Urban Sage System

Chapter 1060 Mr. Luo ran away

Chapter 1060 Mr. Luo ran away

With one blow, the Pentagon instantly turned into four corners!
The world is quiet!
Now, in the eyes of the American people, the golden auspicious cloud has completely turned into a devil's den, where there lives a demon that can easily cause huge damage to them with just raising his hand!
"Crazy! Too crazy!" Some Americans shouted angrily!

"He dared to act wildly on our territory, he must be taught a bloody lesson!"

Some people don't know Yang Ting well, so they say such things.

Although those people can say so, those officials in the White House dare not be so self-willed, staying in the White House one by one, frowning!
This disaster was caused by Rosen at the time. Now, Rosen should be asked to solve the matter!

Besides, even if he didn't cause it, if they encounter problems that they can't solve, Rosen will have to step in to solve them in the end. After all, no matter who he is, he is the backbone and the backbone of the team. If the core figure does not come forward, even if others really have good ideas, they will not dare to implement them.

He is the final decision maker and the final reviewer. Without his consent, no one in this team would dare to make major decisions, including the president. So dependent that, without his review, I feel that there are some flaws or loopholes in my plan.

However, when they walked into the president's office, they felt something different!
If he encountered such a thing before, he would come out to solve it immediately, even if he didn't solve it immediately, he would issue his own order, but now, there has been such a big commotion outside, why is he still inside!

The president knocked on the door, walked inside, and saw Rosen, who was still sitting there!
I let go of half of my heart, as long as he is there, everything will be easy to handle, and everything will have a solution!

The president and other members also walked over, ready to follow the plan of the first strategist, and even prepared to issue orders to the outside world!
Because, in the past, the orders from Rosen never needed to be discussed!This time too!
However, after they walked in, they realized that Rosen turned his back to everyone with his eyes closed!
Seeing this situation, the president was really terrified. Could it be... dead!
When the person next to him walked over to wake him up, he let out another breath!

"Alive! It's okay!" This person he was usually afraid of, now, has become his only backer!
However, when he saw Rosen's face, especially Rosen's eyes, his heart suddenly skipped a beat!
This feeling is very bad!
He didn't know what was wrong, but it just didn't feel right. It even felt a little strange. Yes, it was strange!

However, upon closer inspection, it was Rosen again!He is the number one staff officer who usually strategizes, and is also the actual controller of the White House!
But now...

Why is his gaze so glazed over?
Could it be that he fell asleep so deadly just now that he still hasn't woken up yet?I couldn't help guessing in my heart.

"Mr. Luo, that Huaxia man, he's back again? This time... it seems like he's seeking revenge on us!" The president's voice trembled a little, but at this moment, he still forced himself to be calm and suppressed himself!

If it comes to the ability to deal with problems, I may not be able to do it myself, or I may have other shortcomings, but if I pretend to be calm in front of the public, I still have this ability!
"You... who are you?" Just after the president finished speaking, he saw the number one strategist. At this moment, he looked strange, and even looked at the president with a little fear in his eyes!

Then, he actually looked around again, with the same bewildered look on his face!
"This... where is this place? Why am I here? Didn't I dig out horse manure on the farm? How did I get here?" Rosen looked at the president, then looked around, and asked with a puzzled expression road.

However, afterward, I finally figured out the way from the portraits on the wall and the surrounding furnishings!

"This is the White House? The President's Office?" Rosen looked at the crowd in surprise and asked.

Hearing this news, those people around let out a sigh of relief!

"Uncle, my uncle! You have remembered! At this time, stop making such jokes!"

However, before such words could be uttered, Rosen said excitedly again: "Are you guys making a movie? Am I here to be dirty?"

Hearing this, those people almost fainted to the ground!
"Mr. Rosen, stop playing around with us, let alone make fun of us. That Chinese fairy, he is back again. This time he is really looking for us to settle accounts. You should quickly think of a way!"

"What kind of Chinese god, what kind of settlement! I don't understand! What are you talking about?" Rosen was confused again!
Afterwards, the president and others were fooled!

Looking carefully at Rosen again, a very bad feeling floated in their hearts instantly!
"This person... this person is not Mr. Luo! Mr. Luo has already run away!" Someone finally came to his senses and shouted loudly.

Upon receiving this news, everyone felt as if their spine had been ripped out, and they could no longer stand up. Some women even passed out directly!

Just when they were at a loss, a group of people suddenly rushed in from the door!

"Mr. President, get out of here quickly, it's dangerous here!"

After everyone experienced the initial shock, they realized that this was an emergency measure taken by the United States!
The president knew that at this time, even if he stayed by himself, it might not help!

Not even the most basic command!After being a puppet for so long, I didn't learn anything, but I learned to perform more and more realistically!

Pentagon underground base!

"The president has already evacuated, and all the dignitaries have also evacuated! Your Excellency, Minister, please take command!" An officer walked up to an old man with a Red Cross medal, saluted respectfully, and said seriously.

The old man looked solemn, his eyes moved away from him, and then fell on those strange-looking people standing in front of him!

Some of these people had blood-red skin, some had crocodile-like scales on their bodies, and some even had the barrels embedded in their arms!
These are all supernatural beings, and they are supernatural beings who have been improved by modern technology!

"After training for so long, it's time for you to show up in front of the world! Use your most fierce and brave side to completely shock the world and let them tremble under your feet! But, before that, you must first Go, tear up that yellow-skinned monkey outside!" The old man said in a sinister voice.

(End of this chapter)

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