Urban Sage System

Chapter 109 finally woke up

Chapter 109 finally woke up
"Now, you go to bed and merge with your own body." Yang Ting arranged.

Hearing Yang Ting's words, Liu Dazhuang hurriedly followed suit.

After he lay down on it, he wanted to get up and control his body, but it was useless. It had no effect at all. It was like he had completely lost contact with his body. He wanted to pick it up, but there was no point of focus at all.

This made Liu Dazhuang anxious.

"Lie there and don't move, it fits perfectly with the body." Yang Ting's voice sounded again.

Then, he drew three talisman papers in a row again, and tapped them on his shoulders and the top of his head.

After the talisman paper was pasted, Liu Dazhuang's soul seemed to be fixed there, and he could no longer move, even if he wanted to move out of his body.

Afterwards, Yang Ting bit his own finger, and tapped between Liu Dazhuang's eyebrows at once, and then mobilized his spiritual power according to what he learned from the Encyclopedia of Summoning Souls.

Draw a blood talisman!
With this talisman falling.

In the eyes, the illusory figure finally entered Liu Dazhuang's body.

The resurrection was successful!

Yang Ting took a deep breath.

Afterwards, he closed his sky pupil, and said to Zhang Su'e, "The fat man has successfully revived."

"What? Is this a success?"

When Zhang Su'e was still in a daze, the old man was surprised at first, but then he became suspicious for a while. This is too simple, too hasty, and too perfunctory!

In the past, the monks and priests invited every time, although they spent money, they were dedicated to their work. Which one didn't stop jumping and tossing for an hour before stopping, but he was lucky, it only took 10 minutes!

Sure enough, there are still cheap but no good ones, acquaintances are not trustworthy, and you can't even ask for free gifts!

Zhang Su'e was stunned for a while before realizing it, and then quickly ran to the bedside and shouted at Liu Dazhuang.

However, Liu Dazhuang still didn't react at all, as usual, no reaction at all?
Seeing that she hadn't woken up, the surprise that just flashed across Zhang Su'e's face dissipated again, becoming even heavier and more desperate!

"Hey, it really doesn't work." The old man couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

Seeing this situation, Yang Ting also frowned, but then he was relieved.

Liu Dazhuang has been out of his body for almost two days, he is very weak, and he can't break through the Lingtai Talisman he just drew.Therefore, Zhang Su'e couldn't wake up.

Afterwards, Yang Ting touched the blood talisman again. Anyone with open eyes would be able to see it. With this touch, the golden light between Liu Dazhuang's eyebrows was scraped off and became dull. No wonder.

Then Yang Ting said to Zhang Su'e again: "Sister-in-law, try calling out again now."

Zhang Su'e's eyes were a little empty, she didn't speak, she was... desperate.

His two children have already shouted anxiously.

"Dad, Daddy!"

"Dad, wake up! Dad, why are you ignoring us, woo..." The two children next to us cried and shouted!

Maybe it has been suppressed for too long, and now I can't bear it anymore.Tears gushed out like a flood that burst a bank!That heart-piercing voice was even more heart-wrenching, and everyone was moved by it.

Zhang Su'e's tears fell again.The old man also cried, and Yang Ting felt his nose sore.I am exhausted, working hard, but in the end, I am left to die in a foreign country, and my wife and children live on the streets. I am afraid that no one is not sad.

However, there is a turning point for all of this.

Suddenly, Zhang Su'e's desperate and dead eyes suddenly became brighter, and she actually saw... Liu Dazhuang's finger...moved!
She thought she was wrong, but after taking another look, she realized that she was right, his hand was moving!

moving!That's right, it's moving!

Her man's fingers are moving!

He is awake!
He really woke up!
"Big Zhuang! Da Zhuang!" Zhang Su'e couldn't control her emotions any longer, she fell down like crazy, and went to call her husband with her children!
Even the old man was shocked, his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost!
Because, he actually saw it too!He also saw that Liu Dazhuang, who had already been sentenced to death by the doctor, actually moved at this moment!

And, slowly opened his eyes, woke up!

"Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang! Da Zhuang, you finally woke up!"

Zhang Su'e cried with joy!While grabbing Liu Dazhuang's hand, he kept wiping away his tears!
And his two children were crying even more!
"Su'e, where am I? Why are you crying?" Liu Dazhuang slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at Zhang Su'e and his own child, his eyes were a little blurred and hazy.

"Da Zhuang, you...you scared me to death! It's fine, it's fine." Zhang Su'e was already a little incoherent, and didn't know what to say.

"I remember having a dream. I dreamed that I went to a strange place, but no one paid attention to me, and there were many people I didn't know. At that time, there was a person who was very fierce. I just saw Yang Ting, that guy brought me back."

The current Liu Dazhuang is still too weak to tell whether it is a dream or not.

Hearing this, Zhang Su'e finally confirmed that her husband had really died once, and that he was able to wake up again now was entirely due to the young man in front of him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Su'e quickly turned around, pulled her child and was about to kowtow to Yang Ting!

"You saved Da Zhuang's life, you saved our family, we kowtow to you!"

Kowtow again!don't!Kowtow is detrimental to his moral value.

Yang Ting was startled, and hurried to support her!
Besides, in the final analysis, I am also responsible for this matter, how dare I make her kowtow.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Isn't it right for colleagues to help each other? If I talk about it in detail, I am also responsible for this matter."

"Anyway, you are our savior. We have to repay you." Then he turned to his child and said, "Hurry up, both of you, and kowtow to the benefactor!"

"Sister-in-law, you are asking me to shorten my life! If you do this again, I will be really angry!" Yang Ting said.

Last time, 2000 points of morality were lost because of a slap from the pregnant husband. Now, he didn't want to do that.

Seeing that Yang Ting's face had changed, Zhang Su'e didn't dare to insist anymore.

"We really thank you." Zhang Su'e said again.

Even Liu Dazhuang on the bed gave Yang Ting a grateful look.

"It's right for colleagues to help each other. If you say thank you or not, it's better to see more. Besides, the most important thing now is to take care of the fat man. His body is still very weak now, and he needs to pay more attention to maintenance! Eat in the next two days Some light ones, after these two days, make up for it." Yang Ting told Zhang Su'e.

"Hmm! We all support you!" Zhang Su'e said.

Now in her heart, Yang Ting has risen to the height of a master with profound cultivation.What he said was naturally regarded as a holy scripture!
And the old man was also happy for Liu Dazhuang when he saw that he was out of danger.But then, his eyes startled, as if thinking of something, he looked towards Yang Ting.

 Thank you "Book Friends 1332422139" for your reward, thank you "Angelanddevil Emperor Shao" for your reward, thank you "Yuandou" for your reward, and thank you for your support.Fatty must work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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