Urban Sage System

Chapter 1033 That's an Illusion

Chapter 1033 That's an Illusion
Kill this terrorist at all costs. This is Moses' order to his subordinates!
Yes, it's a terrorist!
And it's a powerful terrorist!
Just carry the bullets like this, and engage in suicide attacks!
Tens of thousands of cannons were fired, with such intensive firepower, even mosquitoes would be killed!
The red dot on the screen disappeared, which meant that the terrorist was killed by them!

There was cheers in the control room!
On the online platform, those who are paying attention to the changes and supporting Yang Ting are now feeling frustrated!
And those people who were not optimistic about Yang Ting were very happy for their accurate prediction!
However, when they are very happy!
Suddenly, the officer in the control room yelled in horror again!
"General... general! What... what is this?" shouted the officer!

However, before he finished speaking, there was a sharp roar in the control room!
"Invasion of unknown objects! Invasion of unknown objects!"

The red alarm light kept flashing, and the sound of the alarm continued. The people in the control room who were immersed in this excitement, now, their faces were replaced by panic in an instant!but!
Even Moses, who had always been as steady as a rock, now had a serious look on his face. This situation was too sudden and completely beyond his expectation. He stood up suddenly and looked at the screen!

All around, the ships maintaining the aircraft carrier were all lit up with red dots!
Unidentified Object Invasion!
This alert is everywhere!

Moses wanted to command the ships by remote control, but the commanders on those ships all reported this way in one go!

Panic!All panicked!
"Immediately investigate the location of the alarm! Eliminate hidden dangers!" General Moses ordered to the person in charge of those ships!
Less than 1 minute!
"Report to the general, Eagle God cruiser, foreign objects have been found in the ammunition depot, requesting emergency evacuation!"

"The ammunition depot of the destroyer Liberty found foreign objects invading, requesting emergency evacuation!"

"Request emergency evacuation!"

"Request emergency evacuation!"

The voices of requests sounded one after another, and Moses was stunned!
Leading troops for so many years, never like this, I feel that all this is suddenly out of my control!

"Isn't he alone? Why are so many ships malfunctioning?" Moses asked the people around him.

However, the officer was completely stunned at this moment, unable to analyze anything at all. After a while, he could only bite the bullet and say: "General, could this person... be really... really an Eastern Immortal?" ?”

Moses glared at him!
Then, he turned to the people next to him and said in a stern voice: "If anyone dares to say such things again, I promise to send him to a military court!"

Now is a special period, if these officers have lost their morale, then there is no need to fight the next battle, they will definitely lose!

"Now, listen to my orders! All ships, check on your own! No one is allowed to leave without my order!" General Moses ordered to everyone.

Afterwards, he quietly looked at the screen!He wanted to see how capable this man was, to dare to contend with the most powerful army in the world!

Drop drop!
The alarm sounded again!
Then, the sign of the Liberty began to flash red, and before they could walk over to see what happened, they heard a violent explosion!
They can even feel the violent shock here!
"What's going on?" Moses asked, looking at his subordinates.

At this moment, his face was livid, like a monster that would choose someone to devour!

"Report to the general, an explosion of unknown cause occurred on the Liberty, and the ammunition depot exploded! The Liberty is now... now sunk! No one on it...survived!" The voice of the officer who reported was a little choked!

The explosion happened so suddenly that no one could react!
Even, there is no response!

because!Just now, there were too many ships that issued warnings!

This was probably put on purpose to confuse them!
But, now... a violent explosion, the battleship and the officers and soldiers on the battleship are all gone!
This huge loss is even worth the number of officers and soldiers killed in a small-scale war!
Everyone in the entire control room was stunned, and some couldn't believe it. What happened suddenly was so sudden that they didn't even have any time to react!

After 1 minute, General Moses was the first to react from the shock, and said to everyone: "Everyone is on alert, conduct a comprehensive investigation, and if you find unknown persons and objects, you can open fire immediately!"

After giving this order, Moses knew that even if he continued to investigate, there would be no major progress, because the hidden danger had already exploded, and they had already paid a huge price, and the possibility of another hidden danger was almost zero!
And he stared at the detector nervously, trying to find the location of the terrorist from the detector!

He swore that Yang Ting must pay the price, the price in blood!
This is his shame, he must take revenge today!

The sea is calm!
The huge battleship was quickly submerged, and only some scattered items were floating there, which looked extremely weird!
And those officers and soldiers who didn't put it in the highest position in their hearts, now, all of them cheered up!
This is a lesson learned from the past. If they don't investigate properly, this is what will happen to them next!

With that sudden explosion, the Internet was also bombarded!

"Just now... I thought I saw a burst of fire! It seemed like a battleship was lost!" someone said.


"That's definitely your illusion!" Someone said to the man.

"Their strength is the strongest in the world. Even if there are some faults, they will be maintained in time, and it is impossible to lose them directly!"

"And, now, who else has the strength to directly cause the United States to lose a warship!"

That person just sent such a message, and someone quickly refuted it!
And the prophet said directly: "The probability of losing a battleship directly to the United States is no less than being killed by a meteorite while walking on the road!"

However, for the prophet's remarks, this time, not many people responded again!
Because, almost at the moment he made this comment, someone posted a photo of what happened there just now, the battleship was instantly blown up!

"Fuck! How powerful is this? Who put the ammunition on it?" Someone couldn't help but say in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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