really had a congenital heart disease, he probably had experience with other patients after that.

Because, every time he meets someone, he can't just give him immortality.


It was Wei Yan's original plan to learn one more skill.

Jinyang just coincided with the meeting and became the target of his practice.


The final inspection result made Wei Yan very disappointed, or in other words, it can't be regarded as disappointment.After all, Jinyang didn't look like he was sick, which should be said to be a good thing.


Her body is indeed relatively thin.

The biggest possibility is that when she was 12 years old, she suddenly got a serious illness, and then because of various reasons, such as her father lost her second son, and she has never recovered from it, etc., which caused her to feel depressed. Depression, which led to her dying at the age of 12.

In fact, Wei Yan has a deep understanding of this point.

Sometimes, how a person's mood really affects whether the person will get sick.

"Is there really something wrong with me?"

After finishing the inspection, Princess Jinyang asked.

Wei Yan also told the truth honestly: "With my current three-legged cat level, I still can't find out what's wrong with you."

"However, the "History Book" my teacher mentioned said that you did die at the age of 12."

"I can't help it, I'm not good at studying."

"Then I'm really going to die when I'm 12?" Princess Jinyang asked again.

"It's hard to say." Wei Yan said casually.

"Because "History" is "History". Are you afraid of death?"

to be frank.

Who is not afraid.

Especially since she still has a lot of things she hasn't experienced yet.

Wei Yan then said to her: "In fact, death is not scary, it is scary not to be able to die."

"When you see that everyone around you is old and dying, but you are not old and immortal, it is sad to see relatives and friends leave one by one."

Wei Yan's words can be said to be some kind of personal statement.

"Of course, it's not good to die too early. After all, there are still many things that I haven't experienced personally. For example... you don't even have a consort yet."

Haven't tasted the taste of sweet love yet.

Seeing Jinyang's ugly expression, Wei Yan said again:
"Don't worry, you are only nine years old this year, don't you have three years left?"

"In case you actually died because of some kind of fever, then this is much easier to handle than what we are checking now."


"Of course this is true. But every time you get sick in the future, you must be cautious, especially after you are 12 years old. In fact... there is an easier way!"

"What way?" Jin Yang asked.

"You could have died because you were 12, or you were bitten by a mosquito, or you did something. For example, if you were bitten by a mosquito, you got malaria."

"Malaria is a disease that often occurs in children between the ages of five and 14, and has a certain possibility of death."

"Then as long as you avoid the things you would do in the "Historical Book" as much as possible when you are 12 years old, wouldn't it be possible to escape disaster?"

Although what Wei Yan said was a bit complicated.

But to put it bluntly, it is to make oneself sick so that it will not happen.

"Then do you know what I did when I was 12 years old in the "Historical Books"?"

Jin Yang asked.

"Then I don't know what you did. I'm not a god. But I do have a suggestion."

"What is it?"

"Then when you are 12 years old, you will hide in my house."

"Why do you say that, because no matter what the history is, anyway...the last thing you can do is to show up at my house. In that case, wouldn't you escape a disaster?"

After hearing this, Jin Yang felt that it seemed reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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