I made myths

Chapter 26 Chance

Chapter 26 Chance
In despair, there is always hidden hope. In the midst of pain, Wen Qian felt the truth of the birth of catastrophe.

He no longer feels pain, or in other words, the catastrophe can no longer bring him pain.

This is the connection between the Creator and the creation, and the creation can never come to harm the Creator.

Wen Qian understood the truth and reason, and became the creator of the catastrophe.

In his eyes, the catastrophe has long lost its superficial image, and has become words and rules.

As long as he has enough aura, a thought can create the same catastrophe, and it can also dissipate it.

"Has it been a day? It's exactly what you said, it feels like it's only been a while.

"It's gone, it's useless."

Wen Qian whispered softly, and Gui Mengyin then made an ethereal voice, like voices born from all directions, dispelling the noisy disaster.

The wind dissipated, the thunder disappeared, the flames annihilated, and the water mixed with mud and tree fragments fell from the sky.

A thick layer returned to the pitted earth, filling up the large pit thousands of meters deep.

Let Gui Mengyin no longer have to hold the soil tightly, as if standing on a thousand-meter soil pillar with a thick bottom and a thin top.

A ray of sunlight shines on Guimengyin's body through a gap in the dark clouds. In the dark world, it looks like a god has descended into the world.

The tree body, which was originally no more than six or seven meters high, has grown to a height of more than ten meters. The sparse branches also have countless auxiliary branches as companions.

It's just that those side branches are very ordinary, more like decorations, but their functions are obvious, making the already transcendent Guimeng cause even more sacred.

Perhaps it also has the credit for the sacrifice of those trees, so that there is no vegetation within a kilometer radius.

Only the willow tree stood tall in the world, the huge crown exuded soft light, and the hanging willow branches were entangled with each other, making a sound like playing a mysterious scripture.

A green figure emerged from behind Gui Mengyin and continued to grow.

One hundred meters... one thousand meters... ten thousand meters... one hundred thousand meters... one million meters... immeasurable...

The canopy quickly enveloped the entire planet, and even the surrounding planets!

A sacred figure is revealed in the universe at this moment, showing its brilliance to the boundless starry sky!
The mysterious chanting still didn't stop, and even gradually became more mysterious and louder.

The endless wicker phantom entangled and swayed in the universe, setting off waves in space and sending the mysterious voice to all places on this planet.

At the same time, all the creatures on the blue star closed their eyes and kept a certain posture.

They are like old Buddhas who meditate, and nothing can bring about change.

All kinds of noisy sounds stopped, whether it was the mobile phone or other devices that were still playing, they lost their sound.

Only the vast and mysterious sound of chanting resounds continuously in the world, this is the so-called chance!It is a gift from this planet to living beings!
Wen Qian had long guessed what the so-called opportunity was, but now that the opportunity really showed up, he was still extremely shocked.

He originally thought that the recovery of spiritual energy was like the beginning of school, and the same teaching materials would be distributed to everyone, otherwise the recovery of spiritual energy would lose its purpose.

That's why I told Lu Chu, Qiong Xia, and Ye Wu not to move around, so as not to miss the "book distribution".

But what he didn't expect was that this planet would also be eccentric!

He would actually give a small lesson to the gifted creatures, giving them tailor-made supernatural powers or exercises, or even some powerful physiques.

"But it's normal. The world is not fair and beautiful. If we don't cultivate some geniuses, how can we maximize the effect of this spirit recovery?"

"Besides, those special opportunities are granted according to their own conditions, and they cannot wear a heavy crown without the ability."

Wen Qian looked at the figure of the willow tree that was still growing and spreading to the mysterious universe, and couldn't help but feel a headache, and at the same time, he was ecstatic.

This time it really stole the limelight, and some people who shouldn't come will come.

Of course, the most important thing is his reward. The impact caused this time, shouldn't there be an SSR impact evaluation?

"How much vitality will it give me by then? Will it be directly promoted to a spirit-level creature, or even a higher realm?"

Wen Qian was thinking, looking at the scene in the universe from time to time. At this moment, Gui Meng had evolved into a spirit-level creature, and his strength had another qualitative leap.

The range of perception alone is as far as [-] meters. Now this strange state of preaching allows him to easily see every place on the earth, even the energy on the sun.

"Fictitious myth, open the template information of the attribution of dreams."

[The first template: Returning to the cause of dreams]

[Race: Willow]

[Vitality: 152 points]



[1. Newly acquired divinity: spokesperson. 】

[Speaker: As a living creature who saved the planet from a catastrophe, you have been appreciated by the planet, and you can borrow the power of this planet. 】

[As long as your roots are still standing on this planet, then no creature can defeat you. 】

[And, you can manipulate the space of this planet at will, including the space that is folded due to the thinness of aura. 】

[2. New acquisition of divinity: listen to the voice of all things. ] (All templates including the main body are common)

[Listen to the voice of all things: As the spokesperson of this planet, you can listen to the voices of all things on this planet, including the voices of beings whose external strength is weaker than yours. 】

[New acquired supernatural power: the power of Fengshui, thunder and fire] (Because it is comprehended by the host, so all templates are common, and the power is limited by the strength of the currently used template)

"Two very practical divinities. With these two divinities, the suffering I suffered just now is not a loss."

"What's more, I also realized the supernatural power by myself, which can be called a rewarding experience."

Wen Qian slowly checked the three things he had obtained, and time passed slowly.

Soon after, Gui Mengyin's figure gradually faded away, and finally disappeared into countless light spots.

The noisy voices in the world returned, and the returning to normal creatures looked around in confusion, and soon their faces were full of excitement and ecstasy!
"I got the practice method! My life is going to fly! Thank you god for the gift!"

"What!? You also have a cultivation method! Was it passed down to you by a huge sacred willow tree!?"

"??? How do you know? Did you see it too?"

"The divine willow that covers the sky and covers the sun, even those without eyes can see it?"

"Wait! Don't talk, let me wait for a while, have all of us seen the god willow that covers the planet?"

"Each of us will talk about the beginning of the cultivation method we have obtained to see if it is the same."

"It's really the same, how can people play with it?"

After the ecstasy, it is naturally a huge blow. The higher you stand, the more painful you fall.

They thought that only they were special, but they didn't expect that everyone was the same, and they lost all the interest they had before.

How is this different from involution?Everyone is still at the same level, and the interests have not improved at all.

"Okay, okay, let's go, the gods are fair and just, and will not favor anyone."

"Yeah, it's really boring, go back to sleep, maybe there is a world connected to the willow in the dream"

A group of people left with frustration on their faces, but in Wen Qian's ears, a completely different voice could be heard:

"Hahaha! Even if the cultivation method is the same, everyone's talent and effort are different. I will go back to practice now! I will kill you!"

"Laughing! I have been practicing martial arts for more than ten years, and my starting point is higher than yours. Now that I have a practice method, what are you fighting with me? What are you using!"

"Jie Jie Jie! They don't know that Shenliu has given me supernatural powers that no one else has! I will quietly go back and practice on my own. When I succeed, they will gasp in shock!"

"A group of frogs at the bottom of the well! They only care about the small benefits. Since the cultivation method is given by Shenliu, then it is good to go to Shenliu. Maybe Shenliu will be moved by my perseverance and give me the god position. "

(End of this chapter)

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